A Hidden Warrior Forum Fortune?
I easily multiply my money routinely via the Warrior Forum.
I was going to roll that out as a WSO, but changed my mind.
What I do routinely on the forum is run Classifieds for
products that sell well but pay me many times the cost of
the ad. An example is that I'm currently running an ad for
"Solo Ads."
That ad actually sells an affiliate product... which IS allowed
according to my interpretation of the rules. Since all I have
to do is place the ad, and then allow someone else to fulfill
the order, it's very low maintenance.
Consider... you pay $20 for a classified that makes you $40.
You've just doubled your money. Make $40 every couple of
days, and bump your classified every so often, and you have
a very simple cash machine that keeps spitting out money.
Granted, what I've just described to you probably won't make
a fortune, but if you have several of these ads and run them
regularly... or even continuously, you could easily make
enough to pay the rent :-)
Sometimes you go for the big dollars. Other times you do
simple things that require very little maintenance and just
rake in a steady trickle of smaller amounts.
Simple... isn't it?
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Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
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Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
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Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
Click To Go BIG!
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Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
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