12 quick tips about content creation in less than 420 words
1. Stuck for content ideas? Hit your inbox. Look at the questions being sent in day after day via email, and turn that into content. I bet you have dozens, if not more, in your inbox right now. Consider doing Q&A's around your subject matter.
2. Interlink your articles. (look at Wikipedia as an example) Don't write flat articles. If all your articles are "standalone", that's going to look pretty damn unnatural and useless to search engines. It will also have a negative impact on your time onsite/page view averages. Give your content "depth". Interlink your articles using chosen phrases and keywords that relate.
3. Publish content frequently. I'm seeing evidence of authority and trust being established much faster by publishing more frequently.
4. If you cant publish frequently - make it count when you do publish. As my friend Dan Norris says, "Write Epic Shit".
5. Use keywords in your titles, but be sensible about it. Avoid overusing keywords to the point it gets annoying. Once you build an audience, drop the emphasis on keywords and get creative/provocative with your titles.
6. Write for humans. Quit writing BS for algorithms. You're wasting your time.
7. Create your content first, then take a look at what keywords might be useful in your title. Don't spew out a list of keywords then try to force yourself to write to that. It's not only unnatural but it's as boring as hell.
8. Quit writing and diversify your content. Start doing videos, start doing podcasts, consider software, PDF's, cartoons, photography, apps, tools etc.
9. Get a whiteboard, and pay attention. Listen to what discussions are happening, what's on the news, what you just read, what someone said, what someone just asked, something you thought of, a problem you had, a solution you found - and write this shit down on your whiteboard as it hits you. Then when you have time - go back and start creating content based on your white board notes. It's much easier to do this, rather than think "What was that idea I had yesterday?"
10. Publish content that you're passionate about, or you're at least knowledgeable or experienced in.
11. Re-purpose your content. Take one of your videos and transcribe it. Transcribe a podcast. Take an article you've written and talk about it in a video. Take a video you've done and convert it to a PDF, or a slide.
12. Create your own content. Quit wasting money on useless software that copies, spins, and scrapes crap.
That's a few things off the top of my head.
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