Creating E-Books On Health And Not Getting Banned By The Medical Gestapo
The problem is that main stream medicine does not claim it can be cured and they do not want anybody to make those claims even if it is true.
Main stream medicine makes its money from drugs and surgery and they are protected by a certain agency of a certain powerful government. It is basically a fascist alliance.
Can anyone give any pointers on what I can do to publish this e-book so that I do not get it removed from any of the advertising venues on which I am going to be selling it?
I know that Google would roll on its back, expose its belly, and wag its tail with a heart of submission if the certain govt. agency told them to take down my advertising of the e-book.
Of course I will put disclaimers that although it worked for my mother, we are not making claims that it will work for you blah blah blah.
Any other helpful feedback would be appreciated. I want to create this ebook but I want to make sure it does not get banned.

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