"Beth's Money" Christian Mom ad - hilarious

by Dana_W
52 replies
I had to remove the link to the bethsmoney.com site because it leads to a porn page - as some people on here pointed out, apparently they set it up to do that when anyone clicks on their link from the Warrior Forum!!! What the heck???

My original post:
Scroll down to the bottom and read the disclaimers - I don't know why but I find them HILARIOUS - on the top of the sales page it's got the whole song and dance, along with a picture of a woman, saying "I am a Christian stay at home mom of 3"! with all the ridiculous claims of how much income "she" earns" AND her fake conversations with other "bloggers" who are making money from home -

And then the disclaimers openly state that it's all fake!
#beth money #christian #hilarious #mom
  • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
    [edited] It's a digusting link, inadvertently linked by Dana --they have a redirect script set up on their website to a sick porn site if you click from the warrior forum.

    Please see this thread for details:
    Make money from writing, find out how now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trader54
    Why the porn links????????

    That was sick.
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    • Profile picture of the author kevinBane
      The owner of that landing page probably has the Warrior Forum domain set up to redirect to that script, I've seen Dana around for a while and she wouldn't do that on purpose.

      If you copy and paste the link into another browser window it should work if you're interested.

      Just to be clear, do NOT click the link from within the Warrior Forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    Whoa. I cut and pasted the URL for a legitimate site - I truly have no idea how that got there - just removed it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    That's interesting that someone would not want people from the Warrior Forum to be able to access their site -

    And especially ironic if they really meant to do that - and their whole sales shtick is that they are pretending to be a Christian Mom!

    This ad is on Yahoo, and all over the place - just Google bethsmoney.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    My sincere apologies for that site link, but I had NO idea that would happen! I saw an ad on Yahoo...I clicked it to see what their deal was....I read the sales page and thought it was hilarious, so I cut and pasted the sales pages' URL...

    And apparently when you click on it from the Warrior Forum it redirects to a porn page.

    Very sorry.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[724956].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      When someone on a site or sales pages take pains to tell me they are a "Christian" or they are "honest" - I immediately distrust them.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        When someone on a site or sales pages take pains to tell me they are a "Christian" or they are "honest" - I immediately distrust them.

        I absolutely agree with that - one of the worst scammers I ever covered when I was a reporter was this guy named Ronald McDonald - yes, I SWEAR - who tricked elderly couples out of their homes and cost dozens of them their life savings, and he would always pray with them right before they signed over their homes to him, thinking he was saving them from foreclosure.

        He ended up shooting himself in the head. I was standing across the road from him, with a TV news reporter, watching while sheriff's deputies tried to get him to put down his gun, and then he killed himself. But I digress.

        My experience at least is that genuinely religious people don't seem to feel the need to say "Buy from me, because I love Jesus!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
      Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

      My sincere apologies for that site link, but I had NO idea that would happen! I saw an ad on Yahoo...I clicked it to see what their deal was....I read the sales page and thought it was hilarious, so I cut and pasted the sales pages' URL...

      And apparently when you click on it from the Warrior Forum it redirects to a porn page.

      Very sorry.
      Bad Dana. I knew you were the devil in disguise.

      P.S. Don't worry it could have happened to anyone. At least it wasn't the Riley mankini. Now that would be upsetting.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[724976].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
        Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

        Bad Dana. I knew you were the devil in disguise.

        P.S. Don't worry it could have happened to anyone. At least it wasn't the Riley mankini. Now that would be upsetting.
        HEY!!!! I had the horns photoshopped out of my avatar picture and I wear TONS of perfume to cover up the smell of brimstone! And my footwear is designed to hide my cloven hoofs!

        And yet, you are so fiendishly clever you still saw through my evil disguise.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[724988].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Tom B
          Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

          HEY!!!! I had the horns photoshopped out of my avatar picture and I wear TONS of perfume to cover up the smell of brimstone! And my footwear is designed to hide my cloven hoofs!

          And yet, you are so fiendishly clever you still saw through my evil disguise.
          Hanging out with Sean is what gave you away.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725068].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    That could truely cost someone alot of money if you searched a known advertiser on google and then everyone clicked their paid ad ?????

