In Need of Advice on Site Flipping
I have a niche website/blog with a Facebook Fan page and Twitter account that I am looking to put up for sale on Flippa. I've never sold a website before, so I want to make sure I read any material I can on the process of listing, selling, and transferring the website to the buyer before I give it a try. I've picked up a couple WSO's on site flipping, as well as gone through the Flippa blog, but I haven't found a real in depth guide on the transfer process, so maybe someone here can help me.
The domain of the website I am looking to sell is registered through GoDaddy, and I have the nameservers pointed to my hosting account at BlueHost and my site is built through WordPress.
I want to make sure I have the general idea of how the transfer works ... after the sale I push the domain to the buyer's GoDaddy account, export the website files from my BlueHost cPanel and upload them to the buyer's cPanel, then change the nameservers of the domain to the new cPanel nameservers.. is that right?
I know I can also ask the buyer to do the transfer process, but I'm not sure I feel comfortable with a stranger having access to my accounts.
I guess another question I have is does anyone know of a reputable Warrior for Hire that may offer transfer services? I would be interested in that as well.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks Warriors!
curly sue -
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sbucciarel Banned-
[ 2 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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