Does anyone have any luck with safelists such as....

by devonm
6 replies
those safelists like what is listed HERE ? Like the JVlists and so on, this sort of safelists.

Anyone have any sort of luck. I want to hear anything before I either jackpot or waste my energy.
#luck #safelists
  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    The only thing I see with these is that people read e-mails only to earn points so that they can send their own solo (or whatever this particular deal is). Personally I wouldn't bother with them, don't think they're worth the effort...

    Better just to pay for decent advertising from the start in my opinion...

    What were you looking to use this for?

    Martin Platt

    Stuck with earning commissions online? Get this get this uncensored affiliate marketing guide for free (sold as coaching for $4,997)

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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    I wouldn't bother with safelists or any of that nonsense. Those are for amateurs.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    The key here is not to promote salespages as you only get 10 second views at best.

    I have generated thousands of leads from safelists and turned many into great customers, but like all traffic sources you have to spend time learning the basics.

    Here's a facebook group that will really help you get to see how they work

    Just remember that most people fail because they send a few thousand hits to a page without understanding how it works and then blame the traffic source rather than themselves for advertising poorly.
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by AndrewStark View Post

      The key here is not to promote salespages as you only get 10 second views at best.

      I have generated thousands of leads from safelists and turned many into great customers, but like all traffic sources you have to spend time learning the basics.

      Here's a facebook group that will really help you get to see how they work

      Just remember that most people fail because they send a few thousand hits to a page without understanding how it works and then blame the traffic source rather than themselves for advertising poorly.
      I agree with this fully, if we are not making money from our efforts, is that our fault or the traffics fault?
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Safelist traffic is actually highly targeted: if you're using the traffic to build a list and then promote something specifically targeted at safelist traffic, it's absolutely ideal.

        That's why some Warriors are making such substantial monthly incomes from it (and I'm not talking about the safelist-owners).

        The problem is that many people try to use safelist traffic to promote something that isn't specifically targeted at safelist traffic (in other words they're trying to sell violins in a fish-market) and then, rather than saying "I screwed up", they prefer to say "safelist traffic is untargeted".

        If you're promoting something that's aimed at safelist users, then safelist traffic is probably going to be good for you. And if you're not, why are you even asking?
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