I made my first dime!!

by Mormo
8 replies
Just got paid my first dime from the Ebay Partner Network! Hell yeah!

I figured out that I can ask people to check out my sponsors so I put a call to action in my blog header so I expect to start earning more in the future!

I like a company that pays you what you make instead of having a limit so I am going to stick with ebay. The one sale I made with CB is getting chipped away and my commission will be gone before I reach the 100 minimum payout. For this reason I am not promoting for CB anymore.

I'm not being sarcastic I am honestly stoked to have earned my first dime in IM.
#dime #made
  • Profile picture of the author David Burnett
    Can't you change your minimum payout in Clickbank? I thought you could get it as low as $10. Not sure if they changed that though.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author sminozzi
    Congratulations! Go Ahead!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Nelson
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
    wait to go buddy now just scale up from here and never look back
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  • Profile picture of the author mbacchi
    Well done! Now that you know the formula just do it over and over again. Wishing you all best :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author RuiSantos
      Keep up the good work!
      I've felt the same when I've made my first couple of dollars through adsense a year ago!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Mormo View Post

    The one sale I made with CB is getting chipped away and my commission will be gone before I reach the 100 minimum payout. For this reason I am not promoting for CB anymore.
    That's a shame. Because there's a simple way round that problem, but you may be unaware of it, and have perhaps made your decision without ever reading the terms of service there?

    The reason that arises as a problem is because of the combination of the customer distribution requirement and the dormant account charges.

    The customer distribution requirement is there to protect all of us affiliates, and make sure that our own potential customers can't do us out of our commissions by registering as affiliates themselves, substituting their hoplink for ours and taking our payment. Without it, ClickBank's whole system wouldn't work.

    The dormant account charges are a different matter, and pretty iniquitous by comparison, I agree. But they do come into effect (at the level of $1 deduction per two weeks) only when your account hasn't seen a single sale in 90 days.

    Anyway, the way round it is simply to buy a $3/$4 product through your own hoplink (or ask a friend/relative to do that for you). And that stops the clock, effectively, and gives you another 90 days all over again.

    You can also reduce your payment threshold from $100 to $10, if you want to. But you'll still have to comply with the customer distribution requirement.

    This is a nice product, by the way (no, I'm not the vendor, nor even an affiliate): Delicious Recipes - Mocha Secret (Coffee and Smoothie Recipes) (but there are some even cheaper ones).

    Good luck, and well done on your Ebay sale!
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  • Profile picture of the author Geenius
    Well done my guy!

    The key now is to keep doing what works, but escalate it now.

    Duplicate it, keep trying and testing it until its set on auto-pilot.

    Then you can just sit & watch as the money rolls in!
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