Best place for banner ads in the weight loss niche??
My partner is a UK distributor for Weight-loss and De-tox products.
The product is great, 100% natural and guarantees results with some kick ass testimonials to boot. Plus all the products come with a "no questions asked" 60day money back guarantee.
Even if you have used the product till there's none left and are not happy, you can send back the empty container/s and get a full refund, and any refunds claimed have NO effect on my partners commissions!
So she knows she has a great product, has seen that it gives amazing results, and really wants to push the 60 day guarantee bit as this cuts out any risk for the purchaser / consumer.
Basically she has every confidence in what she is selling, but I want to help get it out there online for her.
I've been thinking of promoting via the following method...
1. Banner Ad linked to squeeze page, linked to offer.
2. Follow up sequence in Aweber thereafter.
Anyone got any good quality resources for banner ads (and or) solo ads in the weight loss niche they could recommend??
These are physical products delivered direct to the customer, and not a digital "how to lose weight" product by the way!
Thanks in advance,
Andy Benson
massarogi -
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