How many subs would you recommend before selling solos?

5 replies
I have built up quite a list on subscribers now both buyers and freebie seekers from swaps and solos.

How many would you recommend before starting to sell solos?

And how would you test how many clicks you can deliver
#recommend #selling #solos #subs
  • Profile picture of the author Kukelka
    Start selling if you are able to deliver minimum 300 . You can sell 100 clicks and swap 200,so you will earn money and build your list at the same time. Just send broadcast message and see what numbers you get,how many clicks and how many open emails you get. To get more accurate information you must send many messages to your subscribers,you will see how open rate and click rate depends on subject line and email body.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    I don't care how many subs I have I wouldn't sell solo ads, it's a great way to piss off your subscribers and lose them to other peoples lists. Show them a bit of respect, eh?

    Definitely don't do solos to your buyers list if you insist on doing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author BeauJustin
    Selling solos is the new spam, and the reason that email marketing is becoming increasingly ineffective. Tis the way of IMing. When one of the bazillion claims actually turns out to work, it's just a matter of time before critical mass boils over into over-saturation.

    If you want to sell solos I suppose you can start doing 100 click solos, with as little as 1.5k subscribers, but only if your list is relatively active.

    To make a consistent buck you need at least 10-15k subscribers, and beyond depending on the niche. That way you can cycle the senders and not spam your entire subscriber base to get the clicks.

    None of this will matter if you haven't been able to garner a decent enough level of trust, so that you can then turn around and abuse it without the bulk of your list catching on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Find some good converting affiliate products and send to your list.

    Once you get some stats you can start selling solos.


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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    Selling solo ads might work for you but I don't know, if you really think about it, if people keep selling solo ads so they can buy other solo ads, the quality of those leads will diminish and imagine how many offers those people get each day. They will of course unsubscribe.
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