how do i get more members for my membership site?

by Monja
14 replies
hi everyone,
i have a pretty new membership site and also a few members i teach what i do for few years: earning my money online.
however, i would really like to get some more - i know, we all do ;-)
i believe that we really offer a lot of value and i can see that once the member is in they stick, last but not least because of personal access to me - every day
anyway - i think i'm not known enough in the internet marketing space so the barrier to enter my site is high
what would you suggest:
- run a 1$ trial?
- look for jv partners?how?
- look for affiliates? but how?
- other suggestions?

i'm super thankful for any kind of ideas
#members #membership #site
  • Profile picture of the author Ernest Simon
    How about running a WSO?

    40$ = several new membership site clients = additional passive income.

    Just do a proper sales page. Look at what sells.

    Finally, make it available for affiliates. Use Warrior Plus maybe. Offer at least 50%. But you would still earn additional money for almost no extra work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monja
    thanks for your answer :-) actually i have an affiliate program Affiliates - Living For Mondays : Living For Mondays
    50/50 commission but - how do i find affiliates?

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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    i also have my own membership site monja and have spent a long time tweaking things and settings up but its finally starting to build nicely

    the way things are building i should be over 100 members by end of the year

    the way i build mine is by using my membership site as my oto with a $1 trial

    i also promote it through my follow ups

    i also add it on the back end of every single wso/product that i create and launch

    best affiliates to target are your actual members, these are always the best because they are paying members and can give an honest review of whats inside

    you need to build the intial bulk of your members yourself and then push your affiliate program when you start to get more members this is what i have done

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  • Profile picture of the author Monja
    hi paul,
    thanks tons for your advice.
    did you run a wso to get trial members sign up? any other things?

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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Do you offer initial free membership?
    I think its a good attempt to retain those who don't want to pay at the beginning because they want to see what will they get at higher level. If initial free membership is not offered, some of them will leave, so i think its a good idea to have initial free membership to retain those who wants to leave.

    Free membership will still allow them what higher members are getting but they won't be able to have access to everything until they pay, this do force some of them to upgrade.

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author angshuy2k
      Great advice for new affiliate site.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monja
      guess that's a great idea, coul do that :-) thank you!
      but how would you promote that? wso?

      Originally Posted by datingworld View Post

      Do you offer initial free membership?
      I think its a good attempt to retain those who don't want to pay at the beginning because they want to see what will they get at higher level. If initial free membership is not offered, some of them will leave, so i think its a good idea to have initial free membership to retain those who wants to leave.

      Free membership will still allow them what higher members are getting but they won't be able to have access to everything until they pay, this do force some of them to upgrade.

      Good luck

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      • Profile picture of the author datingworld
        Originally Posted by Monja View Post

        guess that's a great idea, coul do that :-) thank you!
        but how would you promote that? wso?
        WSO is one of the good option...

        Also Video Marketing can boost your members number.
        Many people go for videos and if video is good / quality one, then it does affect the viewer. My suggestion would be to have short marketing videos on YouTube. Dont make long / boring videos.... instead make a short and interesting videos..have a magical videos.. it will certainly boost turn around....

        Also you can can increase your number of referrals by giving out free gifts to any member who can refer a certain number of people to join your site.

        You can even ask your members to become your affiliates..

        I hope that will certainly help...
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  • Profile picture of the author sscottie
    I would offer a free 30 day trial. Or even a 7 day free trial.

    Those are a great way to get people in the door.

    A good way to keep them on is to offer something of HIGH value on day 31 or day 32 ...

    Or if you go with the 7 day trial, offer something of HIGH value on day 8 or day 9...

    It has to be something where they say: "Wow I gotta have that."

    Hope that helps!

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    • Profile picture of the author uraliss
      Originally Posted by sscottie View Post

      I would offer a free 30 day trial. Or even a 7 day free trial.

      Those are a great way to get people in the door.

      A good way to keep them on is to offer something of HIGH value on day 31 or day 32 ...

      Or if you go with the 7 day trial, offer something of HIGH value on day 8 or day 9...

      It has to be something where they say: "Wow I gotta have that."

      Hope that helps!

      Thats a great tip sscottie! I will be building a membershi site shortly and will definitely be using this!

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      • Profile picture of the author JasonAaron1
        Great suggestions so far. I like a minimal cost trial (less than $10) versus a free trial.

        As far as retaining them as members after the trial, I also like having a members only "Strategy Session" at least once a month via webinar. If you want something more automated then have one special event like a prerecorded video that comes out once a month on a certain day and call it something specific like the "Monday Mastermind Session" or the "Saturday Strategy Session". This cements a recurring value that people look forward to every month. It is obviously important that the content delivered in your membership is top notch.

        Secondly, just as in email marketing, it is important to have "open loops". For example, if you did have a monthly strategy session, you would then "tease" what is going to be covered next month.
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        • Profile picture of the author Monja
          thanks for the help, that is definitely a great tip!

          Originally Posted by JasonAaron1 View Post

          Great suggestions so far. I like a minimal cost trial (less than $10) versus a free trial.

          As far as retaining them as members after the trial, I also like having a members only "Strategy Session" at least once a month via webinar. If you want something more automated then have one special event like a prerecorded video that comes out once a month on a certain day and call it something specific like the "Monday Mastermind Session" or the "Saturday Strategy Session". This cements a recurring value that people look forward to every month. It is obviously important that the content delivered in your membership is top notch.

          Secondly, just as in email marketing, it is important to have "open loops". For example, if you did have a monthly strategy session, you would then "tease" what is going to be covered next month.

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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    I started mine here as a WSO back in 2007.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    A $1 trial sounds good. Lowers the barrier of entry. You should start with a $1 trial, then maybe $20 a month after that (or whatever you want). Make sure you gather leads so that you can give them multiple exposure (and direct them) to your membership offer.
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