Does Anyone Else Ever Feel Like This Is A Lost Cause?

60 replies
I wrote a post on my blog yesterday about my internet struggles. I pretty much laid it on the line and talked about how cynical this industry is and how wrapped up everyone seems to be in the bottom dollar instead of leading by helping people first. I admit that I got wrapped up into thinking too much about myself and finding out how I could make money instead of how I can help people. Sound familiar to anyone?

I caught a bad case of what I call the Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS)...and tried every little gadget and program I could get my hands on thinking that they would all be the one to let me into the "gated community of the gurus". But none of them did. I listened to endless "experts" in countless niches tell me exactly how they made so much and if I paid them this One Time Fee...they would let me in on the secret that would magically propel me to success. All that ever seemed to do was line their bank accounts while I moved onto the next "expert" hoping to stumble upon someone who was actually REAL and willing to help people instead of trying to squeeze them for everything they can. Has this happened to anyone else?

I got into this vicious cycle of thinking I had to know everything about the industry before I could offer anything of value to anyone else. It's the toughest cycle to break too. I didn't think I was qualified enough to be able to have my own products for the longest time because I hadn't made a million dollars yet. So who would listen to me, right? Am I the only one who thought this way?

I wrote my blog post in response one of the few people that I actually do believe to be genuine and in it for the right reasons in this industry. And I'm not even saying his name in this thread because I don't want anyone to think this is a trick or tactic to somehow promote something to earn as many measly commissions as I can and hope they add up to something...those days are gone for me. I have a strong feeling that this thread will either get ignored or garner a negative response from the very people that I am talking about. But that's fine. I just had to get this off my chest and see if there is anyone else out there that feels this way. So does anyone else feel where I am coming from? Do you at all feel the same way? I'd love to hear from you and create a genuine dialogue without the pitches and promoting.
#feel #lost
  • Profile picture of the author Subseven
    I know how you feel. I'm still developing and not even near where I want to be, but I think I took a huge leap in the right direction when I decided to look for the answers to IM in myself rather than in products that other people offer. What do you like, and what are your qualities? I think the key to success is doing something you feel comfortable with. This will encourage you to stay at it, stop switching often and be confident in what you do. I tried CPA, bit of list building and a niche website based on what is popular, but I found out that I am not comfortable with it and it wouldn't work for me in the long run. Now, I do things that I enjoy, and it doesn't feel like work and any kind of money I will make with it will feel like money I deserve.

    Take some time to analyze yourself, see what you like, choose something and stay at it. Make use of your unique qualities to offer something that makes people want to pay you for. I hope you find your way, you seem like a genuine person. Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author nightrider85
      Originally Posted by Subseven View Post

      I know how you feel. I'm still developing and not even near where I want to be, but I think I took a huge leap in the right direction when I decided to look for the answers to IM in myself rather than in products that other people offer. What do you like, and what are your qualities? I think the key to success is doing something you feel comfortable with. This will encourage you to stay at it, stop switching often and be confident in what you do. I tried CPA, bit of list building and a niche website based on what is popular, but I found out that I am not comfortable with it and it wouldn't work for me in the long run. Now, I do things that I enjoy, and it doesn't feel like work and any kind of money I will make with it will feel like money I deserve.

      Take some time to analyze yourself, see what you like, choose something and stay at it. Make use of your unique qualities to offer something that makes people want to pay you for. I hope you find your way, you seem like a genuine person. Good luck!
      I 100% agreed with you...find something that you enjoy to favorite quote from steeve jobs..

      "The only way to do a great work is to love what you do if you haven't found it yet keep looking and don't settle"
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    Stick with something for 6 - 8 weeks. If you don't see results then move on...


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    • Profile picture of the author Bruce Wedding
      Originally Posted by StevenJones View Post

      Stick with something for 6 - 8 weeks. If you don't see results then move on...
      I'd say stick with something until you complete it, test it, tweak it, fail at it a little bit and THEN move on if it's not for you.

      Originally Posted by StevenJones View Post


      Yes, that!
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    • Profile picture of the author webmonopoly
      Originally Posted by StevenJones View Post

      Stick with something for 6 - 8 weeks. If you don't see results then move on...


      Stop Chasin Shiny Objects?

      Look at your signature lol
      Want To Make Real Passive Income?
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  • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins
    I think we've all been there, well probably most of us...
    I have to agree with Subseven here, so far the things I've had the most success with are those I am actually an expert at, writing about what I know best and sharing my knowledge did make me a little money (still does), but buying stuff and methods hardly ever did. I even got in trouble with eBay because of one of these methods...
    Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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    • Profile picture of the author glennshep
      Hey buddy, no need to apologise! So many of us have found ourselves in exactly the same place and it's perfectly understandable. The problem is, some of the so-called 'gurus' know this only too well and will exploit it.

      However, as you have indicated, there are some REAL gurus out there, some who are genuine, helpful, really know their stuff and are doing things the right way. The important thing is to remain consistent, sticking to one thing at a time. Otherwise, even good information can become wasted because you're not focusing and following through, instead just hopping to the next thing.

      Likewise, once you have found someone who genuinely can help you and teach you, listen to them and stick with them. As you clearly already know, it can be difficult to find the good guys amongst a sea of dross, but once you find them then it's like finding a ray of hope, a bright light in the darkness that stands out as being something different.

      Stick with it, be determined, don't give up and you'll get there in the end :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author jakejoh10
    Yeah, I've gone through the same thing.

    The fear of putting yourself out there and risking failure/judgement/negative reaction is often overwhelming. But, once you get past this fear, success starts to accumulate.

    Just keep working hard and having a positive mindset that you can succeed in this business and that your work is great.

    If you have any fitness or nutrition related issues, head over to
    JJStrength for tips on getting fit and staying healthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    I can empathize with where you're coming from because I went through a similar process myself about 14 years ago. Just like any industry, there are people out there that are only going to be focused on the almight dollar. Some of them would sell their mothers for a buck.

    But over time I realized that I cannot worry about them or their actions. I had to focus my efforts on my prospects and customers. I had to focus on 100% of MY actions and by providing value and running an ethical, long-term business that focused on my markets' wants and needs, that I would be making some kind of impact in this world.

    The "Make Money" market has been around for centuries and there have always been snake oill sales people and unethical boobs. It's sad to hear about stories of people who started their coaching services and then they don't deliver or, even worse, turn around and run off with the money.