    I am obviously NOT recomending that, just stating my understanding.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    Scam Alert Website Lists | wafflesatnoon.com

    Basically it's a sneaky forced continuity program - the bethsmoney thing is on the scam list on the site I just found, above.
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    Hiding scams behind good Christian ideals is certainly NOT new. The disclaimers about the people being fake and them not talking about any specific program are really funny. So is the terms section where you get billed almost $50 per month and additionally $99 for the program and also you must cancel 14 days before the next bill, blah, blah, blah.... It's easy to see how this person makes money. Yep, crime does pay, but I hope they rot in H3ll someday.

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  • Profile picture of the author thatgirlJ
    These kinds of sites are terrible. This makes me sicker than the porn link would have
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    • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
      Originally Posted by Jenn Dize View Post

      These kinds of sites are terrible. This makes me sicker than the porn link would have
      Me too - because they deliberately rip off the naive and the absolutely desperate, the people who are one step away from foreclosure or homelessness or bankruptcy - and they KNOW they aren't offering real help.

      I was just reading on the workathome truths blog that the picture the "christian mom" uses is from istockphoto - ha!

      I'm disappointed that Yahoo is continuing to run these ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    "You know what you just linked to, right?

    That is SICK and disgusting. It links to a window that CANNOT be closed without shutting down everything, and a video of a guys private part spinning around and around. You are a pig if that was deliberate. Freak."

    You know, Jonathon, given how long I have been on here - you MIGHT want to give me the benefit of the doubt and ASK if I meant to do that.

    And thanks for the infraction.

    In all of the time that I've posted things on the Warrior Forum I've NEVER had that happen to me, but seriously - I wouldn't last long on here if I were the type to deliberately post links to things like that.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[724996].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
      Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

      "You know what you just linked to, right?

      That is SICK and disgusting. It links to a window that CANNOT be closed without shutting down everything, and a video of a guys private part spinning around and around. You are a pig if that was deliberate. Freak."

      You know, Jonathon, given how long I have been on here - you MIGHT want to give me the benefit of the doubt and ASK if I meant to do that.

      And thanks for the infraction.

      In all of the time that I've posted things on the Warrior Forum I've NEVER had that happen to me, but seriously - I wouldn't last long on here if I were the type to deliberately post links to things like that.

      Ok, sorry about that -- I don't know if you saw what it linked to -- but it was quite disgusting. I was actually just in the process of going to send a PM to that effect. It was horribly disgusting though. As well, I'm not sure how to remove the infraction.
      Make money from writing, find out how now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725010].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
        Originally Posted by Johnathan View Post


        Ok, sorry about that -- I don't know if you saw what it linked to -- but it was quite disgusting. I was actually just in the process of going to send a PM to that effect. It was horribly disgusting though. As well, I'm not sure how to remove the infraction.
        I did see what it linked to because when you guys commented on it I immediately thought "What the heck are you talking about?" and clicked on it - and I got the male porn popup which would not go away until I force-quit my browser.

        I'm just saying - if I saw that someone was a long time member here - I'd check first before I assumed that they deliberately posted an unblockable porn popup.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725103].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Trader54
          Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

          I'm just saying - if I saw that someone was a long time member here - I'd check first before I assumed that they deliberately posted an unblockable porn popup.
          Oh my fault I responded to the link??

          I assumed nothing I just responded to what I seen after I clicked the link.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725160].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thatgirlJ

    Don't worry about it. I'm sure Jonathan was just reacting to the ummm...spinning object on his screen.

    We all know you wouldn't do that on purpose

    I gave you a thanks to offset the infraction Now, quit spamming the forum with porn!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725019].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Talk about solid brass huevos...

        "Hi! I'm lying to your face, I'm telling you I'm lying, and I want you to sign up anyway, moron...By the way, Jesus loves you..."

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      • Profile picture of the author garyv
        I'm sure they probably have so many complaints on the internet, that they've just set up their .httaccess file to redirect any unauthorized links to go to that disgusting site. - Definite proof that what they are putting out there are all lies. And that disgusting video was probably a metaphor for what you'll receive if you sign-up for or purchase any of their products.
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        • Profile picture of the author malfumos
          There are really lots of scam site that always says that they are earning money that is bigger than others have. It is very disgusting that people would do like that just for the sake of themselves.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
      Originally Posted by Jenn Dize View Post


      Don't worry about it. I'm sure Jonathan was just reacting to the ummm...spinning object on his screen.

