Warrior Advice on WSO Pre-launch.

13 replies
Hey again Warriors

I hope everyone is having a good Friday evening (give or take depending on time zone). I have a quick question in regards to bringing my product to the forum and offering a great deal to my fellow warriors.

I'll just go through a quick run down of what I have done, plan to do, and then I'll ask about where I am really curious.

Feel free to comment, criticize, question, rant, etc. I don't get offended too easily so shoot.

anyway....So I have a system that I have been using for a few months now, it essentially is a business model that I have built, tested, and finalized and is bringing my a nice chunk of change daily.

I feel it is time to share this with the world, so I am going to build a product around it, taking buyers from A-Z to get them going in this venture.

It is not necessarily a 'hidden gem' so to speak, but the way I have put everything together to drive the traffic and actually BE in business is rather excellent and anyone can do it, plus it's free.

I'm not here to plug my product so I'll get to business here...

I have a basic outline of what steps I should take and tasks I would like to complete below:

1. Test the system and the market it runs in and will be sold to. - DONE
2. Create the product (everything that includes) - Almost Done
3. Find Warriors who would like a free copy in exchange for a review. - X
4. Create a sales copy including the reviews. - X
5. Create an affiliate program and create materials and page for it. - X
6. List product on sales platform like Zaxaa, JVZoo, W+. - X
7. List product on affiliate networks. - X
8. Give the affiliates some time, and then launch. - X

Now this is just my run down of the steps I am taking in launching my product, not just as a WSO, but in general to the public.

I am open to any suggestions about the steps I am taking, but what I really would like to talk about is pre-launch work.

I know that affiliates are the driving force behind a product, so I intend on treating them well, giving them all sorts of materials and media to put out, and will be giving them a nice commission.

The reason I say that I because I feel that the pre-launch affiliate pages I put out will be fine for affiliates, but what about customers?

Should I let my affiliates build up steam to the launch, or is there ways I can do some countdown/pre-launch advertising on WF?

Thank you for any advice you can give!
#advice #prelaunch #warrior #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I personally would be identifying affiliates who seem ideal
    for you product (based upon their niche and what they
    typically market). I'd be reaching out to them NOW building
    real relationships.

    Those may be the affiliates that help you to gain that initial
    momentum, and help you to gain the attention of other
    affiliates who don't really know you.


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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    This is tricky. It's true that a lot depends on affiliates. But there's something even more important to consider. Your product and sales page. There's a catch 22 that goes with attracting affiliates. Affiliates most often sit and wait to see what happens in the first two hours of the actual launch. That's where the rubber meets the road.

    Your sales page needs to scream value. And for this audience your system needs to explained so it appears easy. That's just how it goes here. Money. Lots of it with little work. Those are the offers that most often shoot off the launching pad with fanfare. And when the affiliates see that, they're on board. If they don't you're not exactly sunk. If you can impress a few and get a guarantee of a mailing you might be okay.

    But that comes back to your sales page, the offer itself and how many reputable reviews you have. Face it. The market here is young men who somehow think you can set up some miraculous system and then tap it for cash when you feel like it. That might be an exaggeration but not a very big one. I strongly suggest you hang out on the WSO board and study long and hard what type of offers are making it and who the affiliates are that are promoting them.

    Then model what they've done as close as you can. You might also take a look at some of the mastermind groups here. Get hooked up with the right one and a lot of this stuff will fall into place on its own if the product is really good. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author humbledmarket
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      This is tricky. It's true that a lot depends on affiliates. But there's something even more important to consider. Your product and sales page. There's a catch 22 that goes with attracting affiliates. Affiliates most often sit and wait to see what happens in the first two hours of the actual launch. That's where the rubber meets the road.

      Your sales page needs to scream value. And for this audience your system needs to explained so it appears easy. That's just how it goes here. Money. Lots of it with little work. Those are the offers that most often shoot off the launching pad with fanfare. And when the affiliates see that, they're on board. If they don't you're not exactly sunk. If you can impress a few and get a guarantee of a mailing you might be okay.