    The silver lining in all this is that there are plenty of good people still out there who genuinely want to help others. But they generally proceed with caution because they aren't sure who they are dealing with at the onset (this feeling comes from both sides of course). There are some really good coaching offers right now in the WSO section and, unfortunately, some really bad ones as well.

    Now with the bad ones I wish more people would use the "report post" icon to ensure that people who are breaking the rules aren't getting away with it.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Don't Quit!

    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
    When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
    When the funds are low and the debts are high,
    And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
    When care is pressing you down a bit,
    Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

    Life is queer with its twists and turns,
    As every one of us sometimes learns,
    And many a failure turns about,
    When he might have won had he stuck it out;
    Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
    You may succeed with another blow.

    Often the goal is nearer than,
    It seems to a faint and faltering man,
    Often the struggler has given up,
    When he might have captured the victor's cup,
    And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
    How close he was to the golden crown.

    Success is failure turned inside out--
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems so far,
    So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
    It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

    - Author unknown

    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author jfbmarketing
    Well written article, l also do a lot of blogging sometimes l feel like l am totally wasting my time. Most people have no concept of what they are looking for and have no time to actually leave a comment of some feed back, feedback on any article is a compliment. What l do understand it took time to build an audience that understood what your aim for and why yo wrote it and they comments started coming and so did the what l can tell you is beleive in what your doing and do not stop doing it....all the best

    All the Best,

    Joseph F. Botelho

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  • Create a value in the marketplace and don't be ashamed to charge for it. That's it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ctutz21
    Wow...awesome to hear from everyone!

    I really wasn't trying to sound desperate or whiny. That was not my intent. I just had an urge to share my thoughts with others and let people know that it's ok to struggle. Everyone does. And it's also ok to admit it.

    I really do believe I have found my place in the niche. I've gotten over my SOS and fear that I need to know everything. I have been able to come up with a gameplan that I know will help a lot of people and I much happier giving a ton of value away, than trying to milk someone for all they're worth.

    I'm happy that my post didn't get completely slammed with negativity. It's encouraging to know that there are genuine people in this industry who really do have good character. It's like the late great Zig Ziglar said "if you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want."

    I realized I was neglecting the first part of that quote....which really is the most important. Thank you everyone who has responded to this thread! Keep it coming. I love hearing from all of you!
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Payne
      I think the key is to find something that you like and are good at and go with that. I started out doing SEO and then when things changed with that I got into website design because I enjoy doing it.

      Now I am also writing books for Kindle because I like writing. Not because I want to make a large amount of money doing it, but because I love writing and I hope my writing helps other people.

      The thing with internet marketing is that it is always changing. Another thing most of WSO's are already old news. What is working is not being sold online pretty much. I would never reveal some of my secrets because I worked to long and hard to figure some of this stuff out....

      Find out what you really enjoy doing, then build a solid business around it. If it is a real business model then it will succeed, that doesn't mean you might hit the dust several times in the process, but don't follow fads...stick with something you know will be around for years to come.
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    • Profile picture of the author glennshep
      Originally Posted by Ctutz21 View Post

      Wow...awesome to hear from everyone!

      I really wasn't trying to sound desperate or whiny. That was not my intent. I just had an urge to share my thoughts with others and let people know that it's ok to struggle. Everyone does. And it's also ok to admit it.

      I really do believe I have found my place in the niche. I've gotten over my SOS and fear that I need to know everything. I have been able to come up with a gameplan that I know will help a lot of people and I much happier giving a ton of value away, than trying to milk someone for all they're worth.

      I'm happy that my post didn't get completely slammed with negativity. It's encouraging to know that there are genuine people in this industry who really do have good character. It's like the late great Zig Ziglar said "if you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want."

      I realized I was neglecting the first part of that quote....which really is the most important. Thank you everyone who has responded to this thread! Keep it coming. I love hearing from all of you!
      It sounds like you're really getting yourself on the right track, fantastic stuff! :-D

      Another piece of advice I'd like to give is don't allow yourself to get discouraged and don't be afraid to ask for help if needed. Sometimes you'll try to help others and may get it thrown back in your face and sometimes your own requests for help may get treated with scorn and unpleasantness, but don't allow any negativity to phase you.

      I know that I have had a few times when I've felt like just jacking it all in, that I wasn't getting anywhere and never would. But I'm glad that I stuck it out and now I've learned some valuable lessons and have connected with some fantastic people with whom I can brainstorm, give help to and receive help from.

      Just remember that obstacles can be overcome, there are some decent people who will be more than happy to offer help and advice when and if needed and that all the hard, consistent work you put in now will pay off in the end
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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    The most successful IM people who don't sell IM products that I know, hardly ever post to this forum.

    Just saying..

    I don't even know why i'm here right now!

    Oh wait...class is boring today...
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  • Profile picture of the author jchengery
    Hello Ctutz21,

    I think virtually everyone has gone after a few "shiny objects," thinking that that is what will propel them to success. It's when you realize that the "shiny objects" aren't the real key to success, but implementing what you know (i.e. using your brain) and taking strong action (i.e. committing to doing something with all your will), that's when Internet marketing will really be successful for you.

    Take care,

    Joe Chengery

    My free ebook on pancreatic cancer: Let's help my friend Courtney Reagan strike out cancer!

    Are you WORRIED about what wheat is doing to your waistline and your health? You SHOULD be! Internet marketer, copyeditor, copywriter, content creator, author -

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  • Profile picture of the author Mo Jogee
    I have found is to take criticism like a pinch of salt and not it let you down. Listen and if they is anything to learn from it then take it in but above all believe in what your doing and keep ploughing forward and not let anybody knock you off your path! Do that and you will go a long way

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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    You're not alone, but how you decide you want to work will dictate your success.

    The shiny object syndrome I think is endemic to new internet marketers, who probably have a lot of time on their hands, are hungry for information and success, and are looking for guidance.

    A lot of the reason I believe many people take years to find any real success is staying in that same place. No direction or goals, hungry for success, needing guidance. Then they are find what they need to succeed, or give up and blame it on a bad industry.

