7 replies
Anyone ever purchase a forum banner ad (the ones on top of this forum)? Im interested in buying one but I cant find any info on the number of hits a banner gets anywhere. I know of course that clicks depends on the offer etc. But at $100 a day I would at least like to know what the expected CPM is.
#ads #banner #forum
  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8157818].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author arifsha
    It's Depending On Your Banners if you have good eye caching Banners and good title you can get thousands of hit and buyers to your products
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    • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
      Originally Posted by arifsha View Post

      It's Depending On Your Banners if you have good eye caching Banners and good title you can get thousands of hit and buyers to your products
      I asked for CPM not one of these things will effect CPM.

      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Rough traffic stats for sites like this can be found on sites such as Alexa.com, Quantcast.com and Compete.com.

      If you see someone using a banner ad and their destination link is a bit.ly link then you can just add a '+' symbol to the end of that link to see the types of stats they are getting from that banner ad.

      I hope that helps.
      I didnt even think to check Alexa, I just assumed they would post traffic stats somewhere. Actually when I think of it if I wanted to I could just add up all the viewing count (- the WSO section) didnt think of that either. Thats prity cool about the bitly links, ever knew that, thanks for the tip.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Rough traffic stats for sites like this can be found on sites such as Alexa.com, Quantcast.com and Compete.com. As for the number of impressions and clicks you get, it's going to vary a lot depending on when you run the ad and the type of ad you run.

    Just know that those spots are scooped up most days and a lot of the times it is by the same people over and over again. People don't keep advertising unless they are making a return on that investment.

    I have used them many times. Most times I saw a return on my investment, a couple of times I didn't. I think that had more to do with the banner ad and offer rather than the amount of traffic seeing that banner ad.

    If you see someone using a banner ad and their destination link is a bit.ly link then you can just add a '+' symbol to the end of that link to see the types of stats they are getting from that banner ad.

    I hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
    These banner ads are effective, which is why they are not available often.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The mere fact that different people buy these spots and the churn rate is quite high should be enough to let you know that at least SOME people get some value out of it. You need to track the kinds of ads being run though. This way you increase your chances of making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author dhaniramkesari
    I've never run one here but on other forums, I didn't see much success.

    Often times they are spots rare because many forums don;t want to be too banner heavy not to mention the regular customers that see results on the forum.
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