Creating E-Books On Health And Not Getting Banned By The Medical Gestapo

35 replies
Through research I found out how to cure my mother's xxxxxx disease and what we found worked and she was cured twice. She has been free of it for over two years now.

The problem is that main stream medicine does not claim it can be cured and they do not want anybody to make those claims even if it is true.

Main stream medicine makes its money from drugs and surgery and they are protected by a certain agency of a certain powerful government. It is basically a fascist alliance.

Can anyone give any pointers on what I can do to publish this e-book so that I do not get it removed from any of the advertising venues on which I am going to be selling it?

I know that Google would roll on its back, expose its belly, and wag its tail with a heart of submission if the certain govt. agency told them to take down my advertising of the e-book.

Of course I will put disclaimers that although it worked for my mother, we are not making claims that it will work for you blah blah blah.

Any other helpful feedback would be appreciated. I want to create this ebook but I want to make sure it does not get banned.

#banned #creating #ebooks #gestapo #health #medical #versus
  • Profile picture of the author EllesBelles
    What are you advising people to do? Eat a special diet, medicate themselves, change their lifestyle?

    Realistically, if you are claiming that you can cure an incurable disease, you'll need to prove that it works through scientific studies on individual, unbiased patients. There are companies that can organize this type of medical study for you, but it is costly.

    Otherwise, you are making unproved claims, and whatever disclaimers you attach, that is dangerous. Most advertising networks won't want much to do with that, and you'll experience difficulties with medical agencies.

    How you can work this will depend very much on both how realistic your method is, and what disease you are trying to cure. I appreciate that you won't want to share the exact technique, but if you can be a little more specific, it may be helpful.
    Social Media Strategist. Digital Storyteller.

    Social Media Consultant

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author butters
    What is the xxxxxxx disease? How have cured the xxxxxx disease?

    Cure is a very specific word in medicine, I wont go into my annoyance of people who claim to know a cure when it reality they mask the symptoms. Never the less, I would seriously suggest not using the word CURE for huge legal reasons.
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  • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
    If you want to stay in compliance with US law, here is a reference from the Federal Trade Commission on requirements for health-related claims:

    Substantiation: The Science of Compliance | BCP Business Center

    Marcia Yudkin
    Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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    • Profile picture of the author KingArthur
      I am not experienced in this area, but if you wrote the book as a personal testimony of your mother's experience and put a disclaimer that this was a testimony and not specific advice for others then I believe that would be legal and you may not have any problems.

      It is not illegal to publish a testimony about what happened in your mother's case and what she used to get rid of the disease.

      Also, do not use the word "cure" but instead use something like this:

      "How I got rid of my xyz disease" and write if from your mother's perspective with her imput.


      "How I banished xyz disease from my body" and write it as if your mother was speaking.......


      "How My Mother Defeated XYZ Disease .........."
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      • Profile picture of the author butters
        Originally Posted by KingArthur View Post

        I am not experienced in this area, but if you wrote the book as a personal testimony of your mother's experience and put a disclaimer that this was a testimony and not specific advice for others then I believe that would be legal and you may not have any problems.

        It is not illegal to publish a testimony about what happened in your mother's case and what she used to get rid of the disease.

        Also, do not use the word "cure" but instead use something like this:

        "How I got rid of my xyz disease" and write if from your mother's perspective with her imput.


        "How I banished xyz disease from my body" and write it as if your mother was speaking.......


        "How My Mother Defeated XYZ Disease .........."
        Note for everyone: I would be very careful listening to legal advice given by someone who isn't a lawyer and inexperienced, recipe for disaster.
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        • Profile picture of the author KingArthur
          Originally Posted by butters View Post

          Note for everyone: I would be very careful listening to legal advice given by someone who isn't a lawyer and inexperienced, recipe for disaster.
          Yes, you are right. Please know that what I said above is personal opinion only and is not legal advice. Please check with a lawyer before doing what you have in mind. Only take my suggestions as raw stuff and filter them through legal minds familiar with this field.

