List Building Tools,plugins apps do you use?

4 replies
Which list building plugins websites do you use like popup domination,exit pop up,...that generates more optin for you.
#apps #building #list #plugins #tools
  • Profile picture of the author HzCy
    Ive never used plugins. The reason is, that you wont learn anything by using them

    Browse on some good tutorials on how to drive traffic or on how to raise your conversation rate.

    That will do much, MUCH more for you.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author MelanieandMiles
    WordPress + Aweber....

    Here are 2 different ways you could go about using those two for great success.

    1. You can build a massive niche site through content marketing and get tons of opt-ins through a widget in the sidebar. Be sure to test at least 2 different opt-in widgets against eachother with this method.

    Or... 2. You can setup a squeeze page style theme, like Optimize Press (which we use for one of our membership programs we run) and then drive paid traffic to the site from PPC, solo ads, paid banners, etc. Be sure to test two versions of your landing page against eachother with this method.
    Free How-To Videos On Everything From Sales Funnels, Facebook PPC & More!
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  • Profile picture of the author johnorc
    Had a quick scout around the forum and found 3 links for you. People seem to agree that WP plugins are best.

    WP Super Pop-Up
    WordPress › WP Super Popup « WordPress Plugins

    Pop Up Domination.
    PopUp Domination

    The other option is optincrusher. Hope this helps
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