Best way to increase opt in

45 replies
I have a free ebook but ppl are not opting in. How can I change that?

My blog 5 simple steps to permanent fat loss |

What is the secret to more opt ins?
#increase #opt
  • Profile picture of the author GuruGuna
    Are you referring to the opt-in form on the right hand side?

    I think you need to make it more visible either by changing the way it looks now or having it popup through a lightbox asking people to opt-in. You got to put it in front of them and be blunt about it. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Originally Posted by Santr123 View Post

    I have a free ebook but ppl are not opting in. How can I change that?

    My blog 5 simple steps to permanent fat loss |

    What is the secret to more opt ins?
    Well one thing I would do is move the optin form to the top where people don't have to scroll down to see it. When I first end up on your site, I don't even see an optin form. Only after scrolling down do I see it.

    Also, does anyone in your market know you exist? Do you get a lot of traffic? Because if you don't, they aren't going to want to subscribe to your newsletter. Maybe you should create a free giveaway and drive traffic to your site. That would definitely improve your optins.
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    • Profile picture of the author zeroaffiliate
      Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

      Well one thing I would do is move the optin form to the top where people don't have to scroll down to see it. When I first end up on your site, I don't even see an optin form. Only after scrolling down do I see it.

      Also, does anyone in your market know you exist? Do you get a lot of traffic? Because if you don't, they aren't going to want to subscribe to your newsletter. Maybe you should create a free giveaway and drive traffic to your site. That would definitely improve your optins.
      I agree with the points that Scofford had mentioned. Your opt-in is not visible enough and are you using a autoresponder like aweber or getresponse for your opt-in? And what's with the HTML, text and mobile. Keep it simple with just a name and email or just email only.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kaden44
      I totally agree with you it is always effective to place it at the top, but also it is always good to place it in some posts, that actually drives alot more people to subscribe because it is related to the topic mentioned in the post and pops up in their face too.

      View my blog to discover my journey from being a newbie to becoming successful online.

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Santr123, you seem like you're open to the truth, so I'll just tell it like I see it...

        If I were going to do a course on how NOT to get opt-ins, I could use your landing page as a teaching tool.

        > Your header looks like a banner ad.

        > In IE9/Win7, you're menu bar doesn't render properly. It looks like I'm looking at it through a window, with the top and bottom of the text cut off.

        > You have a banner ad above your content, and more display ads above your opt-in box.

        > I had to go back and open the page a second time, because I missed the opt-in box completely. It looked like just another display ad. Good advice to lose the 'preferred format' bit - it's confusing and distracting.

        > "Free ebook/newsletter" with no benefit copy quit working about ten years ago, at least on cold traffic. Your ebook title doesn't promise enough benefit just from the cover. You need to add some bullet points or copy to "sell" both the freebie and the follow-ups, which should promise an extension of the info in the ebook.

        > While you have appear to have some good rankings for the terms in your article title, your description gives away too much:
        Fat loss
        happens when you combine visualization, motivation, goal writing, diet and exercise. Here are 5
        simple steps
        to permanent
        fat loss
        You give away the plot, like announcing a movie spoiler in the trailer.

        Others have already given you most of the advice I would have, especially Alexa, so I'll leave you to it.

        Originally Posted by beamkiss View Post

        Hello Alexa

        I hope Santr123 doesn't mind me barging in here, but I want to know a little more about your point #3.

        "The top post on the page ..." Are you referring to his opt-in page or any page in general?

        Is it good to have a "short, fixed-position/featured post incentivizing the opt-in" just below the website's header on all pages (incl individual articles), or best left in the top part of the sidebar?

        I put the 'featured post' on the landing page I link to which, because of my methods of drawing traffic, may or may not be the home page of the site.

        On other pages, there is an opt-in box with a summary of the 'feature post'

        In the top right-hand column is an even more compact version of the opt-in box. People expect to see one there. I use a short title, three (usually) bullets, fields for name (optional) and email, and submit button. Text on the button varies, but rarely 'Submit'.

