Do You Use Google Hangouts? Why or Why Not? How?

13 replies
Like many of you, I've heard about Google Hangouts for a while now.

Unlike some of you, I'm actually NOT an early adopter. That is, I
don't feel the need to check out everything new that I hear about,
even when I realize that it may have tremendous potential. Doing
that simply distracts me too much from completing projects that I've
already committed to and am implementing.

I've also noticed over the past 17 years online that MOST new things
that I hear about... never really make it out of the starting gate.
That's true even when the new thing is being launched by a giant such
as Google... they have their share of failures too.

Anyway, all that is to preface that I've actually only recently started
USING Google Hangouts.

Yes, I recently promoted plug-ins that allow you to host webinars
using Google Hangouts. They are an excellent alternative for those
who find GoToWebinar too costly. I did test the plug-ins BEFORE I
recommended them, but didn't change from what I was already using.

I'm one of those people who was grandfathered and have a GoToWebinar
account that can accommodate up to 1000 attendees and it only costs
me $79 per month

New GoToWebinar customers pay $499 per month for a 1000 seat account...
so again, the WordPress plug-ins that integrate with Google Hangouts
make perfect sense for some, although there are lots of differences
in the plug-ins, and each option has it's pros and cons.

I've used Skype for years for conference calls, including video
conference calls, although I generally feel that the video isn't needed.
It forces me to be more "presentable"

I do have clients or prospects who sometimes insist upon using video :confused:

I was actually one of the early-users of Skype video conferences... when
they expanded to where you could comfortable fit in 10 or ao attendees.
I was also featured in an interview on the Skype blog, where I shared
how I use Skype for prospecting, etc. Most people don't even realize that
Skype has a blog with a HUGE following

Some of my friend have nudged me away from Skype and towards Google
Hangouts... partly because of privacy concerns... something that I won't
get into here. I mention that only because that is what got me to finally
give it a try.

I especially like doing meetings over Google Hangouts (or Google Voice/chat
with Video), because it feels so much like a face-to-face meeting. It is so
clear, and so easy to read the other person's/people's body language that it
definitely adds a new dimension to online chats.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not 100% up-to-speed on using
Google Hangouts... but I do see the tremendous potential.

So, back to my questions? Do you use it? Why or why not? Also,
how do you use it?

I realize this topic has been touched upon before, but from a somewhat
different angle. Thank you for enlightening a Google Hangouts novice :-)

#google #hangouts
  • Profile picture of the author thedark
    I use google hangout to video chat with collaborators, meetings, etc. You know, there are not many changes since first video option has been introduced in gtalk. Now, google talk is turning into hangout. I am using google chat for Instant messaging for almost 3 years as my primary instant message program. I am still using skype conferences with clients because they do not use gtalk, but with the vast majority, I am trying to make them to use google talk.

    Why is google talk better in my opinion ( both for im, voice and video ):

    * The gtalk client is light and does not eat resourses like yahoo and skype
    * Most people I know have a Gmail address which is much better than yahoo mail.
    * The in-app gtalk plugin from gmail and google plus is light and does not send a desktop alert to your friends that you are online when you get to check your email address
    * Gtalk is installed by default on any Android phone
    * Google video conference is free and does not have limitations: Skype allows video for only 2 participants, then you have to pay. Few years ago i've used yahoo but honestly their client sucks.
    * I can see all my chat history in my gmail account

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    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by thedark View Post

      Why is google talk better in my opinion ( both for im, voice and video ):

      * The gtalk client is light and does not eat resourses like yahoo and skype
      This was the first thing that I noticed. I tend to run a LOT of programs in the background on my computers anyway, and Skype often really bogged things down.

      Google does seem to use a LOT less resources!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    I've used hangouts for training sessions...I like how it turns them into youtube vids.

    However, recently google has made it very difficult to figure out how to schedule or start a hangout, so I've stopped for now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      I've used hangouts for training sessions...I like how it turns them into youtube vids.

      However, recently google has made it very difficult to figure out how to schedule or start a hangout, so I've stopped for now.

      It sounds like someone could create a short checklist or video showing
      how to do this, and use that as a traffic magnet or list-builder.... since
      the need is obviously there. I'm certain that someone already has, but
      that doesn't mean that others can't too, and grab a good chunck of
      search engine traffic


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      • Profile picture of the author Sean A McAlister
        I love them personally and have actually started ramping up on them.

        I think they are a great way to engage your list and they have other inherent advantages as well such as growing your youtube channel simultaneously, organic rankings, unlimited attendee's, G+ etc.

        Like you Willie, I was late to adopt all of the features G+ has to offer but there is definitely an increase in people using G+ and no doubt Google is partial to their own services in the serps.

        I think Google Hangouts are here to stay and should seriously be looked at as an additional marketing avenue for people business. There are a lot of cool things that can be done with a creative mind (NOTE: I'm still learning all of the ins and outs as well )

        All the best
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        • Profile picture of the author serryjw
          I know nothing of the benefits of G+. Would you or someone do a WSO for us noobs?
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Willie, funny you should bring this up now. I just today started delving into the world of G Hangouts. I'm sure I'll be using it often.
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    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Willie, funny you should bring this up now. I just today started delving into the world of G Hangouts. I'm sure I'll be using it often.
      I see I'm in good company then

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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    I have recently been exploring the use of " some form " of group meetings online and have yet to decide which way to go. I am wanting to do this to educate possible clients in my local, offline-brick and mortar business which is in a service industry.

    This appears to be a great way to engage possible clients and seemingly more importantly, create a higher level of authority in the local market.

    My plan is to explore your plugins Willie as I have not as of yet done so....thanks for bringing this up and best wishes.

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    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      My plan is to explore your plugins Willie as I have not as of yet done so....thanks for bringing this up and best wishes.

      Thanks, but the Hangout plug-ins are not mine... although I could
      easily create or have one created.

      I just tested two, and provided reviews/recommendations.


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  • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
    I'm one to sit on the sidelines and watch how well a new biz or site grows (either they handle it well or they don't) before I take the plunge. Why put all that effort of learning the ins and outs of using features, etc. only to have it fade out?

    But, I'm very interested in Google Hangouts. It's so engaging...I love the interaction...and the impromptu of the conversations....but that's the part that actually scares me about hosting my own. I like to have things well planned out, and I guess I really still can, but with the hangouts, it seems you have a little less control than with a more formal webinar?? Am I seeing that right?

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    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by RevenueGal View Post

      But, I'm very interested in Google Hangouts. It's so engaging...I love the interaction...and the impromptu of the conversations....but that's the part that actually scares me about hosting my own. I like to have things well planned out, and I guess I really still can, but with the hangouts, it seems you have a little less control than with a more formal webinar?? Am I seeing that right?

      I have watched trolls throw hangout off with their comments, links, etc....
      often for no obvious reason. So, I imagine may people would want to
      have someone helping them monitor/control the chat.


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  • Profile picture of the author youallnome
    I'm starting to get my head around G+ hangouts.

    It's definitely something we should all look in to, especially since Google is giving a LOT of SERPS power to people using hangouts and G+.

    It's Google's way of trying to keep FB in it's place!

    Of course, as soon as marketers get in to something, things happen quickly to upgrade it. Hence the reason there seems to be a LOT of plugins and software to make hangout sing and dance appearing everywhere (which is good for us).

    From a webinar point of view I think Google hangouts will benefit a lot of us (now that we have software and plugins to make it easily to use).

    It has to be something we all use, or at least test.

    I think it's a great source of acquiring traffic to.

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