Clickbank affiliate just contacted me and...

15 replies
... they told me that they can bring me an extra 200+ sales per week if I pay them commissions on EVERY sale that goes through my site on my main sales page BUT they do not want to use an affiliate link.

They are basically asking me to pay them their commission via PayPal every time they hit xxx amount of sales directly (not through the normal Clickbank affiliate link).

I'm obviously not going to do this because it screams "scam" to me.

Has anyone had affiliates propose this to them before? My guess is they send a ton of "fake" sales, get their commissions via PayPal then refund everything via Clickbanks lenient refund policy..
#affiliate #clickbank #contacted
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    They are willing to cheat Clickbank - would they think twice about cheating you?

    It's the old hook: "I can do a lot for YOU if you just help me with this one little thingie..."

    I'm sure a few sellers get greedy thinking "more sales for me" - but most of us see a request like this and think "pond scum".
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author alksense
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      It's the old hook: "I can do a lot for YOU if you just help me with this one little thingie..."
      You're dead on with that comment - this is the email I received:

      Hi Anton ,

      I have seen your ad on XXXXXXX and I am more than keen to work as
      an affiliate for the product, However I have one small special request to discuss. If you are ok with it we can start our JV right away.

      Shall we discuss further?

      Do you use skype?

      We are aiming a 200+ sales per week .

      Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author joaquin112
    Yep, scam. Why wouldn't they want to get paid through CB? There may be a few legit reasons, but I'd say this is a scam in the majority of cases.

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    • Profile picture of the author vendor
      Here is how this scam works.
      The guy has a huge list of stolen credit cards.
      If he buys via his own affiliate link at clickbank then he would
      need to put real details (address etc..) in order for clickbank to send him the money. Since the cards are stolen he can be tracked that way easily.
      The most simple solution for him is to contact the Vendor (you) and simply ask you to send commissions directly via paypal while he inputs transactions using stolen cards via clickbank without an affiliate link so he will not be traced. After the payments are made and you send him his portion of the commission he will disappear and you will be left with a huge pile of refunds and chargebacks from the card owners once they discover their cards have been used fraudulently.

      I know this well becuase i almost fell to that kind of scam 2 years ago as a vendor.


      if you have his affiliate link(if he has one) send it to clickbank
      as i guarantee he is trouble for both Clickbank and Clickbank vendors.
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    This guy asked about the exact situation:

    Warrior advice was "stay away", but he ignored the warriors and followed up with this thread:

    He was banned shortly after but I don't now if it was due to these threads or other behaviour.

    If you are doing this, I would make sure you do not send any "commissions" until at least 60 days after the sale to make sure you don't pay him then lose all the sales because the transactions were fraudulant.

    He wants you to pay the commissions up front on the assumption they will be legitimate transactions.

    But once the transactions fall through- you will lose the money from sales and also have already paid the commission in cash via paypal.
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    • Profile picture of the author alksense
      Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

      This guy asked about the exact sutuation:

      Warrior advice was "stay away", but he ignored the warriors and followed up with this thread:

      He was banned shortly after but I don't now if it was due to these threads or other behaviour.

      If you are doing this, I would make sure you do not send any "commissions" until at least 60 days after the sale to make sure you don't pay him then lose all the sales because the transactions were fraudulant.

      He wants you to pay the commissions up front on the assumption they will be legitimate transactions.

      But once the transactions fall through- you will lose the money from sales and also have already paid the commission in cash via paypal.
      Thanks for sharing those links!

      As stated in the OP - I wasn't going to make this deal. I just wanted to see if anyone else was aware of this and shed light on this new type of "scam" for those who are not.

      It's too bad that other guy got banned.. I wonder how many of those "sales" were refunded. I'm sure it was close to 100% (if not all).
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    If someone was really that good, they'd have no problem making that money without having to beg you for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Danielle Lynn
    As Kay said, I wouldn't bother with them. They sound shady.

    If you decided to proceed, then the only way to be 'safe' would be to counter that you'd pay them out - after a 60 day holding period to cover potential returns.

    If I had to guess, they'll stop contacting you after that offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      This one certainly sounds, on the face of it, like the stolen credit-card-numbers scam rather than the refund scam, but either way it's clearly one to avoid, as you rightly decided at the outset!
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  • Profile picture of the author rodsav
    Yes, I would agree - sounds shady and probably would not bother with it either. He probably has al large list of stolen credit cards. It has SCAM written all over it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    I probably won't listen to that guy any way he is a fraud for sure. Don't trust him with any thing. block him
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