What To Do About An Annoying Subscriber?

47 replies
Not sure if anybody has had this before but I have this subscriber (I'm in the health niche) where a few times he's replied to the broadcasts I've sent saying what I'm writing is unfounded (even though I've read the studies and have been testing things myself in this industry for over 11 years).

I don't reply to him but I'm tempted to tell him to unsubscribe. Although I remember something Tim Ferriss said about people like that in that they have all the time in the world.

Anybody else encounter this and if so what have you done about it?
#annoying #subscriber
  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Are they an actual customer? If not, if they are only being negative, I would unsubscribe them myself. If they are a customer, then you might want to look at how good of a customer they are. How much have they purchased?

    On the other hand, sometimes you have to fire a customer if the way they are acting is not worth the money you're making from them. I wouldn't be afraid to fire customers. If they are causing problems, it could affect your overall business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Harper
      Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

      Are they an actual customer? If not, if they are only being negative, I would unsubscribe them myself. If they are a customer, then you might want to look at how good of a customer they are. How much have they purchased?

      On the other hand, sometimes you have to fire a customer if the way they are acting is not worth the money you're making from them. I wouldn't be afraid to fire customers. If they are causing problems, it could affect your overall business.
      Actually you are right. This is not considered as a customer actually. It damages you and will affect your earnings because this person can also the cause of why your subscribers will leave.
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  • Profile picture of the author 11811
    If a customer, then I say attempt to engage them in a positive way. Something like: ("Hi customer, you know I checked into what you were saying awhile back, and I found some different information. Here is that info: link____ ...")

    If not a customer, remove from your list.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Thio
      Originally Posted by 11811 View Post

      If a customer, then I say attempt to engage them in a positive way. Something like: ("Hi customer, you know I checked into what you were saying awhile back, and I found some different information. Here is that info: link____ ...")

      If not a customer, remove from your list.
      So he only replies to you? If he's bought anything I'd just add him to a filter on whatever mail software you use. Otherwise just unsubscribe him yourself, he's not worth your time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

    I don't reply to him but I'm tempted to tell him to unsubscribe.
    Just take him off the list yourself - this surely isn't worth spending any time, effort or energy over? :confused:

    If he contacts you again to ask why (which he might?), you can always send him a polite, short reply saying you're sorry that your emails seemed not to be to his taste, and that you're sure he'll appreciate that it's difficult to please everyone all the time, and wish him well.

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  • Sometimes you can learn allot from another person who appears to be annoying.

    Making a statement of:

    "even though I've read the studies and have been testing things myself in this industry for over 11 years"

    Tells me allot about the possible overly authoritative sounding tone of your emails.

    Just saying...
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Why is he on your list in the first place if he knows more about the health market than you do? Get my point? He's not a person who's ever going to buy from you if he does this with every broadcast email, now is he? Delete him from your list yourself. I'm baffled you haven't done this already and had to start up a thread here about it. Unless he's the only person on your list I doubt very much you'll miss him.

    Besides, he's now wasting our time here as well
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    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author Innovator3
    He's sent a few emails to me and I've just ignored it. You're obviously going to have haters and I don't think it's worth the time since it's just one.

    We'll see what happens.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

      We'll see what happens.
      The same will happen.

      Why would you want to serve someone who has no belief in you?

      You'd fare better taking charge and removing him from your list.

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  • Profile picture of the author briankno
    Move on. There are too many other people that need and are willing to be helped.
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    • Profile picture of the author wesawu
      You can't satisfy everyone! Even if he has bought something from you in the, it doesn't look like he will in the future. Unsubscribe him yourself and carry on with your business! Don't just ignore his email, put him on your spam list. People like him are a drain on your energy. They are simply not worth the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author joaquin112
    Learn from him. Those negative guys are often a great source of feedback. Maybe you're not citing enough references or maybe your e-mails sound scammy. You should probably ignore the truly negative comments or insults. Just remember to never take anything personally.

    Publish your digital course at Accomplisher.com. We create the video sales letter, drive affiliate traffic and split the profits with you. If you want to start making money by teaching online, submit your application here.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    don't take it personal, it's just the nature of this business. Just ignore or un-subscribe home manually.

    I personally unsubscribe people manually all the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I would take him off my list. This guy obviously has a problem that you can't solve with an email. Remove his annoying by removing him from your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author NutterAdvance
    You should just forget him and spend your time you would've spent arguing against him, to get more customers. There's always those annoying customers, you should just unsubscribe him yourself - people like that aren't worth your time.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    Think of your favorite restaurant. Now look it up on yelp. Negative comments? It's a cost of doing business. Ignore him.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author shafinazahra
    Unsubscribe the person... I had someone who asked to be unsubscribed lol... you want to focus on what's making money for you and ignore the things that are pulling you down

    Shafina Zahra
    Loving Life!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    While ignoring him or unsubscribing him are the easy options, there's another way to look at it...

    He's actually opening and reading your emails. Maybe there is something to be learned from his comments. Are you just stating things, expecting people to believe you, without citing sources, studies, and other supportive data? Can you improve your writing style so you are more convincing?

    Point is, sometimes those "annoying subscribers" are giving us more useful feedback than the ones who pat us on the back. Make sure there's nothing to gain from his feedback before tossing him under the bus.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      While ignoring him or unsubscribing him are the easy options, there's another way to look at it...

      He's actually opening and reading your emails. Maybe there is something to be learned from his comments. Are you just stating things, expecting people to believe you, without citing sources, studies, and other supportive data? Can you improve your writing style so you are more convincing?

      Point is, sometimes those "annoying subscribers" are giving us more useful feedback than the ones who pat us on the back. Make sure there's nothing to gain from his feedback before tossing him under the bus.
      Agreed. AND...

