What Are Some Hobby Niches For Rich People?

67 replies
I've had enough of promoting products to poor people in desperate markets. Like blood from a stone getting money from these people.

I want to move into a hobby niche that caters for middle-class people with plenty of money to spend.

Golf comes to mind.

Any other ideas?
#hobby #niches #people #rich
  • Profile picture of the author curly sue
    Here are the top 'rich-people niches'
    1. Finance/ Stockmarket
    2. Casinos/ Gambling
    3. Chartered services; yatchts & private jets
    4. Holiday clubs
    5. Golf

    Affiliate Programs Directory - Many Affiliate Marketing Programs Listed has most of these affiliate programs
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    • Profile picture of the author JFrenty
      Originally Posted by curly sue View Post

      Here are the top 'rich-people niches'
      1. Finance/ Stockmarket
      2. Casinos/ Gambling
      3. Chartered services; yatchts & private jets
      4. Holiday clubs
      5. Golf

      Affiliate Programs Directory - Many Affiliate Marketing Programs Listed has most of these affiliate programs
      Oh yes these niches indeed come to mind when thinking of hobby niches for the rich people. You can also google "hobby niches for rich people" or "rich people's hobbies" and see what you come up with? Give it a try and see it for yourself .
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Collections are always in demand. This is more than a hobby. People who collect stamps, coins, antique, etc love these products and of course, they can pay their price.
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  • Profile picture of the author squadron
    Expensive dog and cat breeds would be worth a look.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikelmraz
    No clue what rich people are interested in.
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    • Profile picture of the author avajo71
      Originally Posted by mikelmraz View Post

      No clue what rich people are interested in.
      It seem you had never became a rich people. Try it! It is fun (according to those rich guys).
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  • Profile picture of the author Charanjit
    Horse riding / rugby is a decent niche, middle to upper class sport.

    Want to learn more, read read and read more. http://www.mannusblog.com/index.php/...e-optimisation

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I'm in a niche where it's both hobby & business traffic, prices range from low thousand too hundreds of thousands of dollars, mostly middle aged & older men. Traffic usually starts out working in the niche & figures out they can make more money starting their own business.

    So really the flow is: Offline job > Hobby > Self employed
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Expensive clothes, purses, jewelry, watches, dog accessories, etc
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    • Profile picture of the author bss2t
      Golf is the first thing that comes to mind.

      Real Estate, Finance, Cigars/Bourbon, World Travel.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Golf, yachting, skiing, snowboarding, hunting, fishing, fox hunting to name but a few niches where you'll find people with money and willing to spend.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexandraMarch
    I would also say golf, but I would also try something like expensive gadgets..a lot of people are passionate about them, but certainly there are alternitives for the rich one..in terms of colections I would go with fancy cars or watches..a lot of rich people seem to be interested in collecting them..
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  • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
    Originally Posted by Snow_Predator View Post

    What Are Some Hobby Niches For Rich People

    Controlling the peasants.

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  • Profile picture of the author leoghi1982
    What about escort services? ashashashash kidding
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  • Profile picture of the author ElaineBrown
    Wine and gastromony, gourmet restaurants around the world
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    • Profile picture of the author TheEye
      You do not want to target a market e.g. a hobby.

      You want to target a demographic e.g 25 year old men

      The time people tend to have disposable income is when they start working but have no big expenses e.g. house payments or children.

      Once the children come along, parents tend to spend their disposable income on them e.g. school fees, coaching

      Once the kids are grown up they can start spending money on themselves again or save for retirement.

      The people who have just started to work tend to spend money on fashion and fashion accessories, partying, traveling, gadgets, hobbies, sport etc
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      • Profile picture of the author martimoney
        Originally Posted by TheEye View Post

        You do not want to target a market e.g. a hobby.

        You want to target a demographic e.g 25 year old men

        The time people tend to have disposable income is when they start working but have no big expenses e.g. house payments or children.

        Once the children come along, parents tend to spend their disposable income on them e.g. school fees, coaching

        Once the kids are grown up they can start spending money on themselves again or save for retirement.