    First of all, we're in the business to make money, so that does need to be high on the list of priorities. Being Mr Nice Guy and selling nothing isn't a good business model

    On the other hand, I absolutely believe that we can truly help people with useful, well written content, and tools, and create a win/win situation. If I could find a tool that costs $97 to buy, but makes the new owner thousands directly as a result, then that is a good product to suggest that they use.

    I personally wouldn't push rubbish out there just to make a dollar, I truly want to help. I don't like to con people into buying things that do not truly help them. In the same way, I really am not interested in hype either. I don't think it is necessary, if you're truly helping someone, as the benefits will shine through.

    Out of interest, what sort of response did you blog post get?

    Martin Platt

    Stuck with earning commissions online? Get this get this uncensored affiliate marketing guide for free (sold as coaching for $4,997)

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Depending on which side you are on, shiney object syndrome can be either a curse or a blessing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Thomas
      As RayDal had posted above: along with 'Don't Quit', I also have this in my work space:

      Little by Little

      When mountains tower rugged and high
      Rise to the challenge, look to the sky.
      Trust in the Lord and start out to climb,
      Reach for the goal one step at a time.

      Little by little, inch by inch
      By the yard it's hard, by the inch, what a cinch
      Never stare up the stairs, just step up the steps
      Little by little, inch by inch.

      Do It Now

      Do it now, don't delay;
      Don't put it off 'til another day
      Go ahead. Begin it,
      Right this very minute
      You'd better do it now!
      Take a word of exhortation,
      You must fight procrastination.
      It will hurt your reputation,
      So you'd better do it now.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    Great post.

    The way I see our little world of IM is simple. It's made up of 2 main groups of people.
    • Those who have a dream.
    • And those who try profiteer from the dreamers.

    In saying that though. The world of IM has always been like that. And probably will continue like that long into the future.

    The most successful IM'ers I meet. Don't really put much effort into being an IM'er. Their simple passion for a subject naturally created amazing sites, products and services.

    And when they get infected with the deadly "SOS". Everything goes downhill very quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gclunis
    Hey Tutz,

    I know exactly how you feel. Over the past few years I have been there more than enough times. When you really step back and look at the IM industry and the types of practices that are currently dominating it is very easy to say that it's a lost cause.

    My advice to you is to stop worrying about what other marketers are doing. Stop worrying about whether or not they are legitimately helping others or just in it for themselves.

    All you need to worry about is whether or not you are legitimately helping people. Worry about yourself and let others do what they may.

    In regards to the best advice for that is to simply tell yourself you can do it and attack it head on. Part of the reason we fall into this trap is because of fear. Doing something we have never done before scares us as a race and it's no different when it comes to creating a product or launching a service or even just building a list.

    Learn to attribute that fear with excitement and it will do wonders for your productivity.

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author kursat
    I think most of us suffer from the "information overload" as there seems to be too many clever shortcuts. But as you said yourself, unfortunately they don't exist.

    The best way I can advice anyone starting out is: Take Action. Don't wait for the next software or ebook to help you out. Just do small things that make you happy and motivated, before long - you will see the money coming in.
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    • Profile picture of the author nightrider85
      Originally Posted by kursat View Post

      I think most of us suffer from the "information overload" as there seems to be too many clever shortcuts. But as you said yourself, unfortunately they don't exist.

      The best way I can advice anyone starting out is: Take Action. Don't wait for the next software or ebook to help you out. Just do small things that make you happy and motivated, before long - you will see the money coming in.
      agreed..get yourselves dirty with the thing in IM you like...and don't be afraid to fail...however fail wisely...stop listening what those people who claim guru to do...those with the name of GURU, want you to trust them..and if fact they're making money from you..

      Understand what IM is and get free resource at or tons of free info for you to understand and spark your online journey on the right road that suits with your background...

      “The only way to do a great work is to love what you do if you haven’t found it yet keep looking and don’t settle” - Steeve Jobs
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    • Profile picture of the author Maggie143
      If I did not know better i would have swore that your original post was written by me just a little over a month ago I wrote something real similar in my journal. I did not share it with anyone but it made me feel better knowing I got it off my chest.

      I was so sick and tired of all the hype, lies, and just plain BS that seems to prevalent in the industry. I was just an inch from saying for get this sheet I am going to get a job. I took a couple days off away from the computer and the noise of everything going on and cleared my head. Once I stepped back I realized what I had been doing wrong. My mindset was way off for listening to all the garbage people spew all over the Internet. Here I was thinking that the only thing that determined how successful you are on the internet was how much money you made. I was wrong about that but that is what I had been looking for so that is all I seen. Like WOW he has made a million Dollars and OMG he is stinking rich I want that too. I did not see that all they wanted was my money not to help me.

      When I cleared my head and was able to think clearly I found my passion and I am taking leaps and bounds toward my dreams and answering my call to truly help people. That is my gift...and I love sharing it. I am a techy geeky lady and that seems to be peoples biggest problem online at least in my group.

      I am glad you have found your way and on the right path to fulfill your dreams. I am happy for you . Take Care

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  • Profile picture of the author rlcf
    I was the EXACT same way a couple months back. I never stuck to ONE thing, I was bouncing back and forth to this and that. It makes you think that this isn't for you and maybe your not cut out to be an internet marketer.

    In this industry, you have to be somewhat interested in what you're doing. That's what's going to keep you motivated, keep you on top of things, and most importantly make you never give up.

    To Your Success,

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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    What you should have learned by now is that YOU have been focused on the wrong things.

    You need to start thinking in terms of CAUSE and EFFECT.

    As I see it, you have said that the things you have been doing (CAUSES) are NOT producing the results (EFFECTS) you want.

    So the answer to your problem is in changing the CAUSES.

    When you change the CAUSES, you simultaneously change the EFFECTS.

    There is a big difference between throwing your hands in the air and saying 'this is a lost cause' and saying 'this doesn't work, I need to try something else'.

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  • Profile picture of the author PookieThePirate
    There are a lot of aspects of this industry that I don't like. The whole guru's and snakes, it annoys me. Then again I should be realistic, no I won't be making 100k my first year being a noob and I can't compare myself to others.. Maybe it's just me, I do have a lot of learning to do.

    I am not even close where I want to be yet, but I think I'm in this boat where I want to see results fast. Not being consistent... I keep trying to find something new to do, I end up buying domain names, and just blowing my money.

