Newer site and no sales

58 replies
Hey all , I put up this website Motorcycle Decals|Motorcycle Graphics|OEM Motorcycle Decals a little over a year ago and the problem I have is the little sales that I do get come from people looking for ( search term Motorcycle Decals ).

I was on page 2 for a long time but then I ran SEOQuake and saw I had a LOT of errors. I corrected my site so I have pretty much all green check marks and now my site is on page 5.

Now some of you know that not many people are going to go through 5 pages on motorcycle decal stores

As of now I'm trying to figure out what to do ! I did buy Magic Submitter last night and I have no idea how to use it so that will probably get uninstalled.

If anyone can help or give ideas please let me know.
#motorcycle decals #newer #sales #site
  • Profile picture of the author curationsoft
    look for someone who can best promote your website. many company offers services that can help you makes sales from your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    I would try that but as of now I am very low on funds to do any type of work like that.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    Yea I did , I am a member of a few different motorcycle forums. But like I said in my first post most of the customers come from Google and most found me on page 2, but now that I am on page 5 for the last two weeks my sales have dropped to zero. I have done a lot of advertising and made a Facebook page.

    If I would have stayed up on page 2 then it probably wouldn't have been such a big deal , so as of now ( why I joined ) I'm just trying to figure out how to get back up in rank.. IF I can ?
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsween88
    If anything learn that you should never put all your eggs into one marketing basket especially google SEO. It is so unpredictable, there are tons of free methods that you can use like forum marketing to drive traffic and sales but I find targeted PPC to work the best. Another idea is to shoot some awesome look stuff with decals and promote it on FB to increase your page's fans so that you can reach out to them via FB suggesting special offers or whatever ...

    Please do not use your signature to promote affiliate/MLM programs

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    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      Originally Posted by jpsween88 View Post

      If anything learn that you should never put all your eggs into one marketing basket especially google SEO. It is so unpredictable, there are tons of free methods that you can use like forum marketing to drive traffic and sales but I find targeted PPC to work the best. Another idea is to shoot some awesome look stuff with decals and promote it on FB to increase your page's fans so that you can reach out to them via FB suggesting special offers or whatever ...
      Did the Facebook trick and I post pictures quite often. I ran a contest on a forum and told them every 50th like they would get a item 100% for free , so I got a few hundred likes like that
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    I did notice that if I search Custom Motorcycle Decals I'm on page 1 , it's too bad thats not what people look for in my case.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author Kid Icarus
      After having a quick look at your site I found at that you have very little amount of text on your pages. Try writing copy that provides info about your products and contains relevant keywords to improve your rankings (and content definitley helps there!).

      If you want to find out if your site works at all, invest a few dollars in AdWords to get visitors quickly.
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      • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
        Originally Posted by Kid Icarus View Post

        After having a quick look at your site I found at that you have very little amount of text on your pages. Try writing copy that provides info about your products and contains relevant keywords to improve your rankings (and content definitley helps there!).

        If you want to find out if your site works at all, invest a few dollars in AdWords to get visitors quickly.
        Thanks , I've done a lot of that but the problem is that I have so many products and categories.. it would take months to write that up ..
        The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author Daones
      Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

      I did notice that if I search Custom Motorcycle Decals I'm on page 1 , it's too bad thats not what people look for in my case.
      That might be a case of personalized search, for me your on page 2 at the bottom so around #18.... thats still not too bad. If you can jump up 10 spots you will have some confidence to take it a bit further.
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      • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
        Originally Posted by nationsubmit View Post

        That might be a case of personalized search, for me your on page 2 at the bottom so around #18.... thats still not too bad. If you can jump up 10 spots you will have some confidence to take it a bit further.
        Really , how in the world did that happen ....:confused:
        The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author Daones
    I gave up on getting google traffic 2 years ago.. too much tedious work involved... Now i just get google rankings for my clients.. If i rank well then good if not i dont sweat over it. i was tired of the days checking my rankings and analytics everyday.

    I ended up funneling my clients to my site via good information/freebies and then building relationships from there.

    But for you, yea try forums and maybe start up a blog of your own write on topics relating to motorcycles and on occassion link to your main site. Just remember making content is free it only costs your time if you know a lot on this subject it will be even better without having to research... perhaps add a opt in list to start building up relationships to get them to your main site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    You know something else that has be BOGGLED , the site purple Harley is up on page 1 and VERY close to the top . If you use seo quake his site is a huge MESS . So this is where I pull out my hair and wonder HOW in the heck is he on page one ?
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Did you pick a product first instead of finding the niche first? If so, that's problem number 1.