      We all know you wouldn't do that on purpose

      I gave you a thanks to offset the infraction Now, quit spamming the forum with porn!
      What else am I going to do with my free time?

      Yeah, I saw the spinning object too. Thank GOD my kids weren't in the room when I clicked on that link.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[726036].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LB
    I don't think you even have to be particularly religious to find the idea of exploiting people's faith for personal gain to be reprehensible- especially with these fake blogs that are popping up everywhere.

    "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
    Tired of Article Marketing, Backlink Spamming and Other Crusty Old Traffic Methods?

    Click Here.
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    • Profile picture of the author steve39
      If You're wondering who's behind that porn redirect, look for a forum with the initials WF. This isn't the first time they have pulled this here. Disgusting, but they seem to think it's a big joke over there. PS - They named this getting d**krolled. Sick

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725073].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SecretWarrior
        Hello warriors,

        Originally Posted by steve39 View Post

        If You're wondering who's behind that porn redirect, look for a forum with the initials WF. This isn't the first time they have pulled this here. Disgusting, but they seem to think it's a big joke over there. PS - They named this getting d**krolled. Sick
        Steve's right.

        The members of that forum hatched a plan to mess around with warriors and are busy doing it. You guys really need to 'stay in the loop' because you're constantly getting trolled by them when they come here and most of you don't realise it.

        I tried to point this out previously (my other posts), but most of you totally ignored it, just as you have Steve's post above. If you know what to look out for, you will see it happening all over this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    This site ticks me off way more than traditional long-form sales letters that many IMers use.

    I think part of it is because while I think there's a lot of hype behind John Reese/Frank Kern/Mike Filsaime/Jeff Walker launches, I sincerely believe that if people actually USE their systems they will increase their success. (The only drawback to buying those products is that most people, myself included, tend to buy info products and NOT use them. But that's the consumer's fault, not the product seller.)

    Sites like Beth's Money are typical of those "work from home making thousands every week stuffing envelope" style of scams that promise false hope and have NO chance of delivering, even if you use them.

    I also HATE made-up conversations with made-up people used as an advertising method because OBVIOUSLY - if this system worked - there'd be real testimonials to use!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725069].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author garyv
      Amen Sister!! Oh wait... what am I saying? You're the devil right?

      Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

      This site ticks me off way more than traditional long-form sales letters that many IMers use.

      I think part of it is because while I think there's a lot of hype behind John Reese/Frank Kern/Mike Filsaime/Jeff Walker launches, I sincerely believe that if people actually USE their systems they will increase their success. (The only drawback to buying those products is that most people, myself included, tend to buy info products and NOT use them. But that's the consumer's fault, not the product seller.)

      Sites like Beth's Money are typical of those "work from home making thousands every week stuffing envelope" style of scams that promise false hope and have NO chance of delivering, even if you use them.

      I also HATE made-up conversations with made-up people used as an advertising method because OBVIOUSLY - if this system worked - there'd be real testimonials to use!!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725072].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MarkWrites
      Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

      I also HATE made-up conversations with made-up people used as an advertising method because OBVIOUSLY - if this system worked - there'd be real testimonials to use!!!!
      Nicely put, and that statement can refer to so many sites and products out there.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725111].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
        Originally Posted by MarkWrites View Post

        Nicely put, and that statement can refer to so many sites and products out there.
        Heck, it's similar to when people come on here and they say "I'm desperate, man - how could I make $100 this week?" and they have a link in their signature saying "Click here to find out how I make thousands of dollars on Clickbank EVERY DAY!!!" Ummm...

        By the way -

        WHY did the person set up that redirect? Why do they not want people from the Warrior Forum to be able to click on their link?
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall

          Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

          WHY did the person set up that redirect? Why do they not want people from the Warrior Forum to be able to click on their link?
          Because they think it is funny? They are probably laughing their asses off right now reporting back the fact that everyone is going crazy over the link...Kind of a raunchy bunch with their entertainment
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          • Profile picture of the author Kyle L Hannah
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post


            Because they think it is funny? They are probably laughing their asses off right now reporting back the fact that everyone is going crazy over the link...
            Exactly, just a joke... lol
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[731155].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MarkWrites
    Well, that wasn't what I expected to see on a fine Friday morning.