          Even though I am a King, I am not knowledgeable about the laws of all realms.

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  • Anywhere where there is tons of money to be made the powers will ban you from being able to say the truth "in the name of safety". Medical is one of the niches. I got sick and found out that the doctors (most) are liars in the name of making money and kill thousands with lies. But I can't speak the truth because of the regulations they made, so be careful if you venture into medical they even arrest people, it's very very sad. There are other niches like that and more are to come because everyone likes monopoly and to ban from others entering their niche if it's profitable like Medical is (one of the top niches).

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    Ask Kevin Trudeau this question......also, google him and his various legal troubles and use that to decide what you should do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    I am a certified acupuncturist and certified in many natural therapies, but I want to say that you are walking on shaky ground. It is against the law to diagnose, treat or cure disease unless you are a medical doctor.

    Individual states have laws on this and any of them could come after you, along with the federal government.

    First, I would not use any of those terms in the ebook, or on the sales page or any links pointing to it.

    Secondly, I would research how others have handled this. Go to clickbank and type in diseases such as arthritis. I was reading a sales page just this morning and was impressed with how it was worded about his condition and what he found cleared the problem/moved his system back to good health.

    It can be done, with proper disclaimers and language, you just need to research it and stay away from treat, cure and diagnose language.

    Take the info you researched and You will also want to contact a lawyer that can guide you on this.

    Originally Posted by Unity96387 View Post

    Through research I found out how to cure my mother's xxxxxx disease and what we found worked and she was cured twice. She has been free of it for over two years now.

    The problem is that main stream medicine does not claim it can be cured and they do not want anybody to make those claims even if it is true.

    Main stream medicine makes its money from drugs and surgery and they are protected by a certain agency of a certain powerful government. It is basically a fascist alliance.

    Can anyone give any pointers on what I can do to publish this e-book so that I do not get it removed from any of the advertising venues on which I am going to be selling it?

    I know that Google would roll on its back, expose its belly, and wag its tail with a heart of submission if the certain govt. agency told them to take down my advertising of the e-book.

    Of course I will put disclaimers that although it worked for my mother, we are not making claims that it will work for you blah blah blah.

    Any other helpful feedback would be appreciated. I want to create this ebook but I want to make sure it does not get banned.

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Originally Posted by Unity96387 View Post

    I found out how to cure my mother's xxxxxx disease and what we found worked and she was cured twice....

    The problem is that main stream medicine does not claim it can be cured and they do not want anybody to make those claims even if it is true.
    If she was cured "twice" does that mean the "first" cure was not actually a cure?

    Sorry, but an ad hoc claim about your mom in the face of what you call "gestapo / fascist" scientific research and study hardly makes you seem like a credible source. Trying to make a buck off an ebook? Even less credible. There's your problem: credibility.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
      I´m not attorney, so take this as it goes...

      If you tell the story of your mom, and give an accurate description of what she did to cure herself, you are not making any claim, you are just stating facts.

      It is the only thing you can honestly do, because the methods used in your mother can or cannot work in general.

      The same happens with pharmaceuticals, but that is a discussion for a different forum.

      When I write about health issues, I go to pubmed and pick up medical research. So they are not my claims, but the researchers´claims.

      And when I talk about folk medicine, I use a disclaimer saying that it is folk, but it had been working for xx years... (with some Ayurvedic and Chinese herbs it those numbers can be in the 1000s)
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
      Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

      If she was cured "twice" does that mean the "first" cure was not actually a cure?

      Sorry, but an ad hoc claim about your mom in the face of what you call "gestapo / fascist" scientific research and study hardly makes you seem like a credible source. Trying to make a buck off an ebook? Even less credible. There's your problem: credibility.

      The thing with scientific research applied to medicine is that the scientific method cannot be applied successfully to life while the individual is alive, with exceptions.

      In most cases they use statistics, and the choice of the ensemble is laughable.

