[Video] Clickbank has me laughing..

14 replies
Hey Fellow Warriors,

I recently added this video to my youtube chanel that involves clickbank, something funny and maybe something you all can relate to when you were first starting out in this Internet Marketing game! I created this last month, but only uploaded it recently.

I wont embed the video here as I am not sure of the TOS allow me to do so without my thread being removed..

So here is the YouTube link. And I hope you guys enjoy, and also have a laugh like I did ;0)

p.s sorry if the audio isn't great, I didn't have my new headset at the time!
#clickbank #laughing #video
  • Profile picture of the author Jayy
    I'm confused..

    Whats the funny bit?
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  • Profile picture of the author conanedo
    yup what's the funny? maybe the total money at analytic not same with at home (first overview) clickbank?

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    The video isn't funny at all.

    Nor is this thread.

    What was the point of this thread?

    There's two minutes I won't be getting back.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Williams
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      The video isn't funny at all.

      Nor is this thread.

      What was the point of this thread?

      There's two minutes I won't be getting back.
      Its okay Will R, you can always spend the 2 minutes adding another post to your count of 9 thousand on the warrior forum. Sorry to offend you.

      1) I didn't say the video had any jokes, calm down. If you didn't find it funny, that's cool.

      2) The "funny" moment I had was I had been trying hard to earn some money at the start, only to find I couldn't even draw my cash out from clickbank since I had not met the "cdr" yet.

      3) Don't hate. 68 people viewed the thread and didn't feel the need to cry. Its cool if you didn't get the next big marketing tip from my thread, its a progress of my journey, so I posted it.

      That's all. Thanks for looking. Have a good day, go outside maybe.
      Right To The Point

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      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
        I hope your future contributions here will be better than this one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    Hey Steve,

    Fellow Brit here, I must admit I was expecting to see something funny, but I get what you mean - it is a pain with the CDR - still awesome start man - you will get a few more sales and get past that in no time and then the cheques will start coming in! $$$'s!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7929880].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Williams
      Originally Posted by Chri5123 View Post

      Hey Steve,

      Fellow Brit here, I must admit I was expecting to see something funny, but I get what you mean - it is a pain with the CDR - still awesome start man - you will get a few more sales and get past that in no time and then the cheques will start coming in! $$$'s!
      Hey thanks Chris a fellow brit, good to see on this board. Yes with extra hard work that I am putting in, I am getting past these hiccups along the way.

      Its looking good so far!

      Working on my website, have good squeeze page conversions already, have my 1st blog up, auto-responded and hosting done. Building my list currently and working on content to sell and a sales funnel.

      All the best!
      Right To The Point

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      • Profile picture of the author Bruce Wedding
        Here, this will make up for the "not funny" video. This one actually is funny:

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        • Profile picture of the author agmccall
          Maybe the funny part is where you did not read the clickbank terms when you signed up so you know how and when you get paid. Now that is a HOOT

          "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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        • Profile picture of the author kary yucef
          Originally Posted by Bruce Wedding View Post

          Here, this will make up for the "not funny" video. This one actually is funny:

          Kinder Gentler Clickbank - YouTube
          looool, now that one is funny !!
          "If you think education is expensive - consider the cost of ignorance."
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    [Video] Clickbank has me laughing..

    Translation - "I hope someone clicks on either my video annotation or my signature link"

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    I guess it doesn't take much to get you laughing, so here's a good one for you ...

    A man walks into a bar. He says' "ouch!"

    It was an iron bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author 2packrats2
    Sure you are supposed to read the TOS but who really does? Too easy just to click the I agree button and move on. I think Clickbank's CDR requirement is a clever way for them to make money off affiliates who have less than 5 sales and then stop trying.
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