        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        Yes, it does make sense, but why can't a free club membership can't be a selling point just as important as a free ebook? I'm not talking about a monthly newsletter.

        I'm talking about marketing the emails as they contain exclusive information, offers, links to other resources, a step-by-step path towards mastery of the subject discussed, etc., which is not the same with newsletters that are typically just an announcement of a new published article. These emails would promise long-term results. Couple them with a free ebook that promises results right away, and I don't see why a duality can't work. :confused:
        Lucian, a newsletter should be much more than simple announcements of new content. What you describe in your second paragraph above IS the kind of content found in a good newsletter. Doesn't matter whether you call it a newsletter or a club membership (as far as content, anyway).
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  • Profile picture of the author Evocess
    Oh, I would agree with scofford that you need to move your opt in box at the top of your side bar so that can people can easily find it and more chance of opt ins will happen. I would like to suggest to have your opt in box be designed well. It gives more emphasis to attract people to subscribe.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Create a squeeze page and offer the free ebook there. Then once you collect the subscriber, redirect them back to your blog, and use email marketing to drive them back to your blog over and over again.

    This will get you subscribers as opposed to hoping people will notice your free ebook on the side of your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomerep
    Your opt-in form is a bit off. If you're really serious about increasing the opt-in rate, consider changing the whole thing.. Create a nice squeeze page or landing page. And also, make sure your opt-in is located "above the fold"
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  • Profile picture of the author sethalexander
    Move the opt-in box up above the fold (you can see it without scrolling).
    Remove the silly 3 radio buttons asking about preferred format.
    Change the text a little. Play around with it but maybe something more along the lines of, "Get the "60 Tips To Burn Fat Fast and Keep It Off" Free and Instantly!" I'm no copywriter so just a suggestion. The current wording is awkward IMO.
    Change the button from "Subscribe" to something like, "Get It Now!"

    I'm not a pro but I would proudly state that these things will increase your opt-in rate as long as you have the proper traffic currently.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    Like most have suggested, I would barely even notice the optin form. It has to capture attention and you need to consider more call to actions.

    You should consider the following:

    - Change the style. Look at others and compare the difference.
    - An optin form at the bottom of each of your posts
    - Optin forms embedded on any videos you post i.e. using LeadPlayer
    - A squeeze page. This will convert the best and you should direct most if not all of your traffic here.

    Just a few suggestions but I hope it helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I focus on my existing list members. I get them to promote my emails by forwarding it to their friends or posting my updates on their facebook walls. Of course, my updates always have my sign up email address.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Santr123 View Post

    What is the secret to more opt ins?
    I'll tell you (in two words): prominent incentivization.

    Steve is absolutely right: your opt-in is in the wrong place on the page (i.e. not prominent at all).

    Also, it's offering the wrong thing, isn't well incentivized or explained, says the wrong things and doesn't say the right things.

    So, what do you need to do about all that? Here are some suggestions ...

    1. Get rid of the irrelevant advertising boxes from your landing page. They're hindering you, not helping you. They're a huge, bright, flashing distraction. They alienate visitors. They make you look like "just another marketer with a promotional website", and all your visitors have seen 300 of those before and aren't impressed with them at all. That advertising pays you very, very little and only when people leave your site instead of staying there?! One of the boxes (top-right) is even occupying the exact space where your opt-in box should be.

    2. Get rid of those unnecessary and futile "social media buttons". Visitors don't like them. They give the appearance of being designed for your benefit rather than for the visitors' benefit: exactly the opposite of the impression your should be trying to create. And they don't really help you, anyway. People just copy that stuff because they think "it must work otherwise everyone wouldn't be doing it". It's all a myth: take it away!

    3. The top post on the page (which will be a little bit higher, when you get rid of the gratuitous advertising and social media buttons) should be a short, fixed-position/featured post incentivizing the opt-in. If you want people to sign up for your free e-book, you need to tell them why they need/want it - what its benefits are to them. You can do this with three or four little bullet-points, perhaps, making it sound as attractive as possible. This alone can easily more than double your opt-in rate.

