Okay I finally did it............

7 replies
I unsubscribed to Seth Godin's List ! I can just here the quiteness of people here shaking their heads in disbelief of what I just did.

Hey, I know there are a lot of Godin Worshippers out there.

And I know being the Vice President of direct marketing at Yahoo, founder of Squidoo, and author of a number of New Times best sellers puts Godin as an authority in online business and offline business as well ( and also self growth and personal development.)

I know he is a genius !

I just never gained anything from his short diatribe he would include in his emails. A lot of it is just commonsense stuff wrapped up in fancy and glitzy words.

Mumbo jumbo stuff that does not really get down to the nitty gritty of things I need for improving my business.

I will stick with Brian Clarke, John Morrow, Paul Myers, Tiffany Dow and a handful of others.

Sorry ,I just had to cut out some of the Lists I was on ,and he happened to be one of

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