Warrior Private Messaging

by sb06
20 replies

Can anybody tell me how one goes about getting above 10 messages allowed (this includes inbox & sent, crazy!) I've recently become much more active on this forum even though I made my account about a year ago... I'm sure I read something somewhere that gives an explanation but I can't find it now...

Also is there any sort of warrior forum related "technical difficulty" help on these boards?? Reason being I'm only allowed 10 messages (including inbox & sent messages) and I only have 3 in my inbox and and 2 sent... but it says I have "7 messages stored a total of 10 allowed"

Not sure where to go to get help so I thought I'd ask here... thanks
guys n gals!
#messaging #private #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Get a War Room account for $37.


    It dramatically increases your PM limit to something like 400+.
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    • Profile picture of the author sb06
      Is it $37 total... or $37 monthly.... ALSO is there any other way to go about increasing your PM storage?? Like amount of threads/posts created... or am I stuck at a 10 message limit regardless unless I pay the $37. thanks!
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by sb06 View Post

        Is it $37 total... or $37 monthly.... ALSO is there any other way to go about increasing your PM storage?? Like amount of threads/posts created... or am I stuck at a 10 message limit regardless unless I pay the $37. thanks!
        It is a one time $37 fee and gives you access to the private War Room section of the forum and the increased PM limit.

        That is the only way to increase your PM limit (that I know of).

        No amount of posting will do that.
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  • Profile picture of the author juangarciamtl
    if you pay $37 you get 500 messages storage
    plus you get access to the war room

    More than 105 modules , scrapes, post and make money.

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  • Profile picture of the author sb06
    $37 is a a lot of money to a broke college student trying to makes ends meet as it IS!!

    If I had to ask you guys (who are already War Room members...) Now that you are members, what are the top 3 reasons (in your opinion) to upgrade and become War Room members


    *Note I will prob invest in a War Room Room account, but I'm honestly curious as to what members have to say...
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    • Profile picture of the author LexiB
      Originally Posted by sb06 View Post

      $37 is a a lot of money to a broke college student trying to makes ends meet as it IS!!

      If I had to ask you guys (who are already War Room members...) Now that you are members, what are the top 3 reasons (in your opinion) to upgrade and become War Room members


      *Note I will prob invest in a War Room Room account, but I'm honestly curious as to what members have to say...
      1) Some good content if you pick through it
      2) It's only $27 more than the $10 option and I'm a sucker for the upsell
      3) You can sell WSOs and if you're not creating your own stuff, you should be.

      150) Increased PM limit

      It's worth it. Allen's posts are great as well and worth WAY more than the $37 but I always have a hard time finding them.
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      • Profile picture of the author sb06
        Originally Posted by LexiB View Post

        3) You can sell WSOs and if you're not creating your own stuff, you should be.

        totally ready & forgot about the capability... well said!
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    • Profile picture of the author onSubie
      Originally Posted by sb06 View Post

      If I had to ask you guys (who are already War Room members...) Now that you are members, what are the top 3 reasons (in your opinion) to upgrade and become War Room members

      1) It's a bit like a WSO forum where you don't have to pay for anything

      2) Once you get over the 'shiny object' syndrome you only have to visit occasionally to see what's new

      3) You can quickly make back your $37 by reselling PLR and MRR products found there
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      • Profile picture of the author sb06
        Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

        2) Once you get over the 'shiny object' syndrome you only have to visit occasionally to see what's new
        God knows after an entire YEAR of doing IM research... I'm STILL totally and hopelessly involved in the the "shiny object" syndrome

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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by sb06 View Post

      If I had to ask you guys (who are already War Room members...) Now that you are members, what are the top 3 reasons (in your opinion) to upgrade and become War Room members

      I VERY rarely visit the War Room. I can't remember the last time I did. Yes, there is a lot of stuff in there, free products and tools people are offering, but if you're not careful that stuff can do just as much harm as good. More information and more tools is very rarely what you need to succeed. Focus is the key to Internet marketing so I always try to stay away from any temptations like that. That's just my personal choice though. I've never really seen anything I couldn't live without.

      My main reason for the War Room membership is:

      1) Ability to post WSO's

      2) Increased Private Message limit
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    • Profile picture of the author GaurabBorah
      Hey Sarah, WarRoom membership is a great resource for newbies.

      1) There are lot of good reputed Warriors who has shared some brilliant stuff there. That otherwise you would have to pay for. Its just $37 one time fee.

      I myself have found few good stuff there like squeeze pages, tips, methods, made few friends too

      2) Ability to start a thread in WSO section, Classified ads, in Warriors for hire section..You can make some good money there for sure.

      3) PM offcourse... you don't have to worry about 10 PM per hour stuff.

      Hope this helps!

      Originally Posted by sb06 View Post

      $37 is a a lot of money to a broke college student trying to makes ends meet as it IS!!

      If I had to ask you guys (who are already War Room members...) Now that you are members, what are the top 3 reasons (in your opinion) to upgrade and become War Room members


      *Note I will prob invest in a War Room Room account, but I'm honestly curious as to what members have to say...
      [WSOTD] Easy STEP-BY-STEP $50-$100/Day Posting Lame FB Ads!*WARRIORS MAKING MONEY*(New Social PROOF)...Click here
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Durden

    I have the same problem.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      There's a link up top that says Help Desk.

      They have their own domain just for the Help Desk.

      Any technical issues can always be inquired about at the Help Desk.

      ps: Thomas Rocks!

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnyEnglish
    Go for Warroom member or delete your previous pm
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    If your "Messages Stored" number is not correct you need to log out and then log in again. If you are staying logged in when you come and go the PM stats get screwed up for some reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Delete your sent items folder - that should clear up some space.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    If you can't affords to pay the $37 membership to the war room then you have to keep deleting your messages. It is as simple as that. However, a $37 investment in your future is well worth missing out on a few takeaway lunches at uni.
    I am on a disability pension and I join ed because it's cheaper than not joining because of all the additional freebies you get.

    But it is your business and you choose to run it as you see fit.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author rlcf
      Become a War Room Member like all the cool kids..
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      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by Daniel Carnett View Post

        Become a War Room Member like all the cool kids..
        It's about time I get to be one of the cool kids. Maybe soon i will get to sit with the cool kids in the cafeteria


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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        • Profile picture of the author tpw
          Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

          It's about time I get to be one of the cool kids. Maybe soon i will get to sit with the cool kids in the cafeteria


          You might be disappointed. Some of the cool kids only seem that way from a distance. :p
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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