Anyone else using LinkTrackr with Aweber?

by Banned 5 replies
So today I tried setting up a tracking link and putting it into one of my Aweber follow-ups. This caused the spam meter in Aweber to hit 10/10 and it says that LinkTrackr is blacklisted.

Not good.

Anyone else running into this?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #aweber #linktrackr
  • Banned
    No one else? Strange.
    • [1] reply
    • I'm not sure that's ever happened to me, but I also know that prosper202 is a great alternative as well. You should give it a look, it might be what you are looking for.
  • can you use your own domain with it? its probably never good to share urls with other large groups, i bet theres always gonna be spammers that will run those urls for everyone else.

    glad i saw this, looking for a tracker right now, so ill make sure and try and get one with my own domains
  • It happened to me as well.

    I just set up a subdomain to work with LinkTrackr.

    All problem solved. You can also try this.

    How to Use The Custom Domain Feature
  • Hi Dayne,

    I am the owner of LinkTrackr.

    The blacklist issue has been hard to deal with. It happens because some users start spamming others using the cloaked link feature in LinkTrackr. As far as the victim is concerned, he only sees the LinkTrackr domain not the actual website. So the victims (maybe just one guy) keeps submitting LinkTrackr to the service.

    The service itself is questionable, but I know Aweber checks their database. We have removed our listing countless times but someone it always ends up back in there.

    In future we'll have multiple different "holding" domains to choose from. For now however, the best option is to add your own domain name to your LinkTrackr account instead of using the default.

    I hope that clears some doubt.

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