Anyone Use Outbrain For Getting Good Traffic?

2 replies
Anyone here seen or use outbrain, it gets you traffic by putting your content on heavy traffic sites?

Never seen this before, and heard that it might be a good for getting extra traffic.
#good #outbrain #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    I used it, in my niche it didn't do very well but I also think I need to try a few more different types of content before I completely give up on it.

    The site I used it on does interviews with some of the best classical guitarists in the world, we cover festivals etc... so the content is really top notch and our CTR to the articles was just fine but they weren't signing up to our mailing list or liking our facebook page.

    In comparison I can spend a similar amount on facebook ads and basically get 10 times the interaction so that's what we've been doing!
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by pdrs View Post

      I used it, in my niche it didn't do very well but I also think I need to try a few more different types of content before I completely give up on it.

      The site I used it on does interviews with some of the best classical guitarists in the world, we cover festivals etc... so the content is really top notch and our CTR to the articles was just fine but they weren't signing up to our mailing list or liking our facebook page.

      In comparison I can spend a similar amount on facebook ads and basically get 10 times the interaction so that's what we've been doing!
      Hey cool, thanks for you post. Always good to test things, and you did and you must be pat on the back.

      Try a fan page on face book, with PPC and get likes, I have a friend doing this, and selling affiliate stuff and his own stuff softly and does well.

      facebook you must test test test and then test some more.
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