    I start something and honestly I get lazy about it. I do more reading, blowing my money on WSO's, then I try a new project and just realized I wasted more money. I am in basically my larva stages lol.

    I have not followed a guru or paid huge money to be coached (I am on some lists though), that's one path I don't want to take. I know I'll get robbed, hear so much fluff and them bragging about their bank accounts. Maybe not all are the same, but it's a huge amount.

    Though recently, when I try to go back to my original project and promote it, I get a sale... as opposed to leaving it. I haven't had anything on "auto pilot" yet, like these people keep claiming, then again I'm not even close to the first page of google. The most frustrating part for me right now is backlinking, and I don't have the software to make it go faster and be less tedious Costs too much at this point, since I keep spending and spending...

    But what motivates me is that every time I do promote, write articles and submit... good things do happen.

    I also feel like I have a lot of doubt in myself that I can do these things. But when I do "take action", once again, good things do happen. That's what keeps me going for now. What makes me sad is that this is my only shot at anything, I dropped out of college and my life is empty. It's a lost cause for now but I have to make something happen, I basically have no choice. I am also dumbfounded because this whole processes of IM, isn't what I thought it would be. I'll be honest, I thought I wouldn't have to work this hard lol. Welp, lesson learned.

    If I do become successful, I will pay it forward.
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    • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
      Originally Posted by PookieThePirate View Post

      But what motivates me is that every time I do promote, write articles and submit... good things do happen.
      Really? You might be on to something there!

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      • Profile picture of the author PookieThePirate
        Originally Posted by Will Edwards View Post

        Really? You might be on to something there!



        Realization of what works will hit me in the head soon enough
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        • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
          Originally Posted by PookieThePirate View Post


          Realization of what works will hit me in the head soon enough
          It's doesn't matter too much if it has taken you some time to realise what you need to do. But now you know, sit down, make a plan and be prepared to stick with it for a prolonged period of time.

          During that time, look for ways you can improve upon it and stay committed. Don't buy products unless they help you with your plan. Keep learning and improving your results.

          Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Anne0521
    Hey, I understand where you're coming from. I'm a newbie and not even close to being good at this business. I have my moments also when I thought I did everything to put my site on the top but still can't see progress in terms of ROI. But at the end of the day it's about you doing the thing you love most, the thing you really want to do. Failure is always part of this job.
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  • Profile picture of the author dbrwn
    I wqould have to say that at least 95% of the Internet marketers out there are like that. They're just in it for themselves and the money. If you watch one of the meriods of videos that show you somebody's ClickBaknk account what do you think that you see? You end up seeing all the sales that they made pushing their product, not sales made from using their own system because they don't use their own stuff because it doesn't work.

    Not only that, but if their so-called systems really did work, then why is it that they are always so wrapped up in showing you their ClickBank accounts then? They speak very little about the software tool or strategy that is supposed to make you filthy stinking rich.

    Believe me I have seen countless videos on making money online and many of them if not most of them are filled with actors pretending to be gurus driving rented red sports cars and standing in front of mansions that aren't even their's to begin with and did I also mention the blondes that surround them? Those are rented too. They too are paid actors.

    To many of these so-called gurus are too wrapped up inthemselves and their money to even lend a helping hand to a newbie or somebody that doesn't have the hundreds or thousands of dollars to spend on their over priced courses and such.

    There are very few marketers out there who freely give time to help another human being out even though they realize that they had to start from somewhere themselves. They forget all about that because now they're rich, and you're not.

    If you do find somebody who will help you then count yourself among the few and very fortunate to find somebody like that because most people will not find such an individual.

    However, I am more than willing to help people, and no, I am not wealthy by any means whatsoever. I lvoe to make money nline, but I also love to help others too. That's the name of my game.

    I don't have to ask you to pay me hundreds or thousands of dollars for me to help you. I do it for free because the way that I feel about it is that if I help you and treat you like you're supposed to be treated; as a human being, then I know that you will come back and maybe purchase some of my stuff, and even after you have purchased from me I will still treat you decently and farely.

    That's the way that it should be done.

    I believe in being totally up front and honest in my marketing online. I also belive in building a solid reputation and solid relationships with people because that's how I will make money in the end. I will always treat people farely no matter how much money I end up making online.

    Even if I were an Internet billionaire, I would still help the newbies for free or for extremely low cost. I don't believe in ripping people off and making them believe empty hopes and promises. I don't take fake screen shots of ClickBank accounts or PayPal accounts because what I make is my business and nobody else's.

    Showing people your bank accounts online is equal to showing off your underwear! Hmmm, I see a lot of people's underwear online these days haha!

    What really gets me is when I get an email inside my inbox that claims that some young kid is now making $30,000 per month while the rest of us are struggling. How is it that that kid made that kind of money when the rest of us are busting our buts trying to make it?

    What gives? How did they crack the so-called code? I'll tell you how. They're getting promoted by the huge marketer who is sending out those emails and they're piggybacking off of their lists. That's how it is done. They're getting the extra help and assistance that most of us would never see in a lifetime.

    Or, it could be that there is no kid making that kind of money and the email was just a lie to get you to whip out your credit card to make an unwise purchase based on a whim or to get you to click on a link to watch yet another hyped up video filled with rented props and actors.

    Most of these videos remind me of television infomercials where they're trying their hardest to get you to order. All they focus upon is those bank accounts filled with boatloads of money and they spend very little if any time at all on what it is that they're trying to offer you.

    Discover the real truth about online business inside a brand new report called The Truth Is Out. It will be a real eye-opener for you the entrepreneur. To get a copy, visit the URL here below.

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    • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
      You are definitely on the right track. I feel the same way and I have spend mega years trying to make money online. I have bought a ton of courses and just lately I have finally really seen the light.

      The one good thing about the Shiny Object Syndrome is that once you buy a ton of stuff you start to see that they all pretty much say the same things. Then you start to realize that there are a few basic truths...

      It's funny I came across this thread... I just wrote a post on my blog about how to cure the shiny object syndrome.

      1 Niche at a time
      1 Product at a time
      1 Business at a time
      1 Mentor at a time

      That is the recipe for curing the syndrome.

      and after all the years I have realized the truth

      which is traffic...

