Article Writering Services Face Problem With IM Related Articles

by nrupen
16 replies
Dear Warriors,
I used different article writing services to get articles, most of them delivered really high quality articles for my amazon review sites and muscle building campaign.

I just started a new blog on affiliate marketing and when I asked for articles related to blogging and list building absolutely everyone blew up one by one. My major source of articles Get Articles Done and iwriter elite writers, they also delivered horribly bad articles.

They hardly delivered bad articles before I asked them to write for IM niche. I write for my blog myself but I need professionally written and error free articles so that I can pitch for guest blogging.

Do you think its bad idea to hire writer to write for IM niche.
#article #articles #face #problem #related #services #writering
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by nrupen View Post

    Do you think its bad idea to hire writer to write for IM niche.
    No. I think it's probably a pretty bad idea to hire a cheap writer, though.

    I think it also depends what you want the articles for - whether they're just for your own site or for article marketing purposes, and if so, for what kind of article marketing purposes.

    I do suspect (and as it isn't one of my markets/niches, I can't do more than just "suspect") that the IM niches are probably not, overall, among the niches best suited to article marketing. I think the kind of demographics involved in "IM niches" are perhaps, collectively, less than ideal "article marketing demographics". I may be wrong about this, and it's an impression formed from only second-hand information.

    Originally Posted by nrupen View Post

    I need professionally written and error free articles so that I can pitch for guest blogging.
    Yes, I see. That sounds completely reasonable, and a good use of articles, for sure. I think it's easily possible to do well, that way (guest blogging can certainly be hugely beneficial), but it's going to take a pretty high standard of writing from an experienced professional.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    It is never a bad idea to hire an experienced writer who knows what you need.

    You can find some great writers here. Warriors For Hire

    But you have to be willing to pay for quality writers. If you have the cash, it is not difficult to find a good writer. Most decent writers on this forum charge between 2$ to 4$ for 100 words, some charge more.

    Browse through the Warriors for Hire section and you will find some good writers.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      Originally Posted by timbonitus View Post

      It is never a bad idea to hire an experienced writer who knows what you need.

      You can find some great writers here. Warriors For Hire

      But you have to be willing to pay for quality writers. If you have the cash, it is not difficult to find a good writer. Most decent writers on this forum charge between 2$ to 4$ for 100 words, some charge more.

      Browse through the Warriors for Hire section and you will find some good writers.

      Good luck!
      I think he said he gets the premium writers on, and a 500 word article will cost you just over $20 there for their premium writer. So that is at your upper level. so he should be able to get good content there. Maybe he sould use the warriors for hire forum and possibly save some money by choosing a $2 per hundred writer.

      Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I don't know how much you paid for your articles but if you didn't pay much, you shouldn't then come crying that you got poorly written articles.
    Many of us have said this countless times before...if you don't want to pay for good quality, you can't complain that you don't get good quality.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author nrupen
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      I don't know how much you paid for your articles but if you didn't pay much, you shouldn't then come crying that you got poorly written articles.
      Many of us have said this countless times before...if you don't want to pay for good quality, you can't complain that you don't get good quality.
      I paid $20 for 1000 words article and I don't think that's cheap. I already mentioned I hire only elite writers to write from iwriter. Elite are costliest among iwriter.
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      • Originally Posted by nrupen View Post

        I paid $20 for 1000 words article and I don't think that's cheap. I already mentioned I hire only elite writers to write from iwriter. Elite are costliest among iwriter.
        That is actually pretty cheap...

        But rather than dig into that age-old Warrior Forum argument, since I'm sure we could easily disagree on that point, I invite you to consider the irony of expecting a writer who works for such rates to write intelligently about marketing, specifically.

        On Elance, I've even come across job postings looking for "marketing gurus" and "internet marketing experts" to write content at $5 - $10. Crazy.

        It begs the obvious question - if someone were an expert at this stuff, why in the world would they be wasting their time penning articles at that price? For guest-post worthy content, you're talking about someone working for $10 an hour, if not less...

        Do you really think someone who knows what they're talking about would give away their time like that? Couldn't they just put the knowledge to work for themselves? Are you just hoping for some generosity - an IM veteran hoping to give something back?

        Solid content might be available at that price for other niches (again, very arguably), but that's because writers with expertise in sewing or fitness don't necessarily know how to market their services for higher rates.

        Marketing writers, on the other hand, do. At the very least, they probably have better, more lucrative, uses for their time.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by nrupen View Post

        I paid $20 for 1000 words article and I don't think that's cheap
        That depends what you want from an "article" and what you're going to use it for.

        If you want to use it "for a backlink" toward your SEO efforts then you're right: it's not cheap. (You don't really need much of an "article" for that, though: just a chunk of keyword-optimized text to which a backlink can be attached. There's not much future in that, though).

        If you want to use it for article marketing, have it widely published in relevant places, and successfully draw highly targeted traffic to your site with it, that's a whole different ball-game. It's not so easy to find those articles for $20 (to put it mildly). The reality is that $0.02 per word is below the price-threshold of an article for "real article marketing".
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      • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
        Originally Posted by nrupen View Post

        I paid $20 for 1000 words article and I don't think that's cheap. I already mentioned I hire only elite writers to write from iwriter. Elite are costliest among iwriter.
        I think this pretty much sums up why you're having problems finding good writers.
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      • Profile picture of the author Vanilla Gorilla
        Essentially, you get what you pay for. Most people don't seem to realize the benefit of well written content. Now more than ever, sites NEED well written content that is engaging to whomever is reading it. If you expect articles for cheap, then you are going to get cheap results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Geer
    Well since I am (was) one of those cheap writers, I'll throw in my own input.