      But that comes back to your sales page, the offer itself and how many reputable reviews you have. Face it. The market here is young men who somehow think you can set up some miraculous system and then tap it for cash when you feel like it. That might be an exaggeration but not a very big one. I strongly suggest you hang out on the WSO board and study long and hard what type of offers are making it and who the affiliates are that are promoting them.

      Then model what they've done as close as you can. You might also take a look at some of the mastermind groups here. Get hooked up with the right one and a lot of this stuff will fall into place on its own if the product is really good. Good luck.
      Excellent advice


      Trying to do something similar to what the OP mentioned. WSO then moved to Clickbank.

      Do you have any advice on the clickbank side of things? What's the best way to draw affiliates from there.
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      • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
        Originally Posted by humbledmarket View Post

        Excellent advice


        Trying to do something similar to what the OP mentioned. WSO then moved to Clickbank.

        Do you have any advice on the clickbank side of things? What's the best way to draw affiliates from there.
        Same thing. All commentary aside, affiliates go where the money is. It's all about sales. They're not going to waste energy promoting anything unless things are popping. I've known some marketers that have big budgets to buy their own stuff right out the shute to get the sales pump primed. Affiliates see the sales and come on board.

        Another thing I just mentioned is to get into a bunch of mastermind groups where everyone supports each other. There are a handful of guys on this forum that came in here a couple of years ago as unknowns. They started a couple of mastermind groups on Skype and within months they were getting WSO/day fairly consistently.

        The bottom line is always the same. An excellent product that solves a problem, that people want and can afford. If you get that part right sometimes everything just falls into place.
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      • Profile picture of the author Joshua Lowenthal
        Thank you also to travlin guy, I think you were typing your response as I was typing my response to Willie.

        I understand completely what you are saying. I hope the forum doesn't view me as one of those young guys who think they found the fountain of riches because what I have done isn't that. In fact it requires WORK and the reward is only proportionate to how much you put in. Granted with outsourcing the sky is the limit as usual, but one can easily make a nice living doing this full time, and it's rather easy to set up.

        Sorry I really am not trying to plug my product and I appreciate your responses, I feel like you guys know what your saying when you say it so I will take it all in and keep learning!

        ETA Sorry Travlin guy I misunderstood what you were saying in regards to the young men, I missed the "market" part.
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        • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
          Originally Posted by Joshua Lowenthal View Post

          Thank you also to travlin guy, I think you were typing your response as I was typing my response to Willie.

          I understand completely what you are saying. I hope the forum doesn't view me as one of those young guys who think they found the fountain of riches because what I have done isn't that. In fact it requires WORK and the reward is only proportionate to how much you put in. Granted with outsourcing the sky is the limit as usual, but one can easily make a nice living doing this full time, and it's rather easy to set up.

          Sorry I really am not trying to plug my product and I appreciate your responses, I feel like you guys know what your saying when you say it so I will take it all in and keep learning!

          ETA Sorry Travlin guy I misunderstood what you were saying in regards to the young men, I missed the "market" part.
          The stuff with the younger audience here is about knowing your audience, what they want, how they think, and most important, what they're buying.

          You don't have to lie or compromise integrity to make it. But I would also suggest you don't flat out say it takes work. That word can be the kiss of death in an MMO sales letter. You can make a strong case subtly while still hitting all the hot buttons and without misrepresenting your product. You might consider getting hooked up with a good copywriter.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Lowenthal
    Hey thanks a lot Willie!

    Yea I am trying to (correctly) get my product ready to go, so that I can begin attracting affiliates.

    I am mostly focused on getting the affiliates and treating them right in the end.

    I guess the only reason I am asking is because I see WSOs that have pre-launch listings here. I would assume their main point is to begin building an interest and get mailing list opt-ins, correct?

    If I were to do that as well as get in touch with a few good affiliates, would you say that sounds about right or am I just confused on the matter?