      To this point (Dennis' post) in the thread, nobody commented on an important element this dissenting poster is providing to your content:


      Facebook page owners have known this for a long time. Controversy gets people involved. Controversy attracts attention. Controversy keeps people coming back, with their popcorn.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        He's sent a few emails to me and I've just ignored it.
        Why would you ignore it? You want only people who follow you without comment or question? If you are convinced of your expertise in the niche - why not debate with him and present your case in reply? If he turns out to be someone who only wants to argue - you might want to remove him in the end. But....

        What if he's right - what if something you've written could be improved or might be giving questionable information? Wouldn't you want to know?
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

        Agreed. AND...

        To this point (Dennis' post) in the thread, nobody commented on an important element this dissenting poster is providing to your content:


        Facebook page owners have known this for a long time. Controversy gets people involved. Controversy attracts attention. Controversy keeps people coming back, with their popcorn.
        The subscriber is responding to a broadcast - a one to one email.

        It is not publically exposed so controversy in this case has no benefit.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          It is not publically exposed so controversy in this case has no benefit.
          Unless you also have a blog in the same niche and can use that to answer a criticism (NOT to rant or call out a subscriber - just address the question and discuss it) and ask for other opinions.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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          • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
            It's possible but if you eradicate the individual and present the topic yourself it nullifies the controversy in it's entirety.
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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Fridrihs
    Try to send him PM and ask what was wrong? Ask him what to do and what can be improved. Thus you hire him to do a very nice job for you free of charge. Give him a chance to feel himself important. His feedback can be most valuable for you even if he just criticizes you. Could be you get most loyal subscriber afterwards. If not, unsubscribe him and forget.
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  • Profile picture of the author kinyash
    Just unsubscribe him/her.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Interesting to see that everyone is suggesting to get rid of this person.

    What if he's an expert or an authority on the subject matter?

    Perhaps you should consider doing an interview/podcast?

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by John Romaine View Post

      Interesting to see that everyone is suggesting to get rid of this person.

      What if he's an expert or an authority on the subject matter?

      Perhaps you should consider doing an interview/podcast?
      Whilst I certainly don't see that manifesting, the offer alone would definately make them think twice before throwing around the criticism again!
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    This is very easy.......

    Don't even start to argue with him and don't even to explain things to him.

    What I would do is to take him off the list and that's it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    One of my professors used to preach that "none of us are as smart as all of us," meaning that even when you think you have it nailed you can sometimes learn something new.

    So this subscriber said some of your writings were "unfounded." Did they back it up? Or did you just get your back up because they questioned your authority?

    Who knows? Maybe you are wrong sometimes. It isn't what you don't know that usually trips you up. It's the stuff of which you're dead certain, which happens to be wrong.

    If it turns out that this person really doesn't have anything useful to offer, you can always move him to the "psychic edition" of your newsletter. (My thanks to Paul Myers for that excellent expression.)
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  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
    You've had some very interesting replies....

    Ignore him..... I wouldn't.... I would read his replies.... If he has valid points, take them to heart....

    Unsubscribe him.... I wouldn't.... He may some day.... give you that "golden nugget" for an idea...

    Debate him.... It is of no use..... Unless it is something "ground breaking"..... In that case, debate him via webcam and sell it...

    All The Best,

    Rich Beck BCIP, MCSD, MCIS
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I publish several ezines in different niches and get feedback
    all the time challenging things that I say or do. I slow down
    enough to ask if it's useful feedback... feedback that I should
    really think about.

    Sometimes, I do nothing, but file the feedback in the back of
    my mind. At other times I respond to the subscriber. Most
    often I unsubscribe they person if they shift my mood too
    much or consume too much energy

    The funny thing is that often when you unsubscribe "the
    annoying subscriber" they often email saying that they don't
    want to be unsubscribed

    I DO encourage my subscribers to provide feedback
    incidentally, but don't allow myself to be surrounded by
    too much negativity.


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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    How do I deal with such a person? The same way I deal with haters: I LEARN from them
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  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

    Not sure if anybody has had this before but I have this subscriber (I'm in the health niche) where a few times he's replied to the broadcasts I've sent saying what I'm writing is unfounded (even though I've read the studies and have been testing things myself in this industry for over 11 years).
    You could forward him links to the journal articles which support your statements. That wouldn't be so difficult.


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  • Profile picture of the author derricks4
    Keep calm and carry on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

    Not sure if anybody has had this before but I have this subscriber (I'm in the health niche) where a few times he's replied to the broadcasts I've sent saying what I'm writing is unfounded (even though I've read the studies and have been testing things myself in this industry for over 11 years).

    I don't reply to him but I'm tempted to tell him to unsubscribe. Although I remember something Tim Ferriss said about people like that in that they have all the time in the world.

    Anybody else encounter this and if so what have you done about it?
    There will always be believers and unbelievers, it's just that simple. And nothing you can do or say will sway their beliefs.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexandraMarch
    Why don't you reply to his comment asking him to elaborate and start a debate? Your other customers might be influenced by his negative comment, but if they see se has no arguments or that you have more solid ones, they will just ignore him.
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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    Send him a "how to cure your psychosis" guide...
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  • Profile picture of the author wlasikiewicz
    Just take him off your list and dont send him anything in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author dmister
    I would look at his comments and see if they are genuine and respectful. If they are it is worth taking his feedback into account as it may help you improve. Before totally discounting them it is worth bearing in mind this guy MIGHT be a Doctor or something.

    Try to address his concerns or even invite him to an interview as someone else suggested. It could improve your credibility, give you feedback and controversy and be an interesting form of content.

    It`s your choice though - you could just unsubscribe him!


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  • Profile picture of the author ex9to5guy
    take him off your list and dont waste ne brain power on him
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