Wikipedia Musician Image - keeps getting removed by moderators

4 replies
Does anyone know how to get a Musicians Image to actually stay on Wikipedia! I keep getting moderators remove images!

The Artist I'm trying to add a image for is:
Size 14 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does anyone have any advice?
#image #moderators #musician #removed #wikipedia
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Why are you so adamant about having the image added?

    Just curious.

    If it's of the band then they already seem to have an image there. If it's not of the band then that's why they would be removing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    Is that because you are putting the link to the image? They have taken my links down a few times

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Advice? - Leave the Wikipedia out of your "marketing plans"!
    Obviously you are trying to spam the wiki...

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  • Profile picture of the author MuhammadAli
    Originally Posted by amyrocks1979 View Post

    Does anyone know how to get a Musicians Image to actually stay on Wikipedia! I keep getting moderators remove images!

    The Artist I'm trying to add a image for is:
    Size 14 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Does anyone have any advice?
    I looked into the matter. The problem is that this picture is already available somewhere else on the Internet. Wikipedia has really strict copyright rules. Upload a picture that is not on the Internet as "your own work" and upload the photo to wikimedia commons. It won't be deleted.
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