Need Squidoo Master Help
Recently i got message from squidoo like this:
Hello there,
I have some problems with my squidoo lens that i have. i know is not your problem, but if you want to suggest me what is going on with my lens i would be glad.
Recently i had this message from squidoo:
Hey there Squidoo lensmaster!
You're getting this note because our community has flagged and reported your lenses for substandard content, or suspicious activity in the site.
We are looking for useful, unique, you-only material that is written by a person, for a person. If you make a lens filled with repetitive language designed to bait the search engines, or a lens that tries to trick people, or a lens on one of our SquidDon't spambait topics, we'll probably just delete it. Similarly, if you make lots and lots of cookie cutter lenses, or many copies of the same lens, we will probably delete those too.
So now what? Your lenses have been put on probation and locked from view, while you read up on our policies below. Please take a second to read up on these guidelines and rules here, to make sure this doesn't happen again going forward:
The SquidDon't Content Policy
What to do if your lens gets unpublished (locked)
Getting Started With Squidoo (The official overview, FAQ and TOS): Terms of Service
6 Easy Ways To Improve Your Lens (Right Now)
Squidoo's community of lensmasters has high editorial standards. We reserve the right to lock, or delete, accounts that strike us as illegal, offensive, spammy, uncurated, junky, or otherwise harmful to Squidoo, and to the web at large.
We're sure you're only out to do good things and write authentic content. We believe in you, and look forward to seeing you create authentic, good content on new lenses in the future.
If you believe you're getting this note in error, then you may request a review of your case by doing the following steps.
1. Forward this email, to lockedsquidoo.com, within 7 days.
2. Include a written explanation of why you believe your lens is NOT junk, and how it is authentic material that isn't copied and pasted.
3. Include the link to the lens that's been locked
4. Acknowledge that you have indeed read the policies above.
If we get a review request that doesn't contain the information we've asked for, we won't be able to consider it.
(Don't reply to this email, it won't reach us. Thanks.)
The SquidTeam
you have any idea what is my mistake? or my fault?
If there someone know what should i do to bring back my lens published?
thanks and sorry if my English not so clear
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