Time Delayed Buy Now Button - Conversion Success?

8 replies
I'd like to know anyone that has tried this delayed buy now button, what is your success with it on conversions? (I'm only thinking about completely cold traffic)

Any insight on your experience would be appreciated!
#button #buy #delayed #script #time
  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
    A little bit of jQuery is all you need for this. Put the following code in the <head> section of the webpage, and you're good to go...

    HTML Code:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
    ^ The above script assumes your "buy now" button is inside a div with the ID "BuyNow". And you'll need to change the delay time to whatever you want (30000 = 30 seconds).

    As per how this affects conversion rates... I've never tried it, so can't comment on its effectiveness. Perhaps others can chime in about that.

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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingVet09
    Thanks for that Brandon.

    Yea, I would really like to know... especially for cold traffic.... My mind wants to tell me it would have a good effect...

    Let's say your promoting by something like, Pop unders, just as an example as a 100% cold, unsolicited lead...

    If they see your headline, are interested, and then see a price tag at the bottom, a lot probably leave immediately...

    If they see the headline, say "oh, I would be interested in this"... Then they start watching the video, get sucked in... You show the buy now button right before telling them about the call to action.... Then its like they basically have "no choice" but to buy... You've already hooked them...

    It's sort of like bait and switch.... I don't know if more people will be all the way sucked in or some feel slightly deceived....

    So I'm hoping someone with experience would shed some light.
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  • Profile picture of the author D3fiantMark3ting
    I've never used it but definitely have plans to.

    I can't say the conversions are high based on experience, but there is a reason why some of the biggest vendors and best selling products on Clickbank are using it.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I haven't tested it myself but your logic is, well... logical :-)

    The idea is to remove the selling part of the process so people emerse themselves in the content without any buy now buttons scaring them off.

    Just make sure yo use it wisely. People don't like to feel they have been conned or deceived so if you do use this method, make sure you give away content inside the video that they can use whether they purchase the product or not.

    Another option is to just have some type of 'Click to Continue' link below the video that takes people to the order form.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    I've promoted a few CB products that use this method without much success. The traffic is targeted PPC traffic that is sent to my landing page first. So, in my situation, I've already warmed them up enough to get them to click through to the offer page. And, instead of a buy button, they're forced to sit through a 10 minute video.

    I'm sure it works fine with other types of traffic. But I've dropped those campaigns.
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by JSProjects View Post

      I've promoted a few CB products that use this method without much success. The traffic is targeted PPC traffic that is sent to my landing page first. So, in my situation, I've already warmed them up enough to get them to click through to the offer page. And, instead of a buy button, they're forced to sit through a 10 minute video.

      I'm sure it works fine with other types of traffic. But I've dropped those campaigns.
      Have you tried sending people to a landing page with their video on it and an order link visible right away?

      If you haven't tried both then you can't say it's the delayed order button that is the problem. Only after doing a split test like mentioned above could you confidently say it's the delayed button that is the issue.

      It could be the quality and content of the video that people do not like. It could also be the actual length of delay of the buy now button. Maybe it's showing too early or too late. It could be that your 'pre-selling' is not very congruent with the message in the video. It could really be many things.

      But assumptions will not get you very far in marketing unfortunately.
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  • Profile picture of the author dancaron
    I've tested it. The delayed button has a higher conversion for my site, then having the order button displayed from the start. I would venture to say it downplays the fact that the landing page is a selling something until you've made your case.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    The best advice I can offer you is to test the results that you receive for yourself and to track your conversions.

    Going off of other people's results will be no indication of what your results will be.

    Test and tweak, that is how you will find out whether your idea works or not.
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