        The people who have just started to work tend to spend money on fashion and fashion accessories, partying, traveling, gadgets, hobbies, sport etc
        Good point. I spent thousands of dollars in my early 20's on extreme sports (ie. bungy jumping, sky diving, etc.) after marriage and a family this became a thing of the past. Of course I didn't consider myself "rich" at that time, I was still really willing to spend every penny on what I wanted to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Snow_Predator
    Some excellent ideas, thanks folks. It'd have to be something I can also develop an interest in, and actually start doing myself at one point.

    Golf and world travel seem a good option for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author LilaJade
    I've been friends with a few incredibly rich people. One of them was a solar eclipse chaser. He traveled all over the world to go see solar eclipses.

    Another was a birder. He traveled all over the world trying to spot exotic birds.

    Another loved wildlife photography. He traveled all over the world trying to get awesome shots of animals in the wild.

    What's the theme here? All their hobbies required very expensive travel, but there was a goal for the travel. It wasn't travel for travel's sake, but travel with a purpose. So, I think if you can focus on hobby niches that require a lot travel, you'd be a rich-person magnet and could definitely rule out the desperate, tight-on-money people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    cocktail parties
    Travel Abroad
    The list goes on..
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  • Profile picture of the author Gengis


    Eating out at fine restaurants

    Real estate investing

    there's a ton
    My Craigslist Arbitrage Method Of Making Money On Demand -->

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Snow_Predator View Post

    I want to move into a hobby niche that caters for middle-class people with plenty of money to spend.
    Very good idea indeed. "Recession-proof" customers. Perhaps the more "upper-middle class", the better?

    Golf (men); shoes/fashion (women); expensive/unusual/rare/luxury travel (potentially very interesting niches but some serious payment difficulties to be aware of).

    I suspect that other, "more obvious" niches like jewellery (excuse UK spelling), watches, cars and so on are really fraught with payment-reliability difficulties.

    Telescopes and related paraphernalia, mentioned above, are an interesting niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    art collecting
    horse breeding/equestrian
    bird watching
    adventure travel
    wine collecting
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Hobby niches for rich people . . .

      Lots of good ideas in this thread, but you have to be careful how you use the information here. A case in point: "fishing" - a niche I know something about.

      "Fishing" per se is not a niche for the rich. In fact, many of the poorest, hungriest people pass the time away fishing because they have no job and no money.

      The key, with fishing or any other broad niche is to find a very targeted sub niche that "qualifies" rich folk.

      In the fishing niche, I would try to identify people interested in taking guided salmon and trout fishing adventures in Alaska, or Patagonia, or Russia. Such a week-long trip could cost upward of $10,000.

      You see, the key to me is to identify a hobby or activity that qualifies or limits the user participation to those with an abundance of discretionary income.

      Good luck to you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Originally Posted by Snow_Predator View Post

    I want to move into a hobby niche that caters for middle-class people with plenty of money to spend. Golf comes to mind.
    Any other ideas?
    Hmm, let's see.... I'm not into Golf....

    My hobby has been hanging around the Warrior Forum for the last few weeks,

    as I'm obviously unable to get any work done with my cleaners constantly dusting....

    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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    • Profile picture of the author Snow_Predator
      Originally Posted by LilaJade View Post

      I've been friends with a few incredibly rich people. One of them was a solar eclipse chaser. He traveled all over the world to go see solar eclipses.

      Another was a birder. He traveled all over the world trying to spot exotic birds.

      Another loved wildlife photography. He traveled all over the world trying to get awesome shots of animals in the wild.

      What's the theme here? All their hobbies required very expensive travel, but there was a goal for the travel. It wasn't travel for travel's sake, but travel with a purpose. So, I think if you can focus on hobby niches that require a lot travel, you'd be a rich-person magnet and could definitely rule out the desperate, tight-on-money people.
      I've just highlighted in green, something that might indeed contain some green.

      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Very good idea indeed. "Recession-proof" customers. Perhaps the more "upper-middle class", the better?

      Golf (men); shoes/fashion (women); expensive/unusual/rare/luxury travel (potentially very interesting niches but some serious payment difficulties to be aware of).

      I suspect that other, "more obvious" niches like jewellery (excuse UK spelling), watches, cars and so on are really fraught with payment-reliability difficulties.

      Telescopes and related paraphernalia, mentioned above, are an interesting niche.
      When I started in IM, all I heard from everyone was "chase the desperate buyers, chase the desperate buyers"... I've believed for a while now that it's easier to sell to non-desperate, irrationally passionate folk, and it's time to take some action on this.