      Keep going you are hitting that ultimate frustration which is what you need to realize the truth!
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  • Profile picture of the author anhle
    There was a time I spent a lot money of my student's budget to buy books, courses from many different Internet Marketing gurus. I got thrilled by the "shiny objects" that they showed and I must say they are the best at words. They use powerful words and all kinds of figures to make me to do the same. And whenever I watch a new course, I just try to imitate the same.

    But then I start questioning after many efforts without getting anything. And I realized something:
    - Don't listen to everything that you hear. Try to think and learn what methods works the best for you. Because what works for others doesn't have to work for you. So be flexible and apply your own way.
    - Make a plan - a detailed plan that you will have to stick to it in a long run. I make a so-called project log in Excel to keep track with what I do. And it helps a lot!
    - I am not the only one. There are a lot of newbies and also people who have attended the industry for long but didn't get much out of it. But if you stop, it means you will never ever get close to what you want. SO keep moving.
    Good luck to all of us
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  • Profile picture of the author mert
    It happens, it's there and it's part of everything we do. You can hate what you do in some days and feel bad about it most of the time, but if you want to win you got to have that level of commitment. Focus on things that keeps you going, get a check list of what works and what not. Appreciate how far you have achieved instead of remorsing about what not.
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  • Profile picture of the author zeroaffiliate
    There are definitely many lost souls out there that just doesn't know what to do.

    First thing is stop looking for the shiny objects and just focus one one and work your hardest at it.

    Second i think which is important is to have a mentor or a coach, would who keep you on track to guide you.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    My story was totally different from your story, but I had the impression that my intention to have the public attention in this chaos was a lost cause, like you said.

    When I saw all the competition I had to face, I felt like a drop in the ocean.

    Besides that, I had so many problems online that I thought that I would never manage to go ahead.

    However, my persistence helped me find ways to survive and somehow triumph in some aspects, even though I’m still far from my aim.

    Persistence is the key.

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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    =35Y 9q3=05ti
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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      =35Y 9q3=05ti
      Flippin 'eck - how on earth did I post that? More importantly - why?

      I blame the cat, obviously, she will walk across the keyboard!
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    • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      =35Y 9q3=05ti
      I find that very interesting! How about.......

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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    Chasing is normal when starting out, but eventually you have to focus on something, do the market research for that something, test and keep testing, and scale up as you can.

    I like what Seth Godin said about products and services...that if it makes sales, even if only a few sales, it's a good product, good service, and worth learning how to take it further.

    I've spent as much as 2 years on market research before - service related - and made money in the process, but much more once I got a real handle on the buyer profile for that service.

    This stuff takes time. Too many want instant results and think 3 months is good enough to try something. For most methods, it's not.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDBF
    I'm sure you are better off having expressed your feelings and will be stronger for it - best wishes for all you go for in the future.

    As someone who has done the same, I wonder if there is any way that offers on this forum can be graded? The advice is not to chase shiny objects, but how can you really find out which shiny object works, unless you buy and try?

    And who is qualified to say who the best mentor or coach is? I work in sports - a result-driven business. It seems easier to find your way through what is good, mediocre or not for you in this 'niche', than it is on the WF.

    How about a league table for mentors?!

    But then again - perhaps it just has to be survival of the fittest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hobo82
    This is a very timely thread for me. I am at a place where I do not know what avenue I should take to start making some money. I know it has been said "do what you like" but sometimes it is not easy.

    What I need is someone that I can speak with, exchange ideas with, someone that can help me get going. I am very determined to do well.

    Thanks again for starting this thread.

    >>>>>>Creative Writing and More>>>>>>>>

    ****Don't Settle For The Same Old Same***

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    • Profile picture of the author StokesM
      Hey Ctutz & Hobo82,

      Every time I read a post like this, it reminds me of a young lady's post on the "Wealthy Affiliates" forum (not sure if they are still around) that I read about 3 or 4 years ago. I was very new to IM and as most of us have at one time or another swimming in the sea of "Information Overload" and Confusion.

      However, the young lady stated in her post that she had been writing/submitting articles for about 13 or 14 months with NO results and started to quit a number of times. But, each time she would think about giving up someone on the forum would tell her "to hang in there".

      Of course, wouldn't you know it after over a year of submitting articles to a couple of affiliates she was promoting. She wrote to say, that out of the blue, ONE day she checked her account and she had been making $700 a day and this has been going on for the past 3 last weeks!

      Now what if she would have quit at month 9, 10, or even 11? Who knows? My point, whatever you do, DON'T QUIT. You are just a STEP away from YOUR largest PAYDAY!

      God Bless
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    • Profile picture of the author iwowwe4you
      In fact I have a post with the similar contents on my blog, but it offers help to those who struggle. It tells about how I, and others was struggling before and many still struggle. It gives ideas to people that been tested by my self and others and offers a training to any one who is looking for success. Also I done many other posts on my blog sharing tested ideas that work for me and other people in my team. And all that info is for free. Many experienced marketers usually charge for that information, but I think it should be free, because I know what means to learn from your own mistakes. I know how difficult it is to follow your dream through that struggle. So I will not lose money by giving away my experience for free. My blog created me a huge list of subscribers who soon transferred in to a regular buyers and stay loyal for years.
      I use simple rules:
      1. Do not advertise on my blog unless the product I am talking about helps people.
      2. Only information that helps people can be on my blog. (Useful information, even if it does not related to my business or the product that I sell.

      Happy to share 18 years experience in MLM/IM. Not doing any other work for over 7 years now. Accredited as a coach by 3 companies I worked with after completing a course of education and passing exams. HND in Business, Economics, Accounting, Market Research, Market Development, Management.
      Love to Learn - Love to Teach!

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  • Profile picture of the author chrisnos
    Originally Posted by Ctutz21 View Post

    I wrote a post on my blog yesterday about my internet struggles. I pretty much laid it on the line and talked about how cynical this industry is and how wrapped up everyone seems to be in the bottom dollar instead of leading by helping people first. I admit that I got wrapped up into thinking too much about myself and finding out how I could make money instead of how I can help people. Sound familiar to anyone?

    I caught a bad case of what I call the Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS)...and tried every little gadget and program I could get my hands on thinking that they would all be the one to let me into the "gated community of the gurus". But none of them did. I listened to endless "experts" in countless niches tell me exactly how they made so much and if I paid them this One Time Fee...they would let me in on the secret that would magically propel me to success. All that ever seemed to do was line their bank accounts while I moved onto the next "expert" hoping to stumble upon someone who was actually REAL and willing to help people instead of trying to squeeze them for everything they can. Has this happened to anyone else?

