Where Should I Spend My $10,000?
Here are the 3 areas I wish to invest in:
1.) Ebay- This past 2 months my friend Gary taught me to work with close out sales purchasing inventory pennies on the dollar such as computers. Two months ago I purchased $5k of inventory from a mom and pop store that was liquidating their products and I was able to make $20k selling it to another buyer in 2 months.
2.) Business Crediting - I partnered with a man name Iron Dane Richards that helps business sell business credit. 3 months ago I worked with only 3 clients but made about $8,000 building their business credit. I am thinking about working strickly with personal credit lines instead of business due to how bad everyone's credit is these days. I have made $6,000 this month on personal credit lines, but I had to work with about 12 clients. There is more work in personal credit but much more high demand than business credit.
3.) Buying and Selling Businesses - I use to own a construction business and did very well marketing it. I was able to get 300 Free visitors to my construction business daily in 6 months and wish to buy companies, instead of websites and create a website for the company, market it, build a strong credit line for the company, than sell it. I did this once and it was a ton of work. Invested $7,000 and had a $18,000 return in 4 months.
I hope I am not boring you with this, but I enjoy each of these ventures I have done, but would like input from anyone entrepreneur minded letting me know if you have any thoughts, or recommendations on why I should invest more of my time and money into one of these ventures. I want to focus most or all my energies on one of these.
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