Starting IM is a Slow Process!!

by mguy
25 replies
So I started IM three weeks ago and have been contracting the work to others.

I have two sites that I am working on concurrently. I'm working with online contractors, and let me tell you, it's a slow process!!! There's the bid, the offer, the deadline, the deliverable, etc, etc. The site is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from finished. At this rate i won't be done for months!

I'm still getting a feel of putting things together. Maybe when I have a good team I can move much faster, as it is a slog at this point.

How was your IM start like???? was it similar? how to speed things up?
#process #slow #starting
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    3 weeks? took me years to make any real money. Hang in there, you can't make money if quit. Be patient, eventually you will get that "aha moment" and the rest will be history.
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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    • Profile picture of the author aarthielumalai
      Originally Posted by Alex Blades View Post

      3 weeks? took me years to make any real money. Hang in there, you can't make money if quit. Be patient, eventually you will get that "aha moment" and the rest will be history.
      Ya, me too. In fact, I lost a lot of money to scammers and cheaters in my first couple of years.

      Don't get too impatient OP. When you finally do make some money, it'll be the best feeling in the world.

      Moreover, you're learning the business right now, so you're not really wasting your time, now are you? Stick to it, and don't get frustrated because of delays. I wish you luck in your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Mr. Miyagi say: Keep going, young grasshopper. The path to internet monies is not an easy one to tread. It will take dedication and time.

    Dori would say: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonJames
    You might try learning how to build your own websites, its pretty easy to learn by watching youtube videos, and using a platform like wordpress or drupal. If you can do it yourself you can speed up the process and save money.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaryCarlyle
      Your dream has to be so big that you are happy to wait at least 5 years for it. It was likely be a lot sooner. But also your dream has to be big enough that you believe you can achieve it.

      Think about the WHY more than the how.

      UK TV abroad for free:

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    • Originally Posted by JasonJames View Post

      You might try learning how to build your own websites, its pretty easy to learn by watching youtube videos, and using a platform like wordpress or drupal. If you can do it yourself you can speed up the process and save money.
      True! Learning things by yourself also gives you a better idea of how you want to implement things on your site. You don't even have to learn to the point of becoming an expect. Just learn the basics so when you outsource the work you'll know exactly what you want and you won't get confused or rattled by the technical jargon.

      And as a VA, I like it better when an employer more if he knows exactly what he wants and understands what I'm doing. And as much as possible, implement what you know. IM is slow but actually doing it helps make things faster:
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  • Profile picture of the author gareth
    yep I've been knocking away for years - best I have done so far is when one book got up to $500 per week on autopilot - but that took a lot of work.

    Last couple of years I have trained as a developer & am about to get into android apps.

    The good thing is I can earn $50 per hour coding for others & still do my own IM operations so I cant lose once things get going.

    So look at different angles and ways to sell the skills you learn.

    Maybe I will cream it from apps. Maybe I will cream it from coding?

    Definitely you want to create or outsource exclusive products & launch them properly.

    I get cheques in the mail, deposits in the bank - soon I will do a big splurge & maybe I will rise to a higher level.

    It would be nice if the income was 100x or 1000x more - that takes automation & outsourcing.

    Gareth M Thomas
    Serial Entrepreneur
    Auckland, New Zealand

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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    How was your IM start like???
    I worked on my first site 16 hours a day for three months, only to delete the entire thing and start over.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
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  • Profile picture of the author lisakynan
    Wow, 3 weeks and you are already getting disheartened? It's all about the climb baby! Enjoy the journey of learning and failing and implementing!

    You are building a business, treat it as such. Don't fob the work off, get in there and learn it!

    How are you meant to know they are doing a good job if you don't have the slightest idea on what they are doing?
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  • Profile picture of the author konakid
    Haha, three weeks is nothing, don't worry! Plus, chances are your first site won't even be too successful. I made a ton of sites, and learned a lot from each, even though they didn't make me money. As long as you're always learning and getting better (and not losing too much money) you're doing good!
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      It can be slow, yes. But if it's worth going after you'll do whatever it takes to make it, right? Making an online business work might seem convenient but it has a huge learning curve you'll need to get through.

      A lot don't get through that learning curve and that's why there's a massive failure rate for IM starters.

      3 weeks is nothing. If after 3 years you haven't made any progress then you might want to question IM for yourself, but a few weeks is just the beginning.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    You Can't learn or make money online in just 3 weeks. You have to work hard and always maintain a positive attitude. This will help you a lot in your journey to make some genuine and handsome cash online.

