If You're Gonna Build an Online Biz... Might as Well Do it This Way

6 replies
These days, I'm at the point of building businesses that support a lot of freedom and the kind of lifestyle I enjoy.

When I started online in 2001 or so, I'd literally spend 12 to 14 hours a day to try and get things going.

But now, when I'm starting a new biz online... I try to set it up with these 2 things in mind:

1. Can it all be automated so I don't have to be there all the time
2. Does it have the potential to scale it and leverage it out to potentially millions of people

Honestly, the internet allows you to create the ultimate business in terms of time freedom as well as the ability to sell millions of products almost as easy as selling one.

I've been in both service-type businesses and businesses where I sell downloadable products... and I'll take the downloadable businesses any day.

Let's face it, with the kind of systems and technology available... your entire sales funnel can be systematized and automated to work while you're not there.

Not only that, but with ebooks, online video, and other online content... you can SCALE that business so much easier than if you're doing services, consulting, web design, copy, etc...

Sure, you can hire others to do the work for you and scale it that way, but if you're a one man/woman show... you'll want to focus on making your business automated, so you can enjoy more freedom.

but also, look at the big picture of being able to scale and use leverage to make a lot more money.

it's almost impossible to make a lot of money online unless you reach a lot of people and help a lot of people.

so, in order to make a lot... you have to use leverage and be able to scale your business. it should be just as easy to sell 10,000 products as it is one.

if it is, then you have a scalable business. then, it's a matter of buying all the traffic you can get.

that's how success happens online... you sell $10... then scale and sell $100... scale and sell $1,000, then $10,000, etc...

you can do that with downloadable content, ebooks, video, etc...

so, if you're just starting out, I'd recommend staying away from service businesses or consulting IF you want an easier way to scale.

it can be much more difficult to scale any service or consulting business.

it's much easier to scale a digital content business.

I've sold 1,000 ebooks in a week and never once thought it was hard.

yet, if i'm working with 2 to 3 copy clients in a week, that's tough.

so much easier to scale digital businesses... and scale is where the money is.

also, its so much easier to automate a digital business as well, and much tougher to automate a service business in which someone wants to talk to you before moving forward.

so, just about any business i start these days must past those 2 tests: is it able to be automated and can i scale this so its just as easy to sell 1,000 copies as it is one.
#biz #build #gonna #online
  • Profile picture of the author curly sue
    well said Shawn, am in the process of appreciating the power on leverage through affiliates and joint venture. They make the difference between earning $10 or $100,000
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

    so, if you're just starting out, I'd recommend staying away from service businesses or consulting IF you want an easier way to scale.
    Nice post.

    A word of warning though.

    Generally speaking the people who go from zero to good full time
    incomes fast in internet marketing are selling services.

    It's very difficult to get to a good full time income quickly selling
    downloadable products.

    The reason is simple.

    It's fairly easy to provide a good service and get paid $500 to
    $1,500+ for that service.

    Creating a $500 info product and selling it when you're starting
    out is not so easy.

    But if you're smart you can do both. This doesn't have to be an
    either/or proposition.

    You can sell a service when you're starting out and pay attention
    to what you learn then create info products that you can sell
    even into the same market you're selling a service to.

    Also services can be outsourced or you can find joint venture
    partners to deliver them.

    Also if you analyze what the big players in internet marketing
    are doing there's usually a high priced service somewhere as
    a backend sale (consulting, copywriting, mentoring, paid speaking
    engagements etc etc).

    Those big $5,000 and $10,000 sales can make a huge difference
    to the bottom line profits of an information marketing business.

    I think it's great creating downloadable products and thinking
    of scale and creating a business that can run without excessive
    inputs from you but that doesn't mean you need to eliminate
    selling services...it just means you need to think through how
    to deliver them and how to make it worthwhile for you to
    deliver them (or outsource them in some way).

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    Great post -- yes the internet is a powerful tool when used correctly to make money online.

    I just saw the new video "Now You See Me" -- and in it Morgan Freeman says I can make 1 million dollars selling tickets and doing my show live


    I can make a dvd of my show and make 3 million dollars online. I couldn't stop thinking how true

    If people treat this as a real business and put in the hard work it takes in the beginning -- then the can reap the rewards of selling products to millions of people on auto pilot instead of trying to sell items to their local community or work a 9-5 job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Great share Shawn.

    I also focus on things that can be easily outsourced/automated and which are scalable.


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  • Profile picture of the author techbul
    Awesome advice! You can outsource almost 90% of your business and then just keep an eye on how things go.
    And an eye on your bank account...
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