Do I need a disclaimer in my newsletter?

by Joe Ox
3 replies
I have a disclaimer in my books and on my website.

But since I give exercises (or tips) in my newsletter, do I need a disclaimer in my emails as well???

What do you guys do?

#disclaimer #newsletter
  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Link to the disclaimer on your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater

    It depends on what your tips are about. The higher the risk, based on your tips and/or subject matter, the more importance attaches to disclaimers and making sure they are seen.

    For some topics, such as tax and financial information, disclaimers and notices may be legally required in every communication, including newsletters and emails.

    Linking to a disclaimer on your website may not be sufficient. Maybe it is.

    Putting a disclaimer in your email may be needed. Or maybe not.

    There is no black and white answer for every situation.

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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    If you are doing any real volume.

    I would suggest contacting a lawyer that deal with these sort of things.
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