    Wish You Good Luck!
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    It probably took me 3 months to get my first site online, and
    another 3 months to make my first dollar... It's all sort of
    foggy since that was 17 years ago, but I do remember putting
    in some very long hours.

    I did everything except graphics myself back then, so you
    appear to be on the right path by contracting/outsourcing
    things... provided you've really done your research and know
    100% that you're headed down the right path.

    Personally, I would start slow, doing a lot of testing and
    tracking, and only when I had proven that the system that
    I had set up would make sales, would I ramp things up..

    It takes time


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    • Profile picture of the author Video Whiz
      Three weeks isn't much. Have patience. I have been trying for a few years and have only just started making good money once I got into a coaching program recently.

      My only advice is not to get too aggressive too early or you might get discouraged if it doesn't work out right away.

      Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author badlimey
    Outsourcing to overseas contractors is a dangerous game if you are dealing with I.P. (Intellectual Property). Build relationships on Fiverr with people that are based in the US or the country you live in.

    There are some tremendously talented people on there once you know how to filter them. Forget $5.00 most of the good ones charge multiple $5.00's to get the job done. It's all down to systems.

    I can put up a wordpress theme and fill it with content, articles, video etc. in about a day. There are folks on Fiverr that can do it in 10 minutes. A cool website, logo, intro video, with professional voice over and animation can be had for under $100.00 and I only have to use US workers that I have built a relationship with.

    Barrie Featherstone
    US Army Retired
    "Still Serving"

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    • Profile picture of the author PioneeringProfits
      You have to treat it like a real business. Businesses take time to build and there is lots to learn and test in the process.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Originally Posted by mguy View Post

    So I started IM three weeks ago and have been contracting the work to others.
    Unless you're getting experienced guidance, you're wasting your money.

    There's no way in hell you could possibly know what you're doing in 3 weeks.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
      Originally Posted by John Romaine View Post

      Unless you're getting experienced guidance, you're wasting your money.

      There's no way in hell you could possibly know what you're doing in 3 weeks.
      Very true. I'm currently receiving expert guidance and I am still struggling to "find my feet". Outsourcing at this stage would be like "the blinds leading the blinds" :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by mguy View Post

    So I started IM three weeks ago and...
    ...can expect to invest the next three to five years in it before getting much of anywhere.

    You may think you've gotten somewhere sooner than that, but you will almost certainly be wrong.

    Actually, since you think three weeks is "slow," scratch the "almost."
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author T086
    I was 15 and making $12 in a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author RockNRolla
    It takes time in the beginning to learn what works and what doesn't. I was lucky that when I started actively working online, I picked a method that had money coming in pretty quickly. However, I had been reading and learning in online forums for months prior to that. It's like anything worth doing in life, it's not easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    mine was basically a fumbling around process I knew I needed to build a list, and drive traffic to a great offer, then be able to sell it..

    I was making decent money when I started, I made my first sale in 3 days, and close to
    $3,000 my first month

    it took me a while to hit 10k per month and beyond, cause I really didn't know what I was doing....

    It was a constant process of learning and applying, and eventually just figured it all out
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  • Profile picture of the author hirechrisgunn
    You know, you can never build a strong enough foundation. You can always force it deeper and make it wider. Adding social media into the mix, and you've got a recipe for a lot of work to get a grip on for yourself. Let me tell you, once you set up your platform of sites that all of the other sites you use in the future can be based on and through, it'll all be worth it. You're developing your "author rank" or what I call creating your entity on the internet. Once you have this, you'll be able to do so much more in the future. The lessons or learning curve that you have to go through will also be much more simple.

    It has taken me about 4 months to get 2.5 sites going. The .5 isn't really up yet, so make that 5 months to do 3. I had to start from scratch as I knew nothing and only had a friend to ask random questions to.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
    Originally Posted by mguy View Post

    How was your IM start like???? was it similar? how to speed things up?

    I've been doing IM for a few months now and for me the biggest hurdle has been all the technical stuff to implement. For example, I am currently struggling with "google authorship". What has helped tremendously is to pay a web company to take on some of the technical work
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  • Profile picture of the author magicbrian
    I can only echo all those that say give it time. I've been trying for a few years now and it takes a while to learn the techie stuff, besides marketing, promotion and product development. So just keep progressing, even if its slow, by learning from experience. One thing I will add and that is don't get sucked in by all the new shiny objects that will tempt you everyday. On the whole they will just cost you money and probably wasted time and effort - and that's a lesson I learned myself the hard way. Get the basics right and work upwards. If you must fast track there are a lot of good (and bad) mentors so choose wisely and that way. Good luck, Brian
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