    I got into this vicious cycle of thinking I had to know everything about the industry before I could offer anything of value to anyone else. It's the toughest cycle to break too. I didn't think I was qualified enough to be able to have my own products for the longest time because I hadn't made a million dollars yet. So who would listen to me, right? Am I the only one who thought this way?

    I wrote my blog post in response one of the few people that I actually do believe to be genuine and in it for the right reasons in this industry. And I'm not even saying his name in this thread because I don't want anyone to think this is a trick or tactic to somehow promote something to earn as many measly commissions as I can and hope they add up to something...those days are gone for me. I have a strong feeling that this thread will either get ignored or garner a negative response from the very people that I am talking about. But that's fine. I just had to get this off my chest and see if there is anyone else out there that feels this way. So does anyone else feel where I am coming from? Do you at all feel the same way? I'd love to hear from you and create a genuine dialogue without the pitches and promoting.
    I felt a lot of my business model on teaching people the strategies that Apple used to become the most successful company on the planet, and one of the things most people don't realize, is that all they do is they read a bunch of cookie-cutter marketing advice, they don't really think about why they're doing what they're doing, and basically just parrot what they hear, but they don't really actually understand what marketing is.

    if you break down what makes a business successful, you come to the conclusion that people buy your products because they're looking for a solution to a problem (common sense, right?).

    The thing is that your product is the whole reason you have a business,in any money you do make from your business is directly attributed to the product or service you're selling.

    and while most companies are focused on trying to figure out how to cut costs, cut corners, and so mediocre products for much higher prices than they're worth, Apple's marketing strategy was (specifically under Steve Jobs leadership), to focus on creating the best products on the planet, something of such high quality that none of their competitors can match it.

    Then, Apple didn't have to compete with other companies, and they were able to set their own prices (while other companies are cut throating, there making profit margins as high as 55% off their products).

    but the reason this all works, is because Apple understands that their products are the moneymaker in their business, and what allow them to have a business, therefore they should focus on making the product the best they can possibly be, and educating people online that is the best product for them, then everything else just falls in the place.

    the problem is that, many times, marketers fall victims to becoming slaves to money, and they literally waste their lives just requires, when they could, much more effectively, acquire money by following their passion, making a difference in other people's lives, and spending every day doing something that they love, and as a result of all that, enriching the lives of the people they serve, which is the true intent of business.

    but most people get blinded by selfishness and greed, and forget about their passions, their desire to help others, their desire to change the world, and their desire to do what they love, to create something meaningful with their life ( like Steve Jobs with the iPhone, the Wright brothers with the airplane, or Walt Disney with Disney World).

    if we remember back to our childhood, we all have that part inside of us that wants to do something great with our lives, wants to help people, and do something great for humanity, and who wants to become wealthy and successful by changing the world, not by becoming a slave to money, to the point where were willing to degrade ourselves to the point that were willing to scam, rip people off, and waste our lives just to obtain it.

    those are just a few of my thoughts

    P.S. Click the link below to get my free 50 page Apple marketing strategies PDF, out of anything you've ever read on the Internet, it's EXACTLY the advice and education you're looking for, because you and me share the exact same philosophies and values about marketing, about the Internet, and most importantly, you and I both understand that true success is about obtaining happiness, in making money by changing the world, and doing something meaningful with your life, and that it's really about being happy, and making life better for everyone, not just obtaining empty money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      If you have a good business model, you can take stuff from any decent marketing course (or book) and make money with it. If your business model sucks, then none of that stuff will help.

      I'd bet on the guy who has a website selling quilting supplies and is armed with a 2005 Corey Rudl course over the guy that has 10 of the latest I products and a website talking about IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Originally Posted by Ctutz21 View Post

    I got into this vicious cycle of thinking I had to know everything about the industry before I could offer anything of value to anyone else. It's the toughest cycle to break too. I didn't think I was qualified enough to be able to have my own products for the longest time because I hadn't made a million dollars yet. So who would listen to me, right? Am I the only one who thought this way?
    That's a perfectly justifiable position to be in. The question is, why are you so interested in getting into the IM/MMO market? Internet marketing has hundreds of markets and niches for you to get into, so why are you focusing on the MOST COMPETITIVE and MOST BLOODTHIRSTY market possible?

    I see that "tunnel vision" as your only obstacle here. Think about moving into other markets where 1) you feel more qualified, and 2) are much less competitive than the IM/MMO market. At least that's my observation & suggestion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clausenlt
    @Ctutz21 yeah man it can be tough becasue the bottom line is is closely related to propaganda. Propaganda relies on persuasion that includes not so honest methods and or outright lies.

    Propaganda hopes to shape peoples minds and then persuade. Many people in all marketing, whether it's sales, IM, offline marketing, relies on it's ability to persuade. The problem is most marketers and sales people, don't know how to persuade without propaganda(hype).

    There is a difference between honest persuasion and propaganda. The problem is most marketers have not defined the difference, or they don't care and like using the propaganda method. They have no confidence in their product or ability to persuade without the use of lies and hype.

    Here's my advice, don't worry about those sleaze. Market according to your own standard. Don't lower your ability by stooping to their level. You will find, as I have, people, will respond to honest marketing.

    You can still use the emotion that sells. But even if someone could make $20,000 a day selling your product, no one will believe that, and you disqualify yourself as an expert by making such a claim. Trump makes $$$$$ in Real Estate...but if I say..."look, there are people making$100,000.00 a month in Real estate, just look at______." The fact is everyone else is not Donald Trump. People instinctively know the difference, even if they don't understand why. Sometimes, its too good to be true becasue it is too good to be true!

    So the point is...don't sell your self short, and one thing I learned a long time ago, most info crap I've bought over the years, I learned something from them. So it's not a total waste.

    BTW, there is nothing better than trying to help other people!!!! Please PM me if you want and I'll freely offer more info. I firmly believe the interchange of ideas is worth the time and investment without trying to offer some service or offer!!!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author chrisnos
      Originally Posted by Clausenlt View Post

      @Ctutz21 yeah man it can be tough becasue the bottom line is is closely related to propaganda. Propaganda relies on persuasion that includes not so honest methods and or outright lies.

