A word of caution if you outsource articles

6 replies
Not sure if this is the right place to post.

If you outsource article writing and their submission, be very careful! On my article site I receive about 350-400 submissions each day. I manually approve or reject the articles, but obviously don't read every article. I approve or reject depending on the title wording and category indicated. I reject about 60% of submitted articles each day.

If articles don't meet the submission criteria just from reading the Article Title then I will reject/delete them. It's obvious to me that many of the authors who are submitting articles are people who don't have English as their first language and perhaps can't even understand the submission criteria. If they submit an article for an incorrect category then I delete it.

It crossed my mind that there are people who are probably paying these authors to write and submit articles without thinking to check if the articles actually get published.

Most of the deletions are due to articles being submitted for the wrong category. The balance of deletions is for submissions ignoring other criteria.

So, my warning is that before you pay anyone for their article writing with submission, is to actually check that the article has been published. If it's article writing for your blog, then you're obviously going to rectify any errors in the writing.

Hope this is of assistance.
#articles #caution #outsource #word
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Right click, properties, summary.

    That will tell you who wrote the article.

    In many cases the person you pay, isn't the person that wrote it.

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  • Profile picture of the author nitesh
    Good article site you have. Its also not easy to do full justice with all submissions when you have more than 100 submissions everyday. There might be many writers who are not very good in english but their logical power might be excellent so just deleting their submission is not justice to them. Using some online grammar checker might solve this problem.

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    • Profile picture of the author bertsocias
      Other articles are spun using an article spinner software so sometimes or I say most of the time, the articles become unreadable.

      Most who offer very cheap article submission services with the promise of free article content use spun content. Writing a unique article for web content is tedious work and requires time and creativity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anne0521
    Right! Very good advice since you're paying them to pass an article and this article has links on your site. You don't want future clients to think you're selling a trash. You need to make sure each article is unique and high quality. Let your writer list the article titles, the article site it was submitted, and status (approved or not).
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  • Profile picture of the author buzilla
    Good advice, I wouldn't hire anyone to do article submissions for me unless as part of their service they provide a report with the live URLs of the articles. It may cost a bit more but at least you know your not paying for essentially nothing.
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