Craigslist Multiple Listing Ads???

5 replies
Has anybody tried the craigslist multiple listings where you can post to craigslist multiple time without gettting Flagged?:confused:

If So, how did it work out for you?:confused: and how do you go about doing multiple ads on craigslist?:rolleyes:


#ads #craigslist #listing #multiple
  • Profile picture of the author Meharis
    Originally Posted by redeem54 View Post

    Has anybody tried the craigslist multiple listings where you can post to craigslist multiple time without gettting Flagged?:confused:

    If So, how did it work out for you?:confused: and how do you go about doing multiple ads on craigslist?:rolleyes:




    When ever you find a way to get around for multiple postings,
    Craigslist will find out and you'll be punished.

    The only way is having as many accounts as you want, but for
    each one, you have to have different IP address and phone number.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cassano 10
    It's impossible in the job section
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    If you just post 2-4 per day, you're normally okay. But if you want to do it on a larger scale, you're going to need a lot of accounts, IPs, and numbers to verify accounts with.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8366966].message }}

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