      Propaganda hopes to shape peoples minds and then persuade. Many people in all marketing, whether it's sales, IM, offline marketing, relies on it's ability to persuade. The problem is most marketers and sales people, don't know how to persuade without propaganda(hype).

      There is a difference between honest persuasion and propaganda. The problem is most marketers have not defined the difference, or they don't care and like using the propaganda method. They have no confidence in their product or ability to persuade without the use of lies and hype.

      Here's my advice, don't worry about those sleaze. Market according to your own standard. Don't lower your ability by stooping to their level. You will find, as I have, people, will respond to honest marketing.

      You can still use the emotion that sells. But even if someone could make $20,000 a day selling your product, no one will believe that, and you disqualify yourself as an expert by making such a claim. Trump makes $$$$$ in Real Estate...but if I say..."look, there are people making$100,000.00 a month in Real estate, just look at______." The fact is everyone else is not Donald Trump. People instinctively know the difference, even if they don't understand why. Sometimes, its too good to be true becasue it is too good to be true!

      So the point is...don't sell your self short, and one thing I learned a long time ago, most info crap I've bought over the years, I learned something from them. So it's not a total waste.

      BTW, there is nothing better than trying to help other people!!!! Please PM me if you want and I'll freely offer more info. I firmly believe the interchange of ideas is worth the time and investment without trying to offer some service or offer!!!!!
      Good marketing doesn't rely on propaganda; there's a reason since the internet boomed in the early 2000s that businesses are struggling, because they're trying to use propaganda marketing like they have for the last 100 years, but it doesn't work when 1,000 people are all doing it saying the exact same thing.

      Good marketing relies on not playing games, or making gimmicks; it's about having a REAL CONVERSATION with someone about what you're offering them, educating them on why the benefits of your product are useful in their life, and making them want your product based on REAL VALUE (meaning if you create something valuable for customers it's not propaganda, it's just honesty).

      Propaganda is only used to cover up for the lack of something, but if you can truly make a great product, educate people, and demonstrate that you have the skills to make a great product, why your product stands out (using scientific data, facts, and evidence), and using this information to educate the customer, and explain why your will benefit the customer, they'll want to buy your product.

      Read this:

      It's from the most successful business on the planet, and while it does make the product look good, NONE of this is propaganda; it doesn't use hype or tactics, or try to convince someone to buy by bragging about how great it is.

      It's not trying to persuade you of anything; it's simply educating you, and letting YOU PERSUADE YOURSELF, which is much more effective, and you don't sense any bullshit, or have any questions in your mind, because they back all their claims and information with scientific data to support what they're saying about the superiority of their product (even if they are omitting the flaws).

      Most people read marketing books on "techniques" and "tactics", but always end up second-guessing their marketing, because they have no idea what they're actually trying to accomplish with these techniques; they're just using them because "Guru X" said so, but they have NO IDEA what marketing really is at a core, foundational level, or what its purpose is (other than the vague, typically thrown around definition of "to persuade a customer to take specific action and make sales" definition that gets thrown around.

      I mean, if all companies focused on making great products, and realized that their products ARE the reason they make money at all, which means they should be giving ALL their attention to making them the best they can be, the customers would benefit, the company benefits, and the world benefits from the innovation and improvement in all of our lives.
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  • Profile picture of the author PhilT81
    I've just joined this forum as I'm keen to get started earning money online - I just can't find the starting point, let alone which direction to go in.

    I have no business plan, no idea what skills I have other than knowing that I have zero creativity or imagination and I'm also not great at writing. I can't start a blog because I have no knowledge to impart on others.

    I've been keen to start making money a few times - I did it in the late 90's by building email lists which sent things like daily jokes and recipes - and that did brilliantly for a couple of years, enough to provide a full-time income. Now I can't even remember how I built the lists and I no longer have them.

    When I get a passing interest in making money online this always leads to me spending money rather than making it. I have filters on my email otherwise my inbox would be overwhelmed by the number of marketers 'mug' lists that I'm on - often getting emails from 50 different marketers trying to sell me the new latest and greatest product - this is because, in the past, I have bought things. I don't know which of the products I've bought are great and which are rubbish because I haven't even done anything with them once I've bought them. I probably couldn't even find many of the logins. I'm also paying a monthly hosting subscription fee for some 'money making website' that was supposedly worth many hundreds of dollars.

    I have been a bit of a mug and organisationally I've been a bit of a disaster. If I thought that any effort was going to get even a little payback then I might be more inclined to do something. I also don't want my friends/family to know that this is what I'm doing - is it ever acceptable to use a fake name? Some of the names I see are obviously rip-off merchants and I would hate to think that I'd ever ripped off or allowed anybody to be ripped off. I want to help people, not hurt them. If anybody wants to help me get going I'm happy to pay them back in kind at some point - you meet the same people on the way up as you do on the way down. When I build my mailing lists I was given free adverts when I started out from other people who owned lists - my lists were eventually bigger than their list and I was able to promote their list and get them subscribers. I have a firm belief that if you are nice to other people then other people will be nice to you. So, does anybody want to be nice?
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    • Profile picture of the author ehbalily
      Thank you for starting this thread.
      I am at the point of being ready to give up - but reading some of the posts on here has given me a little hope
      My problem is knowing just where to begin - i think i am another victim of information overload.
      This thread may be able to provide me some much needed direction.
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    • Profile picture of the author chrisnos
      Originally Posted by PhilT81 View Post

      I've just joined this forum as I'm keen to get started earning money online - I just can't find the starting point, let alone which direction to go in.

      I have no business plan, no idea what skills I have other than knowing that I have zero creativity or imagination and I'm also not great at writing. I can't start a blog because I have no knowledge to impart on others.

      I've been keen to start making money a few times - I did it in the late 90's by building email lists which sent things like daily jokes and recipes - and that did brilliantly for a couple of years, enough to provide a full-time income. Now I can't even remember how I built the lists and I no longer have them.

      When I get a passing interest in making money online this always leads to me spending money rather than making it. I have filters on my email otherwise my inbox would be overwhelmed by the number of marketers 'mug' lists that I'm on - often getting emails from 50 different marketers trying to sell me the new latest and greatest product - this is because, in the past, I have bought things. I don't know which of the products I've bought are great and which are rubbish because I haven't even done anything with them once I've bought them. I probably couldn't even find many of the logins. I'm also paying a monthly hosting subscription fee for some 'money making website' that was supposedly worth many hundreds of dollars.

