I culled the crap out of my list...
I have been building my list since 2005, so I had a fairly big list. The problem was my click and open rates weren't very good (<20%).
Anyway I decided to move from Aweber to Getresponse for a few reasons that I won't bore you with. Personal preference.
So I could have imported all my lists and been done with it. I did import my buyers lists but that is all.
I then set up a form on my blog for people to resubscribe if they wanted to. I sent an email out to my Awebwe lists (not the buyers lists).
Basically I just said I was moving autoresponders and if they wanted to continue to follow me to re-subscribe.
I sent it out twice, and then a goodbye email when I closed my account.
So basically my list is now one third the size it was, which more or less jives with my open rates.
Theoretically I now have people that want to hear what I'm doing business wise etc. The uninterested and inactive are now gone.
Haven't sent out anything yet, but I expect much higher open and click rates. Not to mention I am saving a bunch of money being able to take a lower tier on Getresponse.
Anyone else done this?
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