How much startup capital to get a decent book going?
What I've observed is that rival products in one of my niches, although they are inferior (in my opinion, but let's take that as a given for now) sometimes have more sales and more reviews.
I looked into this from a link I found here on the WF. It seems like the marketing aspect of book publishing heavily involves sending out free copies to reviewers and "influencers" on Facebook who can spread the message to a large number of interested people.
I noticed that one book in particular came onto the scene recently and has 10 times more reviews than mine, in about a quarter of the time. It appears that the author did exactly this - there are many review sites on the Internet with links to his book.
Can anyone else give me a ballpark figure, from their own experience, how much startup capital they need to create a good marketing buzz for their book?
I know there are too many factors involved for cast-iron conclusions to be drawn, but any info would be appreciated!
Benny L -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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