      Trouble with some of these physical item niches Alexa, is how do I start a list? :s . Suppose I could buy some of these telescope, expensive watch, car and travel magazines, see what they educate their readers about, and do the same via email?

      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Hobby niches for rich people . . .

      Lots of good ideas in this thread, but you have to be careful how you use the information here. A case in point: "fishing" - a niche I know something about.

      "Fishing" per se is not a niche for the rich. In fact, many of the poorest, hungriest people pass the time away fishing because they have no job and no money.

      The key, with fishing or any other broad niche is to find a very targeted sub niche that "qualifies" rich folk.

      In the fishing niche, I would try to identify people interested in taking guided salmon and trout fishing adventures in Alaska, or Patagonia, or Russia. Such a week-long trip could cost upward of $10,000.

      You see, the key to me is to identify a hobby or activity that qualifies or limits the user participation to those with an abundance of discretionary income.

      Good luck to you,

      Traveling fishermen eh? Never would have crossed my mind had you not mentioned it. Thanks. Same concept as LilaJade's above I suppose.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketBuddy
    I've had experience in the past on Luxury watches and Wine. Rich people seems to have a passion for enjoying their lifestyle with high end things they can show off or indulge upon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    When I started in IM, all I heard from everyone was "chase the desperate buyers, chase the desperate buyers"... I've believed for a while now that it's easier to sell to non-desperate, irrationally passionate folk, and it's time to take some action on this.

    Trouble with some of these physical item niches Alexa, is how do I start a list? :s . Suppose I could buy some of these telescope, expensive watch, car and travel magazines, see what they educate their readers about, and do the same via email?
    And another reason to target the higher paying items....it takes just as much time, effort and money to build and promote a site that sells high end products as it does one that sells low priced products.

    Starting a list is no different to any other niche. You offer them some information they like / want and offer them value, tips, resources and other information related to the niche. Buying some magazines would be a good idea to get information.
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    • Profile picture of the author Snow_Predator
      Originally Posted by RockingLastsForever View Post

      And another reason to target the higher paying items....it takes just as much time, effort and money to build and promote a site that sells high end products as it does one that sells low priced products.

      Starting a list is no different to any other niche. You offer them some information they like / want and offer them value, tips, resources and other information related to the niche. Buying some magazines would be a good idea to get information.
      I totally agree. I realize that I've only ever created desperate products for desperate niches in the past. 3 different niches, and it suddenly struck me that all of my customers are from a low socioeconomic background. It's gona be high ticket from here on in.

      I'll let you all know how it goes.

      The only reason I didn't make the switch months ago, is because I'm trying too hard to be persistent by focusing on one thing. It's very hard to strike the right balance between being persistent and being fluid enough to try new things out.

      Gona start reading up on golf , and maybe some of the other stuff suggested on this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author angshuy2k
    I would go for fishing and of course girls or ladies.
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    • Profile picture of the author Snow_Predator
      Originally Posted by angshuy2k View Post

      I would go for fishing and of course girls or ladies.
      err... say wha?
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by Snow_Predator View Post

    I've had enough of promoting products to poor people in desperate markets. Like blood from a stone getting money from these people.

    I want to move into a hobby niche that caters for middle-class people with plenty of money to spend.

    Golf comes to mind.

    Any other ideas?
    Here's one I learned from the past election ....

    dressage :p
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    Depends what type of 'rich' you are talking about.

    I've noticed that people who made themselves rich tend to be just like everyone else, whereas people who are born into wealth tend to have the expensive tastes that are traditionally associated with being rich.
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  • Profile picture of the author dml8131
    Try these:

    adventure travel
    High-end Cuisine
    Products for Professional Types (MDs, Attorneys, DDS etc...)
    Exotic automobiles

    the list is endless as your imagination!

    Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8317302].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IMstarter
      Investments: classic cars, wines, whisky, Diamonds and even designers pets
      Sports: Sky diving (an expensive sport) A full rig will cost between $1,500 second hand to around 10,000 new.
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  • Profile picture of the author unchained
    I belong to a facebook group on astrophotography. the members are generally older and have quite a bit of cash that they lay down on telescopes, cameras and other equipment.

    hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    Since you are interested in checking out richer people here are some books you should read

    The No BS Guide to marketing to the affluent by Dan Kennedy
    This is the first one and is packed with different affluent types and demographics you can target.