      Have a look at the reports and the research... it would be funny if it were not so sad.
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    • Profile picture of the author LarryC
      Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

      If she was cured "twice" does that mean the "first" cure was not actually a cure?

      Sorry, but an ad hoc claim about your mom in the face of what you call "gestapo / fascist" scientific research and study hardly makes you seem like a credible source. Trying to make a buck off an ebook? Even less credible. There's your problem: credibility.

      I don't see why someone trying to make money from an ebook makes them "less credible," especially in a marketing forum. Do you find the pharmaceutical companies that are often behind "scientific" research credible, despite the enormous profits they make?

      How much do doctors make for prescribing all these pills and often unnecessary and dangerous medical procedures? A lot more than a small time marketer selling a $20 or even a $99 ebook.

      I have no idea how valid the OP's "cure" may be, or even what it's supposed to cure. However, I also think the term "medical Gestapo," as inflammatory as it may sound, is justified. In a free society, people should be able to choose what to believe and what treatments to try.

      The power held by doctors and the medical establishment today rivals that of priests in the Middle Ages.
      Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
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      • Profile picture of the author butters
        Originally Posted by LarryC View Post

        I don't see why someone trying to make money from an ebook makes them "less credible," especially in a marketing forum. Do you find the pharmaceutical companies that are often behind "scientific" research credible, despite the enormous profits they make?
        Yes... All of their research is pier reviewed by medical professionals unrelated to their business. It isn't them saying that their drug works, it is professionals working within the field who says it works. Then they have to go through various stages of testing which has to be approved by the FDA or other government agencies depending on the country. Once the drug has finally got through the stages, small clinical trials are done to test the affects. Then larger trials are done, remembering these are all monitored by outside, unbiased health professionals. So are they more credible then the guy who sits at home and thinks that they come up with a cure? Yes...

        How much do doctors make for prescribing all these pills and often unnecessary and dangerous medical procedures? A lot more than a small time marketer selling a $20 or even a $99 ebook.
        This annoys me, doctors do not willingly prescribe pills unnecessarily, a patient presents THEIR problems to the doctor, they do the tests (which are sometimes only narrow down the field of possible causes) they then prescribe drugs on the basis of their findings and what you told them. If you don't tell them everything, then they can not prescribe accurately, most people leave out details when they try to portray their symptoms, not on purpose but they do. You are quick to pick on the horror stories of the medical professional but how about you say the percentage of successfully treated patients to horror stories? I can pretty safely say that it will be in overwhelming favour of successfully treated patients.

        Also doctors get paid so much because of the responsibility put on their shoulders, the amount of dedication they have to have for their job. There are MANY professions out their which would pay a lot more if they dedicated the same amount of time a week to what they dedicate.

        I have no idea how valid the OP's "cure" may be, or even what it's supposed to cure. However, I also think the term "medical Gestapo," as inflammatory as it may sound, is justified. In a free society, people should be able to choose what to believe and what treatments to try.
        People are free to do what ever they want? No one is stopping people from trying his supposed cure but when that cure goes wrong, who do they turn to for help? It's all well and good bashing doctors, saying that they do this and that but the reality of the situation is this. They make mistakes, they mess up just like you and I do but unfortunately when they mess up, their mess up costs a life or damages one.

        The power held by doctors and the medical establishment today rivals that of priests in the Middle Ages.
        Don't use them then. The difference is between priests and doctors now, they are all held accountable for their actions by independent boards and can face prosecution for misconduct.
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        • Profile picture of the author LarryC
          [QUOTE=butters;7951597]Yes... All of their research is pier reviewed by medical professionals unrelated to their business. It isn't them saying that their drug works, it is professionals working within the field who says it works. Then they have to go through various stages of testing which has to be approved by the FDA or other government agencies depending on the country. Once the drug has finally got through the stages, small clinical trials are done to test the affects. Then larger trials are done, remembering these are all monitored by outside, unbiased health professionals. So are they more credible then the guy who sits at home and thinks that they come up with a cure? Yes... >>