    You should consider getting rid of "krazygraphics .com" and getting a domain name like "motorcycledecals .com" (or whatever is available). And get rid of the Facebook "like" box. Drive people to your site so that they can buy, not to like you on Facebook. But if the niche actually exists... your site has potential.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8120534].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Did you pick a product first instead of finding the niche first? If so, that's problem number 1.

      You should consider getting rid of "krazygraphics .com" and getting a domain name like "motorcycledecals .com" (or whatever is available). And get rid of the Facebook "like" box. Drive people to your site so that they can buy, not to like you on Facebook. But if the niche actually exists... your site has potential.
      I have checked a lot of domains and they were taken , that was my first though when I got into this SEO stuff with my site. A lot of good motorcycle decal related domains are taken .

      I guess I can get rid of the Facebook like .


      is at auction through Go Daddy Auctions®

      Current Price: $10,000.00 | Auction Ends: 7/8/2013 1:07:00 AM PDT
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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      • Profile picture of the author hsbinmarket
        Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

        I have checked a lot of domains and they were taken , that was my first though when I got into this SEO stuff with my site. A lot of good motorcycle decal related domains are taken .

        I guess I can get rid of the Facebook like .


        is at auction through Go Daddy Auctions®

        Current Price: $10,000.00 | Auction Ends: 7/8/2013 1:07:00 AM PDT
        U may open a facebook account with a name, which more or less reflects ur business. U must not name "Green Vegetables" for a Car shop. Keep it in mind and work, success is waiting for u.
        Hope for the best.

        Do not put the links to a malware-infected site back in your signature

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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Don't worry about the domain now it's too late.

    What are you doing to get traffic aside from hoping to rank in the search engines even though it appears you've done no backlinking???

    Forget about SEO for now anyway, there's no guarantee you'll ever rank and you can end up spending a lot of time and money trying to find out only for Google to decide you did something they don't like and penalise your site.

    Focus on forum marketing, blog commenting, social media, video marketing, PPC, banner ads, content marketing (article syndication, guest posting), reddit....for example not all will be relevant to your site you need to work out which fits your site best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    Thanks , I am a forum sponsor on a few different site and I have a few hundred posts on each of them , problem is that I'm spending $200.00 a month in sponsor fee's and making $100.00 a month profit ( if that ). It looks as if my chances to get what I want is far fetched, well I am glad I joined this site to find out rather than paid 200 a month for SEO.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Well then you either need to find ways to increase your conversions / sales so that you get a better return on your adverts or find cheaper places to advertise.
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    I have checked, most of the motorcycle forums and owned by vertical scope so their prices are the same per forum. I have been at this for a little over a year and thats why I am up over 300 posts per site. I was thinking that after a year it might pick up but it didn't .. That is why I have posted here.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
      Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

      I have checked, most of the motorcycle forums and owned by vertical scope so their prices are the same per forum.
      You should have no problem finding other cycle sites to advertise on. Forums are not the only option. Check out some ad brokers, you may be surprised at the opportunities you find.
      Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
      All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8120921].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
        Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

        You should have no problem finding other cycle sites to advertise on. Forums are not the only option. Check out some ad brokers, you may be surprised at the opportunities you find.
        I will look into it a little more, The last time I checked it was extremely expensive.

        I haven't heard any of you tell me to buy a SEO plan or mention getting a ton of back links .. I'm under the impression that it won't help me am I correct ?
        The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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        • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
          Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

          I will look into it a little more, The last time I checked it was extremely expensive.
          I just checked on 25 sites for "motorcycle," LOTS of impressions available. Some for less then $1 per K.

          I haven't heard any of you tell me to buy a SEO plan or mention getting a ton of back links .. I'm under the impression that it won't help me am I correct ?
          As others have mentioned, I gave up the "Google dance" a couple years ago and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Having control of your traffic vs leaving it up to G, is an awesome feeling.
          Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
          All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8120964].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Royhammy
    Is your username telling us that you are a good graphics guy? I am recommending a guy I know to pm you. He is working on some stuff that may help you.

    Royce H.
    Health Coach, Alternative Healing and Medicine Expert
    Member, ULEV Partnering Group

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121015].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
      Originally Posted by Royhammy View Post

      I am recommending a guy I know to pm you. He is working on some stuff that may help you.
      But you don't want to share it with the rest of the forum?:confused:
      Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
      All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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      • Profile picture of the author Royhammy
        Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

        But you don't want to share it with the rest of the forum?:confused:
        Actually it is a bit hush-hush and I have been advocating our new "Collaboration Masters" Social Group here, but don't want to be too pushy about, but since you asked. You'll be able to find out more there.

