The first steps to starting an online business
I wanted to share what I have been doing to build my online business with anyone who has just started out and wants to know the basics.
For anyone starting a new career, even the simple stuff can seem quite daunting so I thought I'd document every stage to date of my own business and what I have done to get the foundations in place.
So what did I do first??
The first thing to do is to get your mindset right. You need to be conscious of the fact that if you're going to make any money online, you need to treat this as a REAL business. Anything less just wont work!
It's no good going into this thinking that some magic "system" is going to do it all for you. We've all bought into those at some point and let's be honest...they simply DON'T work.
So you need to roll your sleeves up and be prepared for some WORK! This is a new career like any other and learning is all part of the process.
You don't however want to get stuck in the info overload stage and gain no momentum to your business, as this will very quickly get you down and seeing no results can and very often does end with people giving up.
Is there any wonder why the % rate for people failing online is so high!!
It's all too easy to get despondent, go back to those glossy emails and sales pages and start looking for the answers to all your problems in yet another shiny new product or system!
It's like we have this NEED to purge what we have been trying to do and failing at with some false "High" from buying something else that will fix it all!
And so the endless loop of buying, trying, failing and buying again continues!
I'm not going to write much more in this post but I will conclude with a few words and a simple action plan for you to do before you do anything else!
Remember, those so called "do it all for you systems" DON'T exist!
Treat your new online business as EXACTLY that....a BUSINESS!
Be prepared for some hard work.
And as for an action plan to help you start off on the right foot, I would recommend you do ONE simple thing over the next couple of days....
Go to your Inbox and "Unsubscribe" from all the endless emails you get that provide you with NO value or help with your goals to build your own online business!
This may take a while, but trust me it's worth it and will help you regain some focus and stop you wasting hours of valuable time that could be spent on actually starting something worthwhile!
I hope that anyone new has found this helpful, and I will continue to post each stage I went through and what I did to get to the point I'm at now with my online business.
All the best!
Andy Benson
All the Best,
Joseph F. Botelho
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