Aweber highlight an affiliate link as spam - should I cloak it?

5 replies
When you add links into your aweber message, it will highlight if it is one that is considered to be spam (in which case I assume the email will generally end up in someones spam folder).

The link in question is a Market Health product, that I review within the email content, so I don't think it should be considered a spam link, however obviously I don't want it to end up in a spam folder.

I've tried cloaking it and it no longer gets highlighted as spam. Is this approach considered ok?
#affiliate #aweber #cloak #highlight #link #spam
  • Profile picture of the author JamesLennon
    What spam rating do you have?

    It will be marked as spam because your link is clearly an affiliate link or you have a spammy title
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    • Profile picture of the author sentient
      Originally Posted by JamesLennon View Post

      What spam rating do you have?

      It will be marked as spam because your link is clearly an affiliate link or you have a spammy title
      It gets a 10 (which I understand is out of 10). It's definately the link rather than the title.

      I've cloaked the link, and it's now a 0, which is obviously fine, it just doesn't feel quite right having to hide it.
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      • Profile picture of the author JamesLennon
        If you have a website you could link to that.
        Put up some presell content and link on to the offer. Not ideal but people respond better this way. Also your list will respect you more.

        I know it's more work but its worth it in the end
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  • Profile picture of the author TruriSt
    Originally Posted by sentient View Post

    When you add links into your aweber message, it will highlight if it is one that is considered to be spam (in which case I assume the email will generally end up in someones spam folder).

    The link in question is a Market Health product, that I review within the email content, so I don't think it should be considered a spam link, however obviously I don't want it to end up in a spam folder.

    I've tried cloaking it and it no longer gets highlighted as spam. Is this approach considered ok?
    There are tons of spam mails out there and they use cloacker like tinyurl, bitly, etc... Even when aweber give a good rating, some of your emails would still land on a junk folder. Look at open rate, with the cloacker you use, if it decreases then use another one (example use or other cloacker you know)
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  • Profile picture of the author tac88
    Usually if you cloak the link and change the subject title of the email it should be okay !

    This could have happened if you use the html version of a email offer because they have been market as spam.
    I know that happens every time I tried to use a straight PeerFly link without cloaking it !
    If this doesn't work !
    Change the offer.
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