    The person behind the site is wired up in an interesting (and completely disgusting) way. They have no problem screwing people out of their money, they have no problem faking religious beliefs and taking advantage of others' faith, but somewhere along the lines they decided they needed a disclaimer admitting to their disgusting faults. That is one odd duck.

    On another note, I'm glad I'm not a fan of Depeche Mode because I'll never be able to listen to that song again.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725096].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan

      Originally Posted by MarkWrites View Post

      On another note, I'm glad I'm not a fan of Depeche Mode because I'll never be able to listen to that song again.
      Not that it's particularly relevant, but you can still listen to Depeche Mode.

      The clip featured the band "Dead Or Alive".


      Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725287].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MarkWrites
        Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post


        Not that it's particularly relevant, but you can still listen to Depeche Mode.

        The clip featured the band "Dead Or Alive".


        Argghh! I must've sprained my 80's pop music muscle trying to close that screen out. Thanks for the correction.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725361].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
          Hi Mark

          Originally Posted by MarkWrites View Post

          Argghh! I must've sprained my 80's pop music muscle trying to close that screen out. Thanks for the correction.
          You're welcome.

          I'm just slightly ashamed that I couldn't close my browser in time before recognizing the tune


          Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725374].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W

    That's a snapshot of the picture - don't look at my semi-finished website - but anyway, it even has a cute little drawing - isn't that SO adorable?

    I'll give the site creator this - they know how to present a very good, professional looking, convincing sales page. So good and so well designed that I am SURE that they could make lots of money legitimately without scamming people.

    By the way - go google "dickrolling" - I just did - quite educational. And you will see what other forum is being referred to.

    Makes me think twice about clicking on ANY links!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725169].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    I saw that site before. Trying to take advantage of naive people thinking this is a "Christian stay at home mom" who's making tons of money :rolleyes: Wonder how many naive people fall for it.

    I also will require 3 references before clicking on any links lol

    PS. Nice site Dana LOL

    siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    Interesting, if you google it, the first google result is a scam review.

    siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author patJ
    It's pretty obvious that the owner of the site doesn't want people from WF or any other IM forum coming to their site. That's a great way to scare off people stealing landing pages.

    Elegant, simple and clean Landing Page Templates for just $7.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[725284].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sevenish
    Get a load of this:
    Texas Attorney General

    No dickroll surprises. I promise.

    IN any case, it's not about the same product, but damned close I'd guess. I predict similar cases will arise with the other similar products.

    Edit: I recognized the image in the header on the right. It's available at iStockPhoto in the "healthcare" category, since it's a picture of a nurse with a geriatric patient in a hospital. It's a good image, alright. I used it myself on one of the sites that I built for a healthcare recruiter.

    100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[731119].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    "All persons mentioned on this blog are fictional examples of people who used the promoted products and is for demonstration purposes only. The statements contained herein come from many different people and are not necessarily being made about the specific products discussed."

    lol ... a little Christian white lie, I suppose.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[731152].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sevenish
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      "All persons mentioned on this blog are fictional examples of people who used the promoted products and is for demonstration purposes only. The statements contained herein come from many different people and are not necessarily being made about the specific products discussed."

      lol ... a little Christian white lie, I suppose.
      The term, I believe, is "redaction".

      100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[731159].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sarasayshi
      I discovered this discussion on bethsmoney a few days ago. It's pretty funny.

      BethsMoney Discussed
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    LOL @ this:

    This page and associated pages on this site are an advertisement. All persons mentioned on this blog are fictional examples of people who used the promoted products and is for demonstration purposes only. The statements contained herein come from many different people and are not necessarily being made about the specific products discussed.

    This page is just like those **** berry/colon cleanse diet "blogs" and teeth whiteners. Just another angle to make them look real.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[737263].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
      Originally Posted by ecoverartist View Post

      LOL @ this:

      This page and associated pages on this site are an advertisement. All persons mentioned on this blog are fictional examples of people who used the promoted products and is for demonstration purposes only. The statements contained herein come from many different people and are not necessarily being made about the specific products discussed.

      This page is just like those **** berry/colon cleanse diet "blogs" and teeth whiteners. Just another angle to make them look real.
      That site is STILL all over yahoo - it's appalling that they let it stay on there. It's the sleaziest hidden forced continuity deal I've ever seen.
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