          I'm afraid you have a naive view of how the system works. Pharmaceutical companies are very much involved with funding both research and medical schools. For example,
          As drug industry?s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias - Washington Post

          For another perspective on the current state of mainstream medicine:
          Experiment shows medical doctors to be glorified drug dealers, easily manipulated by drug companies
          Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
        Originally Posted by LarryC View Post

        The power held by doctors and the medical establishment today rivals that of priests in the Middle Ages.
        And the word "science" has replaced the word "religion" in the sense of: "shut up and do what I say, even if it feels utterly wrong."
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      • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
        In a free society, people should be able to choose what to believe and what treatments to try.
        In the U.S., people generally are free to choose what to believe and what treatments to try FOR THEMSELVES.

        You are free to believe in any "cure" you want. Laws come into play when it comes to communicating your beliefs to others as if they were facts or when it comes to treatments for people too young or incompetent to decide for themselves.

        Marcia Yudkin
        Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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        • Profile picture of the author LarryC
          Originally Posted by marciayudkin View Post

          In the U.S., people generally are free to choose what to believe and what treatments to try FOR THEMSELVES.

          You are free to believe in any "cure" you want. Laws come into play when it comes to communicating your beliefs to others as if they were facts or when it comes to treatments for people too young or incompetent to decide for themselves.

          Marcia Yudkin
          If people aren't free to make claims simply because those claims run counter to the profits of special interests, that's not freedom. Furthermore, there are forces at work that want to limit our ability to even make such choices. See, for example, the criminalization of raw milk in the U.S. recently and the continued suppression of medical marijuana (though this is easing up in some places). Preserving medical freedom is an uphill battle right now, and it goes beyond words and claims.
          Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
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    • Profile picture of the author Unity96387
      Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

      If she was cured "twice" does that mean the "first" cure was not actually a cure?

      Sorry, but an ad hoc claim about your mom in the face of what you call "gestapo / fascist" scientific research and study hardly makes you seem like a credible source. Trying to make a buck off an ebook? Even less credible. There's your problem: credibility.


      LOL !!!

      You and the five people who thanked you for your post have not seen your way out of the box and I bet you trust in your medical doctor without knowing that 100,000 people or more die from medical mistakes each year. That is like a whole city being wiped out each year due to the money loving medical matrix that most people are trapped in.

      Thanks go to the people on this thread who have seen their way out of the matrix and know that the best healing can take place outside of the system which has trapped most people. The best healing modalities are found in natural medicine and alternative treatments.

      As far as my motives for writing the e-book.... I want to confess that I am motivated by the desire to bring to the attention of people something that healed my mother of xxxxx and this could work for others also. I also believe that I should be rewarded monetarily for making this information known.

      Any arguments that come from people who have gone to schools of the system and are brain washed by the formal learning that they have put themselves under pale in comparison to those who have not been brainwashed, but have been opened minded enough to know that the upper echelons of medicine will do anything to keep their system going even though it means withholding cheap natural therapies from people that work. These money loving medical professionals favor of treatments that are more harmful, but make the greedy ones plenty of money.

      Yes, the government does work hand in hand with the pharmaceutical companies and other big companies involved in the medical matrix. It truly is a fascist alliance. There have been gun toting jack booted govt. thugs who have tried to put a stop to cheap cancer treatments that worked and were helping people. I could go on and on about this and give you many examples to prove my point, but I have already put enough time and energy into this post to wrap it up here.

      May all of you find the truth and if you have a heart that desires the truth you will find it.


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      • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
        Originally Posted by Unity96387 View Post

        LOL !!!

        You and the five people who thanked you for your post have not seen your way out of the box and I bet you trust in your medical doctor without knowing that 100,000 people or more die from medical mistakes each year. That is like a whole city being wiped out each year due to the money loving medical matrix that most people are trapped in.

        Thanks go to the people on this thread who have seen their way out of the matrix and know that the best healing can take place outside of the system which has trapped most people. The best healing modalities are found in natural medicine and alternative treatments.

