It's a Redundant World !

8 replies
Hey warriors ....

Something happened just the other day and it made me realise all too much how important my online business is....

Just a couple of days ago my mother got told at work she has just 2 weeks left as they are making her redundant ! :-(

She has a house, she has 3 dogs and she has 4 horses that she keeps on a plot of land...

She has worked hard all her life and because of that is lucky to have no mortgage hence she only work 4 days a week for around $1200 a month.

Her bills for the house are still around $800 including feeding her dogs, she then has to take care of the horses and off course feed herself.

As you can imagine she does not have a lot of spare cash...

And now this ! 2 weeks till she has no income at all ! Given the current climate finding another job is also a near impossible task, especially in 2 weeks !

Now those that have followed my journey online so far know that I still work a job and am working towards quitting later this year to work full time online as my own boss.

I wish I could do that now but I cant, at least I am heading in the right direction...

But here is my point....

This entire occurance has made me realise just how much we rely on a job in our lives ! With out it you could quite literally lose everything at any time, our homes, our pets ... Our livelyhood !

I know this is an aweful thing to happen and I know it is happening all over the world, but it has made me more determined than ever before to make a Huge success out of myself and never EVER be in that position !!

There is something each and every one of us can do online to build ourselves up to independance !! If you are in my position, make a change ! ... Dont let others rule your life, think about it... That is effectively what having a job is !

Ok.. let me calm down - lol

I guess what Im saying to those that do not yet have success online is never give up ! Dont ever let yourself be in the position my mum is in right now... I have had to watch her cry at night and it makes me feel sick !

So what am I going to do ?

Well I just made a promise to my mum that this time next year she will never have to work again !!!!! A bit strong? Yes but believe me I will not fail her, she finally believes in me as she see's my results beginning to happen online and that means the world to me !

So go get it warriors !! We can all do it !

Dont be another victim to the job !

Best of luck, hope you didnt mind listening

#business #job #online #redundant #success #world
  • Profile picture of the author Hugh
    Hi Dean,

    That's why I quit working for "The Man" many, many years ago.
    If I don't like my paycheck or working conditions, I just talk to the guy in the mirror.

    "Never make someone a priority in your life who makes you an option in theirs." Anon.
    "Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon." -- Winston Churchill

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  • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer

    You know the secret, go help your momma - ramp up your business - employ your mom and pay her to do support - email answering whatever - hey you could make your mum tax decuctable.

    Hope that helps.
    There are always ways and means, if you know what I mean. ;-)


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    • Profile picture of the author Sam Rodrigo
      Originally Posted by Janet Sawyer View Post

      "hey you could make your mum tax decuctable. "
      First time reading the phrase about "making one's mother tax deductible"! Well said.

      While you are at it, I wonder if the dogs and horses could be used as "business resources" in any way? That might pay for their food.

      Dean, whatever you do, I wish you success.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy

    Sorry, sometimes I reply to a post without even looking at more than the title.

    Sorry to hear about your Mum. Sometimes things like this can kick-start a whole new outlook on things. Good thing for her she's got a son who can help her see things from a totally different perspective.

    God bless,

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    Another thought provoking post, Dean.

    I'll show my Dad...he's being "downsized" this week. Redendant...aged 63...what's the point?


    Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Amazing !!

    You know what warriors, to each and everyone of you that has taken the time to post what you have.. I Thankyou !!!!!!

    I sat last night talking with my mum about what she truely enjoys in life, what makes her happy... What would she do if money wasnt an issue

    She told me she loves gardening... This I knew as she takes real care of her own garden and has a passion for that stuff

    I told my mum being 'outed' from her job may be the best thing that has ever happened to her ( Granted she does not yet agree ) but I am working with her.

    She has decided that she is going to start her own offline business by offering gardening services in the local area. I say a sparkle in her eye and even returned home today to see draft leaflets on the kitchen side !!

    I wish her ever success and will help her best I can...

    However now I read your comments my mind is once again starting to wonder... Hmmm ... Can I get something started online for my mum ??!!

    I think I am going to ask her to be more specific to me about an area of gardening that she enjoys most.. Is gardening even a niche though ?? I dont recall coming accross any products but maybe I just never really looked

    Im going to get on this !!

    Thankyou warriors, times are hard for many people all over the world.. Much harder than what is happening to my mum I know but for your kind words I thankyou deeply !

    I will keep you up to date on any developments, any further input or opinions on what I have just added would be great !

    Speak soon

    Follow My Journey To Online Success >
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  • Profile picture of the author Christa_Regalado
    Sorry to hear about you mum, Dean.

    I hope the gardening business takes off real soon. It will keep her busy and I think your mum loves gardening dearly. Creating a website for her would be a great way to put her name out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulwaltz
    Your job really is one of your greatest assets! Without it our other investments fall away.
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