    4. You need to be promoting the free e-book, not the "monthly newsletter". At the moment, you're making it sound like the e-book is just an added bonus to bribe people to sign up for the newsletter - it's all somewhat the wrong way round. (By the way, the newsletter shouldn't be "monthly", either - what's that about? That's not nearly often enough: many of these people are on 50 other lists - especially in your niche - and they won't even remember who you are from one month to the next, let alone choose to buy anything through your links).

    5. This "preferred format" thing is going to be very confusing to visitors. They don't know that you're talking about the newsletter rather than the e-book (I'm an internet marketer, like you, and I had to think about it, myself!). That's going to put people off. You should just use a normal autoresponder which sends out both HTML and text versions of your emails, as a default, and their email client will simply open their own default choice so they'll get the one they want/expect anyway. Keep it simple and automated.

    6. The way you say "You can unsubscribe any time" sounds kind of "apologetic". You should sound proud of whatever you're going to send them. I understand that you intend this to sound reassuring, but it isn't the appropriate way to reassure them: you should do that by explaining that under no circumstances will you ever share their email address with anyone else, etc. (or have a link to Aweber's "privacy" guarantee page, or whatever).

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author beamkiss
      Hello Alexa

      I hope Santr123 doesn't mind me barging in here, but I want to know a little more about your point #3.

      "The top post on the page ..." Are you referring to his opt-in page or any page in general?

      Is it good to have a "short, fixed-position/featured post incentivizing the opt-in" just below the website's header on all pages (incl individual articles), or best left in the top part of the sidebar?

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    • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      4. You need to be promoting the free e-book, not the "monthly newsletter". At the moment, you're making it sound like the e-book is just an added bonus to bribe people to sign up for the newsletter - it's all somewhat the wrong way round. (By the way, the newsletter shouldn't be "monthly", either - what's that about?).
      Hmm, but aren't you actually after the emails? or are you doing this step-by-step, as in selling the ebook which in turn sells the email series?

      When do you first tell your visitors/subscribers they'll be getting offers? in the incentivized part, or in the welcome email and/or free ebook? I ask this because if your aim is to sell the ebook first, and the email series in the free ebook, then I suppose that's where you mention product offers, and I feel it might be too late and that they should know it from the very beginning? :confused:
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      6. The way you say "You can unsubscribe any time" sounds kind of "apologetic". You should sound proud of whatever you're going to send them.
      Hmm, ohh, yes, I see, okay, interesting. Then probably in the welcome email, after they've subscribed? I mean, they must be informed they can always unsubscribe ...
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by beamkiss View Post

        "The top post on the page ..." Are you referring to his opt-in page or any page in general?
        Just that page. His landing page. (Like I do, he's using the home page of his blog/site as his landing page, I think?).

        I have the opt-in box itself on every page (it's in a sidebar), but the paragraph where I promote it only on the landing page.

        Originally Posted by beamkiss View Post

        Is it good to have a "short, fixed-position/featured post incentivizing the opt-in" just below the website's header on all pages (incl individual articles), or best left in the top part of the sidebar?
        Not in the sidebar, I think? There isn't really room to do it properly in the sidebar (hence the problem of the low opt-in rates, because at the moment the OP isn't really doing it at all)? You need a "post" for it, even if it's only a very short post occupying no more vertical height than the opt-in box itself? But then you wouldn't want that on every page? It would look a bit too "heavily promotional" and might alienate people, I think?

        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        Hmm, but aren't you actually after the emails?

        But I have to give them an incentive to get their email address out of them. And a "monthly newsletter" isn't incentivizing anyone. Especially not people who have seen a hundred other similar websites before (and that's maybe 80% of your traffic? If you're attracting your traffic from a search engine, it might even be 99% of your traffic?! :p ).