        As far as my motives for writing the e-book.... I want to confess that I am motivated by the desire to bring to the attention of people something that healed my mother of xxxxx and this could work for others also. I also believe that I should be rewarded monetarily for making this information known.

        Any arguments that come from people who have gone to schools of the system and are brain washed by the formal learning that they have put themselves under pale in comparison to those who have not been brainwashed, but have been opened minded enough to know that the upper echelons of medicine will do anything to keep their system going even though it means withholding cheap natural therapies from people that work. These money loving medical professionals favor of treatments that are more harmful, but make the greedy ones plenty of money.

        Yes, the government does work hand in hand with the pharmaceutical companies and other big companies involved in the medical matrix. It truly is a fascist alliance. There have been gun toting jack booted govt. thugs who have tried to put a stop to cheap cancer treatments that worked and were helping people. I could go on and on about this and give you many examples to prove my point, but I have already put enough time and energy into this post to wrap it up here.

        May all of you find the truth and if you have a heart that desires the truth you will find it.


        You are lacking balance here. Allopathic medicine is a wonderful thing for its area of applicability.

        If someone breaks a leg or is shot, if someone burns or has any other "mechanical" problem, an allopathic md is the way to go.

        If, on the other hand, someone has any of the nutritional deficiency illnesses, consequence of poisoning or any of its combinations - including cancer (there, I said it!), then allopathic medicine can´t help because the formation in nutrition is very limited and the model behind the allopathic medicine is mechanistic. So it is not enough to explain the multitude of processes of a living organism. Life is highly non lineal. Non lineal analysis is only in its infancy; as far as I know there are no efficient models that can make predictions within the scientific method.
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      • Profile picture of the author mariomvr
        Hey Unity96387,

        Forget about what you know or think you know for a second. How do you know that something works?

        By testing it with multiple people right? So before you even think about writing a book, my advice is to find other people that will volunteer to your system. If you can cure them, then write your book and gather their testimonial.

        Now, realize that you are talking about health here, you may kill someone with your method, are you prepared to face the consequences of failure?

        As to releasing your book I wouldn't worry about Google, the Government or whatever institution. Create your book with your target audience in mind, do market research to see how they speak, what kind of treatments they have used, what are their expectations and so forth, and then use that knowledge to create a framework and title that resonates with your audience.

        Most of my family is in the health industry (doctors, speach therapists, pharmacists,...) so you shouldn't really generalize when you say "Any arguments that come from people who have gone to schools of the system and are brain washed by the formal learning that they have put themselves under pale in comparison to those who have not been brainwashed, but have been opened minded enough to know that the upper echelons of medicine will do anything to keep their system going even though it means withholding cheap natural therapies from people that work. These money loving medical professionals favor of treatments that are more harmful, but make the greedy ones plenty of money.".

        That makes you look ignorant, full of yourself and any respect that we might have for your cause is going to be diluted.

        Best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Originally Posted by Unity96387 View Post

    Through research I found out how to cure my mother's xxxxxx disease and what we found worked
    This research was done where? If you found it through research then others know about it surely?

    and she was cured twice. She has been free of it for over two years now.
    My humble (non legal, non medical) opinion is that people are cured ONCE if it's a real cure.

    The problem is that main stream medicine does not claim it can be cured and they do not want anybody to make those claims even if it is true.
    No offense but you have NO clue as to whether your mother was "cured" or is just in remission or ever had the problem at all or if the problem was actually a result of something else.

    For example, someone with awful headaches for 2 months - daily pounding unable to work, etc. may get "cured" of the headaches when the tooth is pulled, the ingrown toenail clears up, the vitamin B12 is accidentally increased because they started craving a certain type of food, the cat dies and so there goes the cat allergy, etc. etc. etc.

    Can anyone give any pointers on what I can do to publish this e-book so that I do not get it removed from any of the advertising venues on which I am going to be selling it?
    My pointer is don't do it. You aren't concerned with other patients health or safety. Your main concern is whether your ad will get pulled.