    Selling to the new elite by Jim Taylor
    I just started reading this, as just started yesterday.

    Living large, from SUV's to Double D's by Sarah Z Wexler
    I heard this one was good but havent read it yet. But catchy title, lol

    Start with the Dan Kennedy book though.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheCodex
    Read the lifestyle magazines that people of means read and then get creative:

    Robb Report
    Conde Nast
    duPont Registry
    Internet Codex - Redefining Internet Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I wish to say. Most of those were saturated a long time ago. Here is one that is no where near saturation even now. Rich people collect polo ponies. Another one is falconry, but that one as a niche is very small in size. Concentrate on rich people over seas.
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    • Profile picture of the author bmathewsCCM
      You can also look into Hover Craft Niche. I found it to be a bit lucrative when I played around with it a couple years ago

      Don't see any posts mentioning this one so I thought I would share it. They are an expensive toy and mostly bought as a kit that is assembled by the hobby-ist.

      Hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author richuam
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    • Profile picture of the author Slazengeer
      I used to work under one "RICH" client, who was having coin collection hobby.
      He has a website and covers all the latest coin releases, auctions, Mint news,
      etc. He used to have rare & expensive gold coins, silver coins and platinum coins.
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  • Profile picture of the author pingsters
    1. Antiques, art works
    2. Cars
    3. Gambling
    4. Jewelries, Diamonds
    5. Travel/ Vacations
    6. Ways to get more and more rich.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    The first thing that came to my mind was golf but it's not that simple to make money from this niche.

    It's much simpler to make money from the gambling niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author robg1
    here's one that hasn't been mentioned yet:

    Model Train Layouts (indoors or out)
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  • Profile picture of the author RoseHunt
    Rich people are always going to be interested in getting even more money, so I guess it would be stock and gambling. They also like to show off some maybe stamp/coin/book/art collections, expensive and rare animal breads, golf and other sport clubs, etc
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    • Profile picture of the author avajo71
      Originally Posted by RoseHunt View Post

      Rich people are always going to be interested in getting even more money, so I guess it would be stock and gambling. They also like to show off some maybe stamp/coin/book/art collections, expensive and rare animal breads, golf and other sport clubs, etc
      You're correct. My binary options affiliate manager suggest me to buy banner ads on golf sites to promote binary options offers. I had never tried it because of I hadn't enough money for that kind of media buying. May be someone will get a luck with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author joaquin112
    Gambling is huge. If you can somehow tap into the gambling market you can make millions.

    Publish your digital course at Accomplisher.com. We create the video sales letter, drive affiliate traffic and split the profits with you. If you want to start making money by teaching online, submit your application here.

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  • Profile picture of the author alvinchua91
    If I had to choose one, I would choose golf. I read before in some article or book saying that most business people who play golf actually s*ck at it... They just do it for networking.

    Maybe if you could help them improve their golf skills, they would have more to show off!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gerard Evans
    Expensive sports cars is a good one (Ferrari, Lamborghini etc).

    I've had a lot of success in the investing market as well, but that required a serious expert to JV with.
    A simple, step-by-step plain-English free video course showing you how to make $250 a day online:
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    • Profile picture of the author star007
      Very interesting thread. I would go with golf, travel (women make most of those arrangements I believe). I am in the healthcare field and have taken care of a lot of them...finance for sure, but you might be surprised at how few hobbies some of them seem to have...not a lot of money spent on frivolous things...again more travel for fun and business (skiing, golf...expensive sports) Good ideas, thanks
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8319268].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PROmotions LLC
    RC Helicopters!


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  • Profile picture of the author Charanjit
    gambling and health/travel

    Want to learn more, read read and read more. http://www.mannusblog.com/index.php/...e-optimisation

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  • Profile picture of the author katherineolga
    Out of all these suggestions, which do you like? If you had money to spend, what would you spend it on? I think that's a great start.

    For me, I'd gravitate towards travel, wine, whiskey, gourmet food, and chocolate. Yes, chocolate is its own category. I may as well make some extra cash with topics that I love.

    I think you should consider the same! It makes it much easier to work on the venture when you have some passion invested in it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Not sure it's as easy as finding a high end niche.