        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        When do you first tell your visitors/subscribers they'll be getting offers?
        On the website, if they read that part (not everyone does, of course). And again in the "free report" (or whatever you call it). Explained here (kind of):

        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        Then probably in the welcome email, after they've subscribed? I mean, they must be informed they can always unsubscribe ...
        They must be informed of that in every email you send, I think? To comply with that "Can-Spam" Act? Autoresponder companies insist on an unsubscribe link anyway ...
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        • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          But I have to give them an incentive to get their email address out of them. And a "monthly newsletter" isn't incentivizing anyone.
          Yes, it does make sense, but why can't a free club membership can't be a selling point just as important as a free ebook? I'm not talking about a monthly newsletter.

          I'm talking about marketing the emails as they contain exclusive information, offers, links to other resources, a step-by-step path towards mastery of the subject discussed, etc., which is not the same with newsletters that are typically just an announcement of a new published article. These emails would promise long-term results. Couple them with a free ebook that promises results right away, and I don't see why a duality can't work. :confused:

          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          Especially not people who have seen a hundred other similar websites before (and that's maybe 80% of your traffic? If you're attracting your traffic from a search engine, it might even be 99% of your traffic?! :p ).
          Isn't anyone using free ebooks to get people's email addresses these days? or are there still folks out there who haven't heard of them? I always thought most marketers have such a banana for their subscribers-to-be.

          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          On the website, if they read that part (not everyone does, of course).
          I see. I suppose that means it's not exactly in the "incetivized bit of text", rather than somewhere down below it. Interesting, I always thought it should be one of the reasons people should subscribe. I make it sound that I'm actually doing them a favor for recommending them stuff.

          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          They must be informed of that in every email you send, I think? To comply with that "Can-Spam" Act? Autoresponder companies insist on an unsubscribe link anyway ...
          My mistake, I was referring to openly discussing it with them (I even joke about it). Of course, every email should have such a link placed at the bottom of the email with a short description.
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          • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
            Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

            why can't a free club membership can't be a selling point just as important as a free ebook?
            I don't know. Who says it can't, anyway?

            Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

            I'm not talking about a monthly newsletter. I'm talking about marketing the emails as they contain exclusive information, offers, links to other resources, a step-by-step path towards mastery of the subject discussed
            Yes, I hear you. It's possible to do this, of course.

            Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

            I don't see why a duality can't work.
            I agree (but not sure it's what's indicated for this site, in this instance?).

            Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

            Isn't anyone using free ebooks to get people's email addresses these days?
            I don't know. I am.

            Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

            I always thought most marketers have such a banana for their subscribers-to-be.
            Yes indeed ... though on a site of this nature, one might start wondering about the calorific value and carbohydrate content of the banana? :p

            Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

            I make it sound that I'm actually doing them a favor for recommending them stuff.
            I try to do this, also. I think it's a good approach. I imply it in the way I discuss what sort of recommendations I will and won't make.
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    I'll just add to the solid advice already given...

    Your whole website looks cheap, unprofessional and very, very tacky. Not meaning to sound negative or harsh, but I wouldn't spend more than 5 seconds on your website. You say that nobody is opting in - and yes, although your opt in should be above the fold, I bet the reason people aren't signing up is because they're leaving your site very quickly.

    Clean everything up. Get rid of the ridiculous "wood" background image - and for goodness sake get a proper header created. Also, the "blue" article headlines look awful too. There's way too much going on. You should simplify the design to make it look clean, fresh and professional.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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    • Profile picture of the author Santr123
      Originally Posted by retsced View Post

      I'll just add to the solid advice already given...

      Your whole website looks cheap, unprofessional and very, very tacky. Not meaning to sound negative or harsh, but I wouldn't spend more than 5 seconds on your website. You say that nobody is opting in - and yes, although your opt in should be above the fold, I bet the reason people aren't signing up is because they're leaving your site very quickly.

      Clean everything up. Get rid of the ridiculous "wood" background image - and for goodness sake get a proper header created. Also, the "blue" article headlines look awful too. There's way too much going on. You should simplify the design to make it look clean, fresh and professional.