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  • Profile picture of the author PatriciaS
    Originally Posted by Unity96387 View Post

    Through research I found out how to cure my mother's xxxxxx disease and what we found worked and she was cured twice. She has been free of it for over two years now.

    The problem is that main stream medicine does not claim it can be cured and they do not want anybody to make those claims even if it is true.

    Main stream medicine makes its money from drugs and surgery and they are protected by a certain agency of a certain powerful government. It is basically a fascist alliance.

    Can anyone give any pointers on what I can do to publish this e-book so that I do not get it removed from any of the advertising venues on which I am going to be selling it?

    I know that Google would roll on its back, expose its belly, and wag its tail with a heart of submission if the certain govt. agency told them to take down my advertising of the e-book.

    Of course I will put disclaimers that although it worked for my mother, we are not making claims that it will work for you blah blah blah.

    Any other helpful feedback would be appreciated. I want to create this ebook but I want to make sure it does not get banned.

    I hope you won't listen to the medical-pharmaceutical-industry apologists and sycophants OTHER than their cautions for getting good legal advice.

    I am not a lawyer either, but since alt health is one of my niches, and I've spent a number of years distributing various alt health products, I feel comfortable in sharing MY own understanding and experience just a bit.

    It's my understanding what others have said -- that you can talk about your experience and others' testimonials without getting into trouble. As has been pointed out, "cure, diagnose, prevent" are dangerous words for a non-MDeity. But as I pointed out in one of my products, paraphrased here: "Okay, so doctors are the only ones who can "cure" (except they rarely do), so we won't call it a cure. We'll simply say that after doing such and thus we experienced the cessation of all symptoms." I'm not offering that as advice -- check with your attorney, yada yada -- but I felt reasonably comfortable saying it.

    I'm offering little new here (and IMO most of the pro-alternative healthcare advice you've received is quite good) --

    I just wanted to chime in with my support and encouragement. DO IT! The world needs what you have to offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I know people selling radionics devices on the internet and they do not put that the device can cure any one. They say - Experimental device with no proven use. Please eliminate words such as {cure, heal, restore} from your vocabulary as they can get you in trouble that is very serious.

    For example, this is some thing that happened to a friend years ago. Well, we were selling over the internet sun tan oil and made that mistake of putting - sun block helps prevent skin cancer.

    There was a 1/2 million fine from the FTC as they said we were claiming the product could prevent or cure cancer. Like we had to change the web site to "helps promote healthy cells." "Sun block helps support a healthy immune system." Needless to say... Sales crashed and our business was gone.

    Be safe and go over your copy. Make sure you do not offer a cure. Perhaps say that your device is for meditation to relieve stress or something, but no cures.
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  • Profile picture of the author jentheray
    There is a lot of interesting feedback here and if I were you I would consider all options before making a decision. Always research the legal ramifications of any such products/eBooks, etc., before moving forward. However, if I were to offer any advice, it would be that terminology is everything. In other words, as others have already said, don't use words like "cure" in your book. People get away with publishing crazy outlandish things everyday, the key is in how you word it.
    As others have advised, I would suggest the testimonial angel. Make it about your personal experience, how you and your mothers lives were changed by doing X or by eating Y. Whatever the case may be. Making it out to be a medical text would definitely ruffle feathers. Remember, euphemisms make it possible to say everything you need to without actually saying anything. People will be reached by the story more than instructions or a product anyway. Stories sell, facts tell. Go with the story.
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    • Profile picture of the author substance
      How about acne cures, constipation cures and so many health ebooks that are on CB?

      Are they not under the same threat as what the OP have describe?
      When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
      --- Khalil Gibran
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  • Profile picture of the author raydp
    Unfortunately the medical profession is a kind of Mafia with the big pharmaceutical and food giants acting like a multi-headed "capo de tutti capi".

    Curing people is not as profitable as keeping people alive and permanently needing medication. In view of this you'd think it impossible to enter the market with a product that flies in the face of conventional wisdom.

