Honest Marketing versus Propaganda(Hype)

10 replies
OK...I know this may open a hornets nest, but it is a pet peeve of mine.

Because marketing and sales relies heavily on the emotion of the buyer to make a decision, many have relied on less then honest methods to persuade. I hate this saying, which we most likely all have heard, "That salesman could sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo."

Well I am pretty sure Eskimo's have a lot more pressing needs than a refrigerator. Like a nice warm jacket, maybe a heat seeking whale harpoon...maybe they would like a nice warm house!!! What's the point?

SELL what people/your niche WANT! You're an idiot if you're trying to sell refrigerators to Eskimos!

This makes me mad typing it.

If you want to be good at something, be better than your competition. Start off by not lying. One of the best ways you can be better than your competition is by building relationships without an expectation of personal gain. *See example.

Once you win those people over, you'll get them plus everyone they tell about you!

*When i was 19 I "inherited" my older brothers window cleaning business. (Wasn't a bad business at all. Sometime wish I was still doing it.) Well, he had run the business into the ground. I basically had to start over. One thing I learned which i will never forget is the following. I had an account next to another store. I had tried to get their business, but they repeatedly turned me down. I stopped asking for their business, but did not stop "visiting" when I did the job next door. One day they ASKED me to do their windows, and I had that account until I got out of that business!!!!!!
#honest #marketing #propagandahype #versus
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Well I was told that eskimos use fridges for the exact same reason we do. Most eskimos live in houses (not igloos, surprise surprise) and use heating because of the cold. So they need a fridge to keep their food cold just like we do.

    So maybe selling refrigerators to eskimos is not such a bad idea after-all.

    Less competition if everyone assumes the same as you.

    The problem is not the refrigerator. The problem is you are selling it to the wrong eskimos. Go and find those eskimos who have a need for refrigerators and you'll do just fine.

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    • Profile picture of the author kenetix
      If you want to be good at something, be better than your competition. Start off by not lying. One of the best ways you can be better than your competition is by building relationships without an expectation of personal gain. *See example.
      Probably my favorite part of this post.

      Free advertising for your services - beam.biz

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    • Profile picture of the author Clausenlt
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Well I was told that eskimos use fridges for the exact same reason we do. Most eskimos live in houses (not igloos, surprise surprise) and use heating because of the cold. So they need a fridge to keep their food cold just like we do.

      So maybe selling refrigerators to eskimos is not such a bad idea after-all.

      Less competition if everyone assumes the same as you.

      The problem is not the refrigerator. The problem is you are selling it to the wrong eskimos. Go and find those eskimos who have a need for refrigerators and you'll do just fine.


      That wasn't really my point was it? :p
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  • Profile picture of the author jchengery
    Hello ClausenIt,

    This goes back to relationship marketing. I think relationship marketing is starting to be discussed more again because of social media marketing and the fact that many businesses are beginning to realize that they must connect with their customers and prospects on social media in order to really earn their trust and be able to repeatedly earn their business.

    Granted, relationship marketing never went away, or perhaps, never should have went away. Those businesses that realized that have been doing well even when the economy went south, but those businesses that didn't are either out of business or are scrambling like mad to try to gain back market share in their industries and survive long term.

    Take care,

    Joe Chengery

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  • Profile picture of the author ebusyness
    Good advice, makes sense and I shall be employing this phiosophy to my next project!
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  • Profile picture of the author conanedo
    Yes you really right my friend, don't push the costumer to buy what we sell.. Just sell what they need, and they will buy with happy.. We will get happy too if they satisfied.. And i love your story, thank you

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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    This is a good way to take action on things. My mentor always puts this to use, and when he offers something of great value, he get's great results from it and it's always been from working with his list from the moment they step in and decide to change and make a step in the right direction.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Sommers
      Honesty is essential in any business that you want to be in for the long term.
      Offer value at all times and people will respond. Some take longer than others.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    The problem is that people buy BS. Then they wonder why nothings working.

    Here's an honest truth for you - internet marketing and online business can often be very boring. Its hard work, and at times very tedious. Until you gain momentum, it can be less than rewarding.

    It does however work with a bit of effort and commitment. People fail mostly because they're a) lazy b) impatient c) both

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Thomas

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