Finding Warrior Friends on Facebook

13 replies

Facebook Graph search is awesome.

I was looking a way to find my Warrior friends on the Facebook...
LOL I Stalked two Warrior friends from two different continents using this facebook query:

People who have been mutual friends of Kevin Riley and Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian and are not my friends

Facebook gave me many Warrior friends, who I could easily recognize and was happy to add as my friends there.

You may like to try this

#drmani #friend #friends #kevin #mutual #people #riley #sivasubramanian
  • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
    There's just one problem with that

    Most people use their Facebook for private stuff so why would they accept a stranger as a friend?

    Just a thought

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    • Profile picture of the author bretski
      Sheesh! And I was expecting a whole lot of drama here! What a let down! LOL!

      Although it's true that I only use facebook for my personal life, I'm friends with many folks from the WF. While I do keep a lot of my personal life personal, it's difficult not to get personally attached to people that you respect. Usually I will accept a friend request from someone who has a couple of mutual friends but if the marketing becomes too overwhelming then they get removed.
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      Experience Content Writer - PM Bretski!
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by bretski View Post

        Sheesh! And I was expecting a whole lot of drama here!
        So was I ... I guessed from the title only that this thread would be very short-lived indeed.

        I must be the only person here who's never even seen "Facebook". And I've even seen the movie "Social Network" ... :p
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        • Profile picture of the author bretski
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          I must be the only person here who's never even seen "Facebook". ... :p
          You haven't truly lived, my dear friend, until you've been stalked and harassed on Facebook!
          ***Affordable Quality Content Written For You!***
          Experience Content Writer - PM Bretski!
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          • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
            Originally Posted by bretski View Post

            You haven't truly lived, my dear friend, until you've been stalked and harassed on Facebook!
            I've been stalked and harassed quite enough, thank you, without ever needing to go anywhere near "Facebook". On the other hand, I became your friend without ever needing it, and I've always been happy about that.
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            • Profile picture of the author bretski
              Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

              I've been stalked and harassed quite enough, thank you, without ever needing to go anywhere near "Facebook". On the other hand, I became your friend without ever needing it, and I've always been happy about that.
              True... and you just made my day
              ***Affordable Quality Content Written For You!***
              Experience Content Writer - PM Bretski!
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              • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                I've been stalked enough in real life to make me pull away from things online where strangers claim to be my "friend".

                If you aren't on FB, Alexa, you aren't alone.

                Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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            • Profile picture of the author Brian Tayler
              Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

              I've been stalked and harassed quite enough, thank you, without ever needing to go anywhere near "Facebook". On the other hand, I became your friend without ever needing it, and I've always been happy about that.
              Yes... I agree. There's a "certain" website out there that targets Warriors and specifically you (among a select few others). Not sure if its still up... but it was fun to read how angry people can get and their conspiracy theories.

              Overall though it was quite sad. Because of sites (and people) like that example... I can see the reason to not have a facebook (or similar) to broadcast your life (especially for Alexa, or other 'prominent' warriors). Being a top-poster here puts you onto the radar of a lot of crazies I'm sure.

              Although I have a facebook, twitter, etc... I rarely post and am careful to not post specific information (like "check ins" or any emotional conflicts that may be going on in my life, etc).
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              • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
                Originally Posted by Brian Tayler View Post

                Yes... I agree. There's a "certain" website out there that targets Warriors and specifically you (among a select few others). Not sure if its still up... but it was fun to read how angry people can get and their conspiracy theories.
                Actually, there are several website and blogs that claim to "expose" fraudulent Warriors. As for "conspiracy theories", I'd hardly call it that. And I'd think that even playing just the percentage call that it's foolish to believe that thousands of banned Warriors all have a grudge to bear simply for that reason alone.

                As for "targeting" people, then I'd agree that the methodology behind the actions taken is certainly flawed. But lets not forget there are many who've been legitimately exposed as frauds; Joe Robinson and John Durham are two that spring to mind, amongst others.

                Originally Posted by Brian Tayler View Post

                Overall though it was quite sad. Because of sites (and people) like that example... I can see the reason to not have a facebook (or similar) to broadcast your life . . .
                I don't find it sad at all. Trading Standards, the Fraud Squad, and many other organisations, investigate and prosecute rogue offline traders every day. Why should online be any different?

                Keep a sense of perspective about this. Do you honestly believe that one of the largest forums in the world (WF) is whiter than white? It's got it's fair share of bad guys and crazies just like anywhere else and you'll never fully eradicate it no matter what measures are taken. It's called life, and those kind of people will always be a small part of it whether you like it or not. Facebook - as with the WF - is a huge organisation, and both do an excellent job of policing and fraud detection in view of the vast member and visitor stats.

                As for suggesting that's a reason not to have a Facebook page, well, that's like saying don't cross a road because there's a chance you'll be run over.

                Facebook is one of the most valuable tools there is as an important accessory for any internet savvy person or business. To suggest otherwise is asinine.

                Those who broadcast their lives on Facebook are the fools, not those who may persecute them because of it. Where there's an open door an opportunist thief will strike. Any information you provide on Facebook only needs to be the bare requisite. Any more and you've only yourself to blame for the potential consequences. The popular current culture of exposing the intricacies of your life to all and sundry is nothing short of sheer stupidity. You have a choice you know.

                Originally Posted by Brian Tayler View Post

                Although I have a facebook, twitter, etc... I rarely post and am careful to not post specific information (like "check ins" or any emotional conflicts that may be going on in my life, etc).
                I would never even consider having a personal Facebook page. I've far better things to do with my time. But as for a business page, well that's an entirely different matter.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
        Originally Posted by bretski View Post

        Sheesh! And I was expecting a whole lot of drama here! What a let down! LOL!

        Although it's true that I only use facebook for my personal life, I'm friends with many folks from the WF. While I do keep a lot of my personal life personal, it's difficult not to get personally attached to people that you respect. Usually I will accept a friend request from someone who has a couple of mutual friends but if the marketing becomes too overwhelming then they get removed.
        Damn me too thought I was getting ready for a jerry springer show ahh maybe next time. I would glady accept any warrior invite to my facebook I think it would help build networks of reliable friends/IM partners.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohsin Rasool
    Powerful Warrior Girls who hate Facebook ruined my thread


    Yes you have valid point of using Facebook for personal life, but being IMer and having online business, I have used Facebook more as a communication and networking tool and not for personal life (I try to keep that offline :-) so I am not stalked and harassed online like Alexa

    Going to offline world for few days on a cool hill station... so let this thread die

    Until then bye bye
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  • Profile picture of the author twister85
    And you people were expecting no drama here?
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