Do You Use Google Hangouts? Why or Why Not? How?
Unlike some of you, I'm actually NOT an early adopter. That is, I
don't feel the need to check out everything new that I hear about,
even when I realize that it may have tremendous potential. Doing
that simply distracts me too much from completing projects that I've
already committed to and am implementing.
I've also noticed over the past 17 years online that MOST new things
that I hear about... never really make it out of the starting gate.
That's true even when the new thing is being launched by a giant such
as Google... they have their share of failures too.
Anyway, all that is to preface that I've actually only recently started
USING Google Hangouts.
Yes, I recently promoted plug-ins that allow you to host webinars
using Google Hangouts. They are an excellent alternative for those
who find GoToWebinar too costly. I did test the plug-ins BEFORE I
recommended them, but didn't change from what I was already using.
I'm one of those people who was grandfathered and have a GoToWebinar
account that can accommodate up to 1000 attendees and it only costs
me $79 per month

New GoToWebinar customers pay $499 per month for a 1000 seat account...
so again, the WordPress plug-ins that integrate with Google Hangouts
make perfect sense for some, although there are lots of differences
in the plug-ins, and each option has it's pros and cons.
I've used Skype for years for conference calls, including video
conference calls, although I generally feel that the video isn't needed.
It forces me to be more "presentable"

I do have clients or prospects who sometimes insist upon using video :confused:
I was actually one of the early-users of Skype video conferences... when
they expanded to where you could comfortable fit in 10 or ao attendees.
I was also featured in an interview on the Skype blog, where I shared
how I use Skype for prospecting, etc. Most people don't even realize that
Skype has a blog with a HUGE following

Some of my friend have nudged me away from Skype and towards Google
Hangouts... partly because of privacy concerns... something that I won't
get into here. I mention that only because that is what got me to finally
give it a try.
I especially like doing meetings over Google Hangouts (or Google Voice/chat
with Video), because it feels so much like a face-to-face meeting. It is so
clear, and so easy to read the other person's/people's body language that it
definitely adds a new dimension to online chats.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not 100% up-to-speed on using
Google Hangouts... but I do see the tremendous potential.
So, back to my questions? Do you use it? Why or why not? Also,
how do you use it?
I realize this topic has been touched upon before, but from a somewhat
different angle. Thank you for enlightening a Google Hangouts novice :-)
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