      I have been a bit of a mug and organisationally I've been a bit of a disaster. If I thought that any effort was going to get even a little payback then I might be more inclined to do something. I also don't want my friends/family to know that this is what I'm doing - is it ever acceptable to use a fake name? Some of the names I see are obviously rip-off merchants and I would hate to think that I'd ever ripped off or allowed anybody to be ripped off. I want to help people, not hurt them. If anybody wants to help me get going I'm happy to pay them back in kind at some point - you meet the same people on the way up as you do on the way down. When I build my mailing lists I was given free adverts when I started out from other people who owned lists - my lists were eventually bigger than their list and I was able to promote their list and get them subscribers. I have a firm belief that if you are nice to other people then other people will be nice to you. So, does anybody want to be nice?
      It's all about understanding the fundamentals. Few people actually know what they're doing when it comes to marketing; they think because a "guru" told them to do "x, y, z", and because they can parrot what this person said, that they understand what they're doing.

      That's why marketers ALWAYS end up second guessing themselves, and never knowing if they're even using the techniques they learn correctly; because they don't understand what it is they're actually trying to do, and therefore have no way to evaluate it correctly. You've got to start at the foundation and work up from there.

      The thing now that's totally different is that 99% of marketers are trying to use OUTDATED marketing tactics of hype and sensationalism, but because of all the scamming today, what you really need to do is stand out by starting with getting people to TRUST you, followed by educating the customer on what your product is, and why it's good for them... because what good is marketing if people don't believe anything you're saying, and feels like they're just using this as a game to extract money from your wallet (which is the effect most marketing creates)?

      You summed this up yourself with:

      ... often getting emails from 50 different marketers trying to sell me the new latest and greatest product - this is because, in the past, I have bought things. I don't know which of the products I've bought are great and which are rubbish because I haven't even done anything with them once I've bought them
      Check out my free eBook in the link below. I wrote it specifically for people in your situation, because when I was in that situation I had no good answers, and I didn't want others to have to go through what I did.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebusyness
    I just hope that I don't start to feel like that! (The 1st post)

    I think the fun for me is discovering all the different techniques you need to apply in order to create the product to sell.

    It feels like a jigsaw puzzle/recipe to me... a bit of this, a drop of that... using a bit of all aspects of IM to create a free flowing automated cash flow system.

    I know 1 product telling me it'll make me $1000's isn't going to make money but using a combination of this + that + another etc.... will create a system
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  • Profile picture of the author ThatOneGuy
    I know exactly how you feel. I've finally pulled myself out that awful Shiny Object Syndrome myself, and even though I'm not any kind of expert at all, I still enjoy helping people whenever I can. Even if I can't directly point them to where success lies (I think that's different for everyone, and since I haven't tasted it for myself, it would be wrong of me to fake it), I can at least warn them about the pitfalls that I've fallen into, and perhaps share some bits of wisdom I've managed to pick up after failing myself.

    I think the hardest thing in this industry is getting used to failure. Normally, I celebrate my failures, as it means I've learned something new somewhere. Avoiding mistakes is helpful, but learning from them is probably more helpful. That's hard to do in this particular job because you spend so much money it seems that you really, really want to earn it back. Failure can be very costly, especially if you don't have a fall-back job to begin with. This fear of failure seems to promote the SOS, which in turns promotes cynicism.

    Sometimes it does seem that everyone out there is just looking out for his bank account, and doesn't care much either way whether you get anything substantial out of it or not. There's a lot I can complain about in this industry, but I think if you look hard enough, you'll find someone who is actually genuine. I know they're out there - it can just feel like a waste of time to go looking for them.

    My advice is this: don't go looking for mentors or gurus, automated software, or anything of the like. Most of the information that you actually need to get started can be found for free on Google. Regard everything else as over-hyped, and stay clear of the WSO forum. Focus on doing the things you've been reading about for free.

    Think about yourself and what sorts of things you do best. Where are your hobbies? Are you a private person, or an outgoing one? Do you enjoy writing? Editing? All of these things may seem trivial, but by carefully examining myself, I'm carving out my own style and strategy. I know when I'm about to leave my comfort zone and can expect failure when I do so.

    For example, as a very introverted person, I much prefer writing to talking. However, I've been practicing for doing some youtube marketing. I enjoy filmmaking and even acting to a certain extent, but I know I'll be leaving my comfort zone when it finally happens. This means that I'm prepared to totally bomb for a while. I'm prepared for negative comments, the cringes, etc. If I never get good at it, I'll know to drop it and move on to something I'm more suited for.

    Finally, budget yourself. When you're feeling the despair and desperation set in, having a strict budget to work on will prevent you from splurging on a new shiny product that promises you thousands of dollars overnight, just like most other products out there. It will also keep you from investing your money on too large of a gamble for you to handle. This was advice that took me quite a while to sink in. I found that I was spending way too much money trying to make things work and not getting any back. I had to budget myself and remember to think of the long-term instead of short term riches.

    So, whilst I don't think it's a lost cause, IM does have a steep learning curve, and it can feel like a lonely struggle sometimes. However, as long as you keep track of yourself, I think you'll be okay in the end.

    I Haz Website! ThatOneGuy is now up, running, and ready to dispense advice and log its journey to Internet success.

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  • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
    Dude, success in IM depends on this formula:

    What you know+Who you know= Success

    You have to have skills. The more skills you have the better you are in a position to make success. Me, I'm a professional writer, illustrator, voice work, and more. I can write ads that blow people's minds. I have news connections and worked in journalism for over 30 years.

    In IM, my success is from listening to the PROs. The best success was ONE WSO I bought, one of the first WSOs I bought ever and it came from Shane Natan. I did what he said and made money. Wish I had done more. Paulie 88 had a WSO that I bought and the potential is huge.

    Now it's about working with the PROs. JVing and producing products that SELL.

    Produce, produce, produce. That's my motto from now on. Buy the WSOs from the PROs and modify your work schedule around their guidance. End of story.
    Copywriting/Article Writing at $2 per 100 words! Cartoons, Comics, T-Shirt Designs!
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