      Just my 2 cents.
      Really appreciate your critical review of my website Will change the header as soon as I can... Already removed the wood background. haha..

      Trying to do so much, but one step at a time
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  • Profile picture of the author JSL Publishing
    Image, Image, creates credibility... Branding... I took a look at your site.. Good luck

    Originally Posted by Santr123 View Post

    I have a free ebook but ppl are not opting in. How can I change that?

    My blog 5 simple steps to permanent fat loss |

    What is the secret to more opt ins?
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  • Profile picture of the author jfbmarketing
    If your getting results that is all that matters bottom line....

    All the Best,

    Joseph F. Botelho

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  • Profile picture of the author george b
    I once had my op-tin box below the screen break. I was getting very few op-tins in that position.

    Once I moved it to he middle of the screen, by opt-ins skyrocketed!

    Tweak, Test, Repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author mayagh
    maybe try having the form as well pop up or appear from the side on top of having it at the top of the page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Divian
    Hang on, I found it!

    It is down the page, I would have it on the right at the top of the page and make it mkore appealing/stand out more
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  • Profile picture of the author GlenH
    Originally Posted by Santr123 View Post

    I have a free ebook but ppl are not opting in. How can I change that?

    My blog 5 simple steps to permanent fat loss |

    What is the secret to more opt ins?
    PM me, and I'll explain something to you
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  • Profile picture of the author jimbo123
    Your Optin box is hidden. Its no wonder you are not getting any optins
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeac
    You need to put your Opt-In Box Above the Fold (towards the top of the page). As everyone stated it is hidden, and if anyone comes across your site they wont be able to see it either.
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  • Profile picture of the author lmeyers
    Move above fold, enlarge button, add padding around edges, simplify form to just email, make book title more legible. Viewers have become conditioned to filter out static CTA forms, so you might want to try a dynamic popup or popout.
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  • Profile picture of the author massarogi
    Agree with what everyone else is saying in here -- you need to make it CLEAR what you want the user to do. If you want them to opt-in, make that perfectly clear. I went to your site, scrolled up and down and didn't know where your opt-in was until I saw it off to the right side. You should have your call to action right in that post if you want them to opt-in.
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  • Profile picture of the author dbrwn
    If you want people to opt in, you must have the form where people can see it clearly. If you click on one of the links in the signature file below this post, you will see an example of a good but very simple opt-in page. It has a graphic of an e-book, and the form is visable above the fold. People don't have to do any scrolling whatsoever.

    If your page is written more like a sales letter, then that might be the reason why you're not getting opt-ins. Keep the page really simple and too the point.

    Discover the real truth about online business inside a brand new report called The Truth Is Out. It will be a real eye-opener for you the entrepreneur. To get a copy, visit the URL here below.

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  • Profile picture of the author madeye32
    My suggestion is to create a very simple optin . Not with lots of colours or some sh*t like that. Keep it simple . A little Video Demo of what you have to offer in the left or center of the landing page . And near it... Your OPTIN .. Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
    The secret is to put your opt-in area above the fold.

    Right now, yours is hidden in the right sidebar of your site:

    Follow the model and put your opt-in loud and clear on your homepage.

    Also, you should put some benefits of WHY people should sign up. Right now you're asking them to sign up for your newsletter and your ebook.

    But you need to list the BENEFITS people will get from signing up.

    For example:

    1. Lose 10lbs in 10 days
    2. Learn the 5 "healthy" foods that are making you fat
    3. The one "weird" trick that burns stubborn belly fat

    I'd also invest in a custom site design that shows off your brand a bit more. The site looks a bit generic right now.

    Your content is great, so once you do that stuff, you should get more subscribers.
    Find Awesome Keywords...Without ANY Tools
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    A good way to get new subscribers is by creating a free ebook about your topic, which will make your readers desire to learn more about what you have to teach them, and then, write many interesting articles and submit them to (I dont know if your free ebook is good enough. It must be very good if you want to get subscribers).

