starting from scratch, help needed

14 replies
hi, i wan't to start from scratch can somebody offer any advice.
i am thinking of finding one coach or mentor and sticking with it the question is WHO?
#coaching #internet makerting #mentor #needed #scratch #starting
  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Find a mentor that you can trust like one that returns emails, and is actually trying to help you by guiding you in the right direction without an alterior motive.
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  • Profile picture of the author sixerr
    Hi Chris - The only mentor you need when you start out is the info that is already available in the various sections of the forum. Just select a method/medium and read up all you can about it. When you start with it, you will have many specific queries that you need answers for. You can post those queries here directly and I am sure you will get many replies from experienced members. All the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dburn
      I would say find a coach... you can start with all the info on this forum but in my opinion it's a lot easier with a coach. They will show you exactly what works and what doesn't work so you can make the most out of your money and this business in the shortest time possible
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  • Profile picture of the author adwike
    first start to read about internet marketing you can read a lot of infos from warriorforum and then you must test test nd learn from test and i advice you to use wordpress to build you website
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  • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
    Before finding a mentor you need to figure out what it is you want to do.

    Is it:

    -Build a list and promote products.

    -Build a local marketing firm helping businesses with internet marketing.

    -Build an ecommerce store.

    -Build a content writing business.


    Then you need to learn more about that field and ultimately that will lead you to the help you seek, whether you become self-educated or hire a mentor.
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    • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
      This is probably the most accurate advice you will get. Having a mentor is awesome and the best decision you will make but what good is getting a mentor if you don't know EXACTLY what you want to do...

      Figure out what sub-niche of IM you want to go into and then find a mentor who has established a solid reputation in it.

      Originally Posted by J R Salem View Post

      Before finding a mentor you need to figure out what it is you want to do.

      Is it:

      -Build a list and promote products.

      -Build a local marketing firm helping businesses with internet marketing.

      -Build an ecommerce store.

      -Build a content writing business.


      Then you need to learn more about that field and ultimately that will lead you to the help you seek, whether you become self-educated or hire a mentor.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You should find yourself a good coach. I know a good one if you're interested in knowing. He's how i got my successful start in my online business. Aside from this, be sure to soak up the information on this forum. Some basic searches about some of the topics that you're interested in will do you just fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author I Am Attila
    Originally Posted by chris chorley View Post

    hi, i wan't to start from scratch can somebody offer any advice.
    i am thinking of finding one coach or mentor and sticking with it the question is WHO?
    chris, mentors (good ones cost anywhere from 600-few thousand dollars) unless you got cash to burn it makes the most sense for you to sign up at one of the paid group coaching sites.

    some are

    ppc-coach - $1 trial for 2 weeks - $49.95 / month
    stack that money - 99/month (i think)
    affiliate play book - 99/month (i think)
    and imgrind - 99/month (i think)

    Learn How I Made $1000/Day with Mobile Affiliate Marketing -

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    • Profile picture of the author glowworm
      Outside of the forum I don't know. On the forum I can recommend hornydevil. I don't know if he could offer mentoring but he gave me a massive amount of help and support and really turned my life around. I know he's helped others on here as well as I've spoken to a few who rate him highly. I wish you luck, we all need a bit of that in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessmonsilva
    a good coach or mentor is going to cost you a lot of money. Unless you have the money to invest then finding a mentor is not going to be easy. However, the warrior forum has a ton of information and courses that are cheap or even free to help you start your journey if you don't have the money to invest in a mentor just yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    There will be good mentors out there but the one problem is that not all of them will reply to your emails. They are probably very busy and working with other students. Just because you email them and ask for personal help and they don't reply, does not mean that they are not good mentors.

    As you move along, you will also be able to learn from your mistakes. That is the best way to learn too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Fridrihs
    You are thinking in right direction. A coach helps you to cut corners and believe me you save a lot of money. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author GDW
    I would recommend to start with list building!
    Now this is how you are going to make a shit load of Easy Cash. BY COPYING ME!!!!! Click here...
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  • Profile picture of the author twinkenterprises
    there are programs that teach you how to run a business online. You don't get a personal mentor, but I checked out dot com secrets x. it was pretty good. has a trial for $1. I'm not still doing the program, you can promote it to make money, but i learned a lot.

    Check out my blog and get a free gift!!

    Fly with Jaebek Lifestyle

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