    But, just take a look at Amazon and the books available on all sorts of health issues. I have a number of these specifically in the area of diet and Diabetes. Some of these are scathing about doctors, governments and the food/pharma conglomerates and have been on there for years. It seems nobody has sued them.

    I understand your passion as I would probably be disabled, blind or even dead by now if I'd taken my doctor's advice. For 3 years I've controlled my Diabetes by diet and now have better blood sugar readings than the medical staff at the surgery! It's not cured, a sandwich or a cake would destabilise things. In spite of all this I know they think I'm mad not adhere to the party line.

    So I think you can safely write about "Controlling" a condition, but don't claim to cure it.


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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    I think legally this is a grey area - I'd get advice. To be able to claim that something works, you have to do proper tests, especially in medicine is involved.

    Don't ask us here - none of us is a legal eagle, it's all hearsay and speculation.

    The only way I could think is to get people to try it out for free, and ask for their testimonials. At least you're trying to show proof then.

    I'd be surprised if your disclaimers would work, if you advertise this in a way that implies that it cures people. Unless of course you have disclaimers everywhere you make the claim, which would negate the message.

    Are there any communities around that hold your same beliefs? Or are you a world first? If their is a community maybe you can get testimonials from them?

    It's like that water therapy thing - can't remember the guy's name. Said it cured almost everything, then if I remember he died of cancer... I think unless you have a decent bit of support it might be better to perhaps pitch it as an 'aid' rather than a cure??

    Martin Platt

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    My sister rescued a stray dog around 9 years ago. I went to stay with her for a while about 3 years back and when I got to her house the little guy was dying of bone cancer. I killed the cancer (and she gave me the dog, who I love dearly). The way I got the info out is to write the story (in sig file) in the first person. It was the story of meeting Ricky, healing him - what I used and how I used it. I never once said "this is how you..." "you should" etc - it was all this is what I did and I have a dog with no tumor now.

    Although they can't do much about me relating a true story as it happened, I also put a disclaimer at the front of the book in case of authorities with excessive anal retentiveness.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    Is a story the same as legal fact? For example, I can write an eBook that says "My dog was suffering from XYZ syndrome. Here's how I cured him/her...".

    I'm not stipulating medical fact nor am I claiming that all dogs will be cured with this method.
    I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by smodha View Post

      Is a story the same as legal fact? For example, I can write an eBook that says "My dog was suffering from XYZ syndrome. Here's how I cured him/her...".

      I'm not stipulating medical fact nor am I claiming that all dogs will be cured with this method.
      It depends how you write that story. It has to be completely descriptive. When you start getting proscriptive, then you are running into trouble no matter if it's in story form or not.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author MovingAround
    Medical Gestapo? Are you for real?

    Stop reading Mercola et al. Seriously, those guys are indoctrinating you so as to make money out of all of you by making up an enemy, just like Hitler did back in the '20s (it's a darn good strategy, must I say).

    To be a doctor you have to go through a very intensive education lasting about 8-10 years. These are people who genuinely must enjoy curing and helping others. Sure, the pharma industry wants to pocket good money, but don't forget that there are many MANY doctors who stay away from Big Pharma's advice and genuinely intend to help people.

    Medical Gestapo, LOL? Dear me. Imagine they diagnose you with, say, colon cancer. Who you're going to be wanting to see so that you don't die? I rest my case.

    Please don't swing to the extreme of crucifying the medical field. One of my relatives is working for one of the top research centers in Europe for cancer and I thank him for doing this because without people like this we'd still be in the late 19th century. Other family members are doctors and one of them an ER doctor who has reattached more than a couple of hands; these guys are the real heroes.
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    I had a longer reply typed up--- but your follow-up messages have been so idiotic I can't even be bothered....
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  • Profile picture of the author mekdroid
    Stop selling Snake Oil and the Medical Gestapo will leave you alone

    Temporary occupation of some valuable piece of technical real-estate, followed by a negotiated retreat with full coffers

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