        Royce H.
        Health Coach, Alternative Healing and Medicine Expert
        Member, ULEV Partnering Group

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    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      Originally Posted by Royhammy View Post

      Is your username telling us that you are a good graphics guy? I am recommending a guy I know to pm you. He is working on some stuff that may help you.

      Yes I have a FaceBook account with my name .

      I did get a PM from a guy, I am awaiting to hear back .

      Thanks a lot

      I will check out the impressions as well.
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    Looks like it moved back to page 5 today , still trying to figure out the easiest way to bail myself out of this mess.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author preets
    Combined SEO and low cost advertising is the best possible route to get traffic , also put fresh and valuable content on your site so that people start refering your site to others. Setup a facebook page also a good idea.
    BUY HIGH QUALITY BACKLINKS | Party Supplies Singapore | Affordable SEO Services
    Wordpress Developer | Sales Page Designing | Affiliate Site Development | HTML Website |
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    Thanks preets , all of this has been done. I think it might be best if I just close my site and try something new. The longer my site stays up the more fee's add up along with forum member fee's.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
      Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

      Thanks preets , all of this has been done. I think it might be best if I just close my site and try something new. The longer my site stays up the more fee's add up along with forum member fee's.
      So are you getting a lot of traffic? What is your conversion rate to sales?

      You don't seem to be building an email list which is a big mistake. That would help increase visitors, sales and interaction with the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    Well please let me know ! I never heard anything back from him .
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    I have about 500 in my email list , I usually get about 70 visitors a day .
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

      I have about 500 in my email list , I usually get about 70 visitors a day .
      dude sorry to say 500 is not enough. I mean if you have good copy and quirky and add curiosity you would be able to do a bit better.

      Make sure you giving them good stuff, and better deals, but build up your list more.

      Sometimes with these niches you do not see better results till you have 1k or more. Then just test things with your emails to see what is working and what is not. Lots of testing ahead for you, but i would say you need build up your list more and mail more regularly. yes, even mailing every other day, you will not see your unsubsribe right go up if you are doing things right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    I see what you are saying , but I'm not sure how I could manage to obtain all of these emails ?
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author dancome89
    Do SMO
    Cheap and quick method currently.
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    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      Thanks I will keep that in mind.

      Each day I look it just keeps getting worse ! I used to be on page 1 under the search term Custom Motorcycle Decals, now Google has me on page 3 .. that just happened within a day or so.
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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      • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
        Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

        Thanks I will keep that in mind.

        Each day I look it just keeps getting worse ! I used to be on page 1 under the search term Custom Motorcycle Decals, now Google has me on page 3 .. that just happened within a day or so.
        Stop looking - you will only drive yourself crazy

        Take the advice of every one above and focus on driving traffic to your site (free and if you can afford it paid methods) and forget where you stand in the Search engines for now
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    Thanks , it's just troubling to me ... my sales dropped so bad that I can barely afford to pay my bills. All of my customers for me under a certain keyword and obviously they can't find me now. I used to get a few orders a day and now I'm down to MAYBE 1 order a week .. thats a HUGE decline .. sorry I'm just in a panic wondering how I'm going to pay for things now.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author PeckhamPirate
    Forget paying for anything when it comes to getting a better ranking pal, unless you need a copywriter (and then beware).
    I'd suggest you write more content, focussing on one keyword per page.
    I always think that adding content to your site is the most profitable thing you can do.

    I have pages that are 5, even 6 years old, that still male me money.

    After that share everything on your social pages and create a few links on blogs or forums in your niche - definitely quality over quantity, so stick with high PR sites about bikes, and don't worry about numbers...

    Definitely avoid Backlink Submission tools like the one you mentioned. It did me absolutely zero good and possibly harmed a couple of my sites.
    Stylish, affordable web design, translation and copywriting.
    I'm available for hire...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8127149].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Kovats
    Have you tried Pinterest to see if the is an existing group for motorcycle decals? If not create one and post pics of all your decals there. A lot of people rave about the traffic that they get from there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      Originally Posted by Jordan Kovats View Post

      Have you tried Pinterest to see if the is an existing group for motorcycle decals? If not create one and post pics of all your decals there. A lot of people rave about the traffic that they get from there.
      Yep , I made a pin interest site :-)
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author carnal
    If you do not know what to do, hire someone who does SEO professionally.

    You can go to Fiverr and order some SEO related gigs.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
      Originally Posted by carnal View Post

      If you do not know what to do, hire someone who does SEO professionally.