      You'll have to know the niche to sell in it. I have family members that spend a lot of money on hockey/baseball/golf and travel - they can tell quickly which site owners know the games,equipment and venues - and which don't.

      If you go into a high end niche - prepare yourself with a lot of knowledge about that niche.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author twinkenterprises
    polo, horsebackriding, travel, collections, snowmobiling, skiing, any hobby with expensive gadgets to purchase.

    Check out my blog and get a free gift!!

    Fly with Jaebek Lifestyle

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by shane_k View Post

      Since you are interested in checking out richer people here are some books you should read

      The No BS Guide to marketing to the affluent by Dan Kennedy
      This is the first one and is packed with different affluent types and demographics you can target.

      Selling to the new elite by Jim Taylor
      I just started reading this, as just started yesterday.

      Living large, from SUV's to Double D's by Sarah Z Wexler
      I heard this one was good but havent read it yet. But catchy title, lol

      Start with the Dan Kennedy book though.
      Haven't read the other two yet, but I second the Kennedy recommendation.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Not sure it's as easy as finding a high end niche.

      You'll have to know the niche to sell in it. I have family members that spend a lot of money on hockey/baseball/golf and travel - they can tell quickly which site owners know the games,equipment and venues - and which don't.

      If you go into a high end niche - prepare yourself with a lot of knowledge about that niche.
      That's one thing the affluent insist on. They want the very best, and they're willing to pay for it. But Lord help you if you do and then don't deliver...

      The rich people I've met tend to follow many of the same interests that the middle class does, but they do it on a whole different level.

      Since Steve B mentioned fishing, and I do know a thing or two about that, let's look at it as a case study.

      Lots of poor people fish to eat. Most of them fish from shore, docks, bridges, etc. Once in a while, they'll scratch up the money for a day on a party boat (where you charter a seat on the boat). I can tell you that not much gets thrown back unless it isn't legal to keep.

      Lots of middle class folks fish for both fun and food. They tend to have better equipment, and some may own a boat.

      Rich folks fish for sport, and they tend to either hire boats or own them and hire crew. A guide I knew back when I was putting out an outdoor newsletter used to write all the time about a client that hired him multiple times per month, at $400/six hour trip.

      Some of the really wealthy people I've met tend to own the very best, and pursue opportunities most only dream about. One thinks nothing of spending a couple of grand to gas up his $2 million sportfisherman and running to the Bahamas for a fishing tourney with a six-figure entry fee.

      Another hobby that can be pursued at multiple levels is horse racing. Not betting the ponies, owning the ponies. From a group pooling their money to buy a $5,000 claimer to rubbing shoulders with oil sheiks and bidding millions for yearlings that have yet to even set foot on a racecourse.

      The only reason some hobbies are known as "rich people's hobbies" is the cost of entry. Otherwise, most rich people are just people. They like what they like.
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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond
    I would say jewelry and travel. The green niche is good, too!!
    Good luck,
    Geri Richmond
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  • Profile picture of the author dean20653
    I know a guy who wasnt "rich" but worked hard and played even harder, He made enough to support his family and still blow money on his hobby. Him and his son would Build and race sail boats (the look more like skis with sails) The boats and kits would cost 5-10k but they would travel to compete in races. not sure if there were prizes, but it may be something to look in

    PS If any has seen the movie Water World in the opening scene where the are racing to the docs, the boats sort of looked like that. Hard to explain lol but figured i would chime in

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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    You can try promoting Patek Phillipe watches with super complications e.g. Sky Moon Tourbillion. It will cost $1.75M with free shipping! Imagine how much commission you will get if you sell this. But seriously, do you think anyone, however rich they would buy this watch by adding to cart and then check out with a credit card?

    Patek Philippe Sky Moon Tourbillon Mens Wristwatch Model: 5002P


    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8327555].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    You can try promoting Patek Phillipe watches with super complications e.g. Sky Moon Tourbillion. It will cost $1.75M with free shipping! Imagine how much commission you will get if you sell this. But seriously, do you think anyone, however rich, would buy this watch through the Internet by adding to cart and then check out with a credit card?

    Patek Philippe Sky Moon Tourbillon Mens Wristwatch Model: 5002P


    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8327557].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Fool
    Homeless people beating? :-p
    Learn to CODE at Codemy.com - It's Pretty Awesome!
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