    You will offer the free ebook in your resource box in the end of each article, in exchange for the right to send email messages to those who will give you their email to receive the free ebook.

    EZA lost its power, but it is still working.

    You should post the articles with your resource box giving the free ebook to your blog first of all, and then, submit the same articles to EZA. Your blog visitors may opt-in the same way.

    You can also write a longer and more detailed article for your blog and submit a shorter version of this article to EZA. This is what I’m doing and it’s working well.

    I have also created 82 Squidoo lenses where I’m giving away my free ebook and getting subscribers the same way. You can create Squidoo lenses for free to send traffic to your pages, and promote your free ebook.

    The idea is to give a free ebook and collect email addresses wherever you can; not only at your website/squeeze page.

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    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      Yes...your optin form is in a terrible position.

      I had to look around to find it.

      If you want to keep it in the sidebar, move it right up to the top, and make it more prominent using either color or make it larger. There's plenty of good examples around you can copy
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  • Profile picture of the author jachu2
    Your opt-in form needs to be repositioned. I would recommend doing some more work to your website too. Get a new header banner that is professionally designed. Send tonnes of traffic to the site.
    For my opt-ins, I usually just have an opt-in page and use solo ads/ppc marketing to drive target to that offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    You need a new theme and a redesign. That's horrible. It looks so amateur, your banner across the top looks like an advert then right beneath that you've got a couple of actual adverts. So before I'm seeing any content or an opt in box I'm seeing adverts which I might click and be taken away from your website. Your opt in box is hidden away near the bottom of the page and gives me no incentive to sign up, a monthly newsletter (wow!) and a free ebook....about what? Why do I need it? What's the benefit in me getting in? None of this is explained.
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    • Profile picture of the author Santr123
      Thanks all for all your comments. I will try to incorporate your valuable comments.

      I am very new to all this stuff. But I am glad I get such honest opinions here. Thats what I need. A critics view.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    the secret of more optin is : more traffic.

    I think you really should increase the traffic to get more optin. That's the basic

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
      Originally Posted by visimedia View Post

      the secret of more optin is : more traffic.

      I think you really should increase the traffic to get more optin. That's the basic
      No. You can have all the traffic in the world but if it doesn't convert it's useless. Work on increasing conversions first then traffic later.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by visimedia View Post

      I think you really should increase the traffic to get more optin. That's the basic
      It isn't the basic at all - it's the opposite of "the basic", in this case! :rolleyes:

      "Conversions before traffic" is the rule of thumb. (If you had looked at the OP's site, or even just read the thread, you'd have seen immediately that there would be no point in his increasing the traffic-flow with the site as it is, to put it mildly).
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinChapman
    Great tips on here, think we can all learn a little something from this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebusyness
    1.Sorry but that opt-in form is terrible!
    2. Move it up to above the fold (so you don't have to scroll)
    3. Create a squeeze page
    4. post links to your squeeze page - build that list
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  • Profile picture of the author STMN
    Santr123 I think you should consider changing the whole thing but in the mean time tweak a bit. Use more Ctchy Headline and CTA to make visitors cant wait to see what is on the other side of the page. By the way a Pop Up Optin Form maybe good too just use Catchy Phrases like Limited Exclusive Offer! More Weight equal More Stress. Lose It Today...Get my Free E-book Use It. Enjoy It. See Result.
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    You already have gotten some good advice here : placing your opt-in form above the fold, etc.

    Not sure if somebody said to offer free informational videos instead of a free eBook as an incentive, but a set of Free videos will get your more opt-ins, usually. Everybody and their grand-pappy gives away free eBooks these days.

    Also, on your squeeze page, place a video with an attractive young lady talking about the benefits of being a subscriber to your list. I hired a cute British girl from Fiverr to do a 30 second video testimonial and embedded it on my squeeze page. My opt-in rate is 40 to 50 % on that squeeze page.

    Good luck !
    Free 40-page eBook "How To Earn With CPA Offers"
    + 14 Free Traffic Training Videos -
    Click here now. (no opt-in required)

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