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction Willie!
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    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by Joshua Lowenthal View Post

      I guess the only reason I am asking is because I see WSOs that have pre-launch listings here. I would assume their main point is to begin building an interest and get mailing list opt-ins, correct?

      If I were to do that as well as get in touch with a few good affiliates, would you say that sounds about right or am I just confused on the matter?
      Yes, that would make sense.

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    These days majority of sales in the Warrior Forum are affiliate driven -- that's just a fact.

    Building affiliate relationships is something people seem to think they can do by just spamming their launch details to a bunch of top members on this forum. It's not the case.

    Affiliate marketing = relationship marketing.

    Relationships are not just built overnight. You should be out there promoting other people's products well before you want them to promote for you. That's how you get on the radar of the top affiliates. Action speaks much louder than words.
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    • Profile picture of the author Plugin Profits
      Originally Posted by Art of Marketing View Post

      A bit sorry to hear some marketers with big budgets bought their own stuff to heat things up? Oh well marketing has many many angles that is for sure.
      I totally thought a certain huge marketer was doing that on his launch! As his numbers just didn't add up. He had a killer JV page and all the connections and history of past launches, so you know he was having a lot of affiliates mailing for him. His conversion rate showing was extremely high like 30% or something and yet the sales were not high at all, they were pretty low. He kept sending emails to his affiliates about how great the conversion was doing though that it was not being mailed much and hasn't gotten much traffic yet, so still great to mail for it.

      If it was really converting that high on people's lists the sales would of reflected that. There's no way it was getting as little traffic as that if it was converting so high and he had all these huge affiliates with huge lists on board like he did. My own conversions from my list were also Way lower than what the stats showed.

      I'm not surprised though. I mean this is the same IM game and marketplace where affiliates are promoting each others products and recommending products to their lists simply cause the marketer promoted theirs or helped them or cause they want them to in the future. Or cause of the commission rate and EPCs. The same reason why products are chosen for WSO of the day. Most JV pages now always say they'll promote for their JVs in their future launches in exchange. So none of it is really about promoting Quality products or recommending products that are high Quality and really good and effective that they took the time to review themselves. They might happen to be good products or bad products, though that's not the criteria most affiliates even care about, including warrior plus of the day. All that matters is exchanging favors and sales copy hype.

      Guess I'm pointing that out cause, buyer beware. A WSO of the day or lots of sales or buzz or someone with good products promoting it does not necessarily mean it's good or better than ones with few sales.

      We can easily plan to get testimonials completed but its very awkward once you have to chase down individuals who committed to give you a timely review and they are MIA.
      That's why you give out twice as many copies as you want reviews of and give them to people who consistently leave reviews for other WSO's so you know they follow through. Though not sure why buyers give any credit to review copy reviews anymore.
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      • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
        Originally Posted by Plugin Profits View Post

        So none of it is really about promoting Quality products or recommending products that are high Quality and really good and effective that they took the time to review themselves.
        This isn't necessarily true though it certainly can be. I don't buy WSOs. I've bought a few and have been both satisfied and disappointed. I didn't buy them because of reviews or comments in the thread and that's because I didn't recognize any of the reviewers. That's key to all of this. I buy based on the claims made in the copy. These days if I even consider a WSO at all (which would be very rare) it would have to have a review from someone I know and trust.

        As for quality, well, for an offer to make a lot of sales there needs to be at least a minimum measure of quality there because otherwise refund rates are very high (which turns away even the friendliest of affiliates) and regardless of how many shills are screaming how great the thing is truthful comments start showing up in the thread. This eventually turns new buyers away.

        On any given day anyone can go into the WSO forum and click on the offers with the most ridiculous headlines promising easy money for little work. How many times does someone need to buy something like that and discover it's a bunch of hyped up nonsense before they stop? That's the real issue here.

        In just about every comment I've made in this thread I've said the product MUST be outstanding. Without that everything else falls apart. Though it seems quality might not actually be that important because there's an army of gullible buyers willing to replace those who finally figure out there is no magic potion.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    this will help you out when it comes to launching wso's


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