Clicksure Paypal account got limited. What's next?

by Altin
8 replies
hey guys,
just as many of you might have seen already, today as I logged in to my clicksure account, i read their notice that their Paypal account was limited for sending too many payments and currently they do not support paying affiliated through Paypal. Now for me this is very disturbing because I don't really want to give away my bank routing numbers and all the other details to get paid via Wire transfer and also wire transfer has a $35 transaction fee which is not cool... I sent an email to their support suggesting to add an option to pay affiliates through Payza and got a confusing/non related answer. I guess if they really wanted to resolve this issue they would have added 3-4 different options and not depend on just Paypal but I feel there is something that I don't quite get here. What do you think? Is Clicksure a serious company or is it just a joke? ...
#account #clicksure #limited #paypal
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Altin View Post

    What do you think? Is Clicksure a serious company or is it just a joke? ...
    It's highly debatable, isn't it? :p

    It's a new-ish, Chinese company which certainly has a reputation for accepting all the products that all the other affiliate networks are currently rejecting for a large mixture of legal/ethical/moral reasons mostly to do with their sales pages. The reasons other networks are all tightening up so much, at the moment, is mostly to do with the stricter demands of their own upline financial service providers.

    It's fairly well-known among vendors that if ClickBank rejects a product because of questionable (or worse) sales page representations, Clicksure will quickly accept it.

    It therefore doesn't come as a huge surprise, in these circumstances, that Clicksure has run into problems with at least one of its own upline financial service providers. Indeed, some people have been predicting exactly this for a while.

    As a full-time, professional affiliate, I've never been interested in promoting or willing to promote products offered there, and certainly won't be starting to, now.
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  • Profile picture of the author mjones70
    In short, a joke lol. I'd switch to another vendor....
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    Erm I foresee that this will happening to them sooner or later because of the kind of products that accept into their network. If I am you, I will find all ways to resolve the issue with them and just simply just another affiliate network.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Think about this for a minute.

    When Clickbank started accepting PayPal payments, you don't think they had negotiations, special contracts, etc. in place before slapping a PP button on their site? I can almost guarantee you that Clickbank doesn't have the same business/premier account and the same rules that your typical WF member has.

    They probably went through a lot of scrutiny, checks, etc. (on both sides) before adding them as a payment option.

    Not knowing anything about Clicksure except for opinion based on outside appearances, I'd take it as a serious warning sign but that's just me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Monroe
    Open up a PayPal account and have a sudden surge in transactions either receiving or selling and your going to get limited by PayPal irregardless of who you are.

    Since ClickSure don't accept PayPal payments and only use them to send affiliate pay checks, it's probably a new account and PayPal's algorithm detected a sudden surge in outgoing payments and limited it accordingly.

    Happens all the time, I'm sure a lot of Warriors here have had similar issues.

    I also don't see what the problem is getting paid by Wire? It's faster than PayPal and if you don't want to pay the fee set your threshold above $1,000.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    It was always going to happen.

    I don't think Paypal would be too impressed with a lot of the products being sold through Clicksure.
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  • Profile picture of the author ErikNilsson
    Just call Paypal or mail them tell them your problem sure they will help you.It's better to call their customer care instead of emailing them.
    USA Bank Account + ATM Card for Non-USA Residents Service PM me
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