    A lot of clients always get frustrated (with good reason) at the lower rate writers. You paid for a service that they chose to accept and it should be done, I get that. Let me just give you a little perspective of what the cheap writers go through though.

    At any given time, we usually have a ton of people on our Skype because we get inquiries and are adding people constantly trying to scurry for jobs. When you pay people $5-$15 per article, they have to write a ton of articles a day to make rent/bills.

    The majority of clients who pay these rates only have enough money to pay for a couple of articles a week from my experience so you're constantly juggling around a dozen + clients or more. Not only that, but the lower paying clients almost NEVER pay anything upfront. You could choose not to work with those clients but when they're the only ones you have, you kind of get backed into a corner.

    When it does come time to pay, it turns into this game of chase where you have to chase the client down and demand payment or threaten to use the content you wrote on your own network or on some content mill. The majority of the time people do pay, but you do have those people who will wait a month or two and try to refund their money to get free content. I got burned by someone for $300 because they paid with a Credit Card which I didn't know. When it comes to a CC Dispute, PayPal can't help you. The most they can do is send all the information they have and hope the CC company gives a damn.

    From the perspective of someone who writes for pennies, it's awful and I don't recommend it to anyone. That's why you're having such a difficult time finding writers who actually care about what they're doing.

    Now, from the perspective of an employer, I tried outsourcing and hiring my own cheap writers at one point. Here's all I got:

    - Foreign speakers who obliterated the English language.
    - Copyscape failed content. I'm not kidding, you wouldn't believe how many people tried to Copy+Paste the very first Google Search result they found which in a lot of cases was Wikipedia. I had to have so much crap re-written because people would just copy+paste content from obvious sources.
    - Spun content. Why people believe spinners work is beyond me. I've tried it myself and it all comes out as incomprehensible garbage.
    - People who straight up didn't want to work. Even offered work, they would log in for a couple of hours or even less a day, quit in the middle of a job and disappear for a couple of days. Some of them just wouldn't ever return or I would at least never hear from them again.

    Still, if you want an example of what you'll find for cheap rates, I advise you to check out the DP Forum. Those people are trying to find their Rockstar writers for .60c/1.00 per 100 words.

    Honestly, there are people who charge $50-$200 or even more for a single article out there who don't run into the same problems that we "cheap" people do. I've been a cheap employer and I've been a cheap writer, you're not going to find a way to build some empire of amazing content off these people.

    Even the decent writers writing for scraps and pennies will eventually realize that they're being shafted and move on.

    Also: I noticed you mentioned IWriter.

    IWriter is only a place I venture to when I don't have money for food.. the rates there are beyond horrible.

    Basic: You earn near .50c per 100 words or something like that.
    Premium: The majority of work is barely under 1.00 per 100 words.
    Elite: Writers earn under 2.00 per 100 words.

    A lot of writers are scared of IWriter because the clients on there are known to leave ridiculously long instructions for an article. I've seen crap like "please include headers, formatted sub-headers, images, seo tags, etc" and I'm just thinking "what the..."

    A lot of people on IWriter just try to crank out some cheap content and type as quickly as they can because the rates are ridiculous. I've heard the rates on Textbroker are better but people on content mills tend to be some of the pickiest people out there.

    Skype: Coreygeer319

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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I paid $20 for 1000 words article and I don't think that's cheap. I already mentioned I hire only elite writers to write from iwriter. Elite are costliest among iwriter.
    That is cheap. I charge more than that for 1000 words as do many other good writers here.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author nrupen
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      That is cheap. I charge more than that for 1000 words as do many other good writers here.
      I never knew I am paying less, since they always delivered on quality before I requested for IM niche article. By the way quality counts for me and as I already mentioned I want articles to pitch for guest post.

      If that's not problem for you then I will like to give a try. I also visited your website and read first page, you really hit me on face when I read this, "If you're struggling to write content, the odds are high that your content is full of spelling mistakes and your grammar is horrific.".

      No doubt you mentioned me there.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I always get full payment upfront and I never have trouble with my clients. I guarantee the quality of my work and have never had a complaint so setting your own levels is really up to you to make that stand and be confident in yourself to do it.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author PhilippaWrites
    Many of my writing clients come to me having already wasted money on cheap writers who didn't deliver what they needed, or care much about that. Even at the highest level of iWriter, it's barely worth switching the computer on unless the buyer has added a considerable chunk to the fee being offered.

    Thinking about it, now you mention it, more of my marketing clients have had bad experiences cheaply before, but that could be because marketers are more likely to know where to look for ultra-cheap writers?

    Basically, what Alexa said - if you want better writing than you've been getting, then you have to pay fees that will allow the writer to take enough time to research, write, rewrite, fact check, proofread and edit before they send it back to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author run
    It's a very bad idea to hire the writers for MMO or IM niche. This niche is very hard to predict or research. Because most of the aspect of this niche needs to be done by experience, trial, error, and testing, the writers themselves must acquire those experience.

    Unlike normal article niches such as health, pet, or finance, MMO/IM niche is not based on theory to produce a very valuable content but experienced. That's why this is not suitable for the majority of the writers.

    As mentioned above by Superior Content Creation, if those writers have experienced, trial, error, and testing about what works and doesn't work, they might not available for hire anymore because they could use their time and skill to produce content for their online venture already.
    I just wanna tell you that most of the links in the signature are trash and/or a trap to make you pay!
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  • Profile picture of the author TravisO
    It's not bad to hire article writers for your IM niche. It becomes bad when you hired bad writers.
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