      You can go to Fiverr and order some SEO related gigs.
      Fiverr and professional SEO do not belong in the same sentence.

      It's fine for buying mass backlink packages for lower tier links but not for anything 'serious'.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8139611].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
        Originally Posted by RockingLastsForever View Post

        Fiverr and professional SEO do not belong in the same sentence.

        It's fine for buying mass backlink packages for lower tier links but not for anything 'serious'.
        Exactly what I was thinking . I don't think they really care much about their client on fivver due to the fact they are only getting paid 5 bucks.
        The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      I have done that and had no good results out of it, and from what I hear a lot of people will use magic submitter or se nuke and blast your site. I'd rather be ranked a little lower and be safe, than higher and be black listed .

      I've been cleaning up the site non stop lately , making some links to products smaller and making more / new content . Also adding a lot of new H1 though H6 tags and checking everything with soequake .

      Only issue that I have is I really don't have a lot of room for content on my pages do to all of the products that I have .. but I'm slowly working on it

      Once I feel content is good and the website is sufficient then I will hire someone to do the SEO .

      One guy on here gave me a quote and his exact words were . " I couldn't do anything for less than $500.00 a month "

      Thats a lot for a $100.00 a month profit site.
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author kstep
    I suggest you to make your website design a bit more professional. Now the footer looks like one of those Ebay auction descriptions with loads of text which looks, uuummm, very bad.

    Build your own community. Start writing a blog.

    There are plenty of stuff for your niche to write about. Add many images, make your content rich.

    Post videos from Youtube.

    Create a small plan for the content that will go to your blog.

    Let people know that you're passionate about it as they are. Inspire them.


    Use Pinterest (pin the images from your website to your pinterest account. It grabs the link of your website together with image.)

    Hope you will get better results in either way man!
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    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      Yeah I had to add stuff to the footer of the front page somehow .. If I didn't than the front page would have no content at all .

      I did create the pin interest and I have plenty of pictures .

      YouTube has been done as well , also Facebook.

      still trying to figure out the P.S remark about grabbing images from my site , I'm guessing you would use the URL code other than uploading a direct image to pin interest ?
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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      • Profile picture of the author kstep
        Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

        Yeah I had to add stuff to the footer of the front page somehow .. If I didn't than the front page would have no content at all .

        I did create the pin interest and I have plenty of pictures .

        YouTube has been done as well , also Facebook.

        still trying to figure out the P.S remark about grabbing images from my site , I'm guessing you would use the URL code other than uploading a direct image to pin interest ?

        The pinterest allows you to pin the image directly form your website to pinterest acocount.

        Once you pin the image to your account others who will share it (repin it together with your website url to their albums)

        I'm not a SEO expert but heard that this affect it positively, you should do more research about that.
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        • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
          Originally Posted by kstep View Post

          The pinterest allows you to pin the image directly form your website to pinterest acocount.

          Once you pin the image to your account others who will share it (repin it together with your website url to their albums)

          I'm not a SEO expert but heard that this affect it positively, you should do more research about that.
          I just did the pin interest deal from my website to pin interest ..

          Funny thing is that pin interest only for 3 images on my website .... WTH.....

          The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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          • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
            Originally Posted by Art of Marketing View Post

            Hi Krazy,

            Since you are an accessories focus I would find Motorcycle sits that have large traffic and get a sponsored ad on their site. There has to be many from all over the world.

            If they have an opt in on their page for a newsletter you can also make a deal to send out a discount package to those subscribers

            And speaking of opt ins you should have one on your own site as well so you can captrue every single precious visitor you get and be able to promote to them into the future.

            Thanks for the info , I did check on that with bike forums and it's quite expensive really ( $100.00 ) a month.

            I really have no idea how to do a newsletter or anything like that.
            The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
      I changed the front footer , do you think that will be okay ?
      The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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  • Profile picture of the author Krazygraphic
    If anyone has any ideas of how I can add more content to my front page to make it look better please let me know.
    The #1 spot for Motorcycle Decals
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    • Profile picture of the author kstep
      Originally Posted by Krazygraphic View Post

      If anyone has any ideas of how I can add more content to my front page to make it look better please let me know.
      It is an old saying that 'Less is more'.

      Don't try to put too much content in your front page. The quality is that matters.

      You need to grab the attention and make that impression that you're the expert and you know everything in this field.

      I still strongly suggest you to write a blog, and believe almost everyone on this forum will agree with me. Bring in some personal touch and make it your own e-commerce shop, not someone's shop.
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