Over $2K in a single day

27 replies
I don't normally brag about my earnings online, but I do okay. A few days ago
I managed to pull in over 2K in a single day with Adsense. Lots of people say Adsense is dead, but I don't think so. I still do fine with Adsense, but 2K in a single day is a record for me. It even outpaced my CPA earnings which is something that does not happen much.

I just wanted let everyone know this is still possible.
#$2k #day #single
  • Profile picture of the author Oscar D
    Do you really mean $2000?

    WOW, that is amazing. Well done.

    If you dont mind me asking, how many sites did you use to make that cash?
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    • Profile picture of the author bhopkins
      Originally Posted by Oscar D View Post

      Do you really mean $2000?

      WOW, that is amazing. Well done.

      If you dont mind me asking, how many sites did you use to make that cash?

      Yes 2000, most of it came from a single site that got a post really hot. I posted some screen shots on my blog with a few details. Of course not the niche :-)

      I don't post here much anymore, but this place is where I pretty much got my start in this business and I'm grateful for that. So for those of you that are struggling read the advice in this forum and take some action on it.


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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Well done. I have had some good adsense days but not that good.

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  • Profile picture of the author Oscar D
    Originally Posted by Richard Odell View Post

    Hi - nothing to do with the thread but a link in your sig panel is broke, its reading http://"http//www.brucehopkins.net%5C%22 :confused:

    Though you ought to know......

    Yes, I also just tried it. Not working man :confused:
    -> FindNewDomains - Domain Finding Service WSO - BONUS: Free Domain Name Included!
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  • Profile picture of the author bhopkins
    Thanks, no telling how long its been broken, probably since Allen upgraded the forum. Like I said I don't post here a lot anymore. Too busy with other things :-)

    Thanks for letting me know.


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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme

    Thanks for sharing this bhopkins.. I love seein' success stories...



    Bare Murkage.........

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    • Profile picture of the author steve39
      Whoa, that site must have incredible traffic and high eCPM

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  • Profile picture of the author bhopkins
    Yes the traffic is decent, but that day it was off the chart.


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  • Profile picture of the author MSanchez
    Wow, that's insane...I have a feeling for me that will always be a pipe-dream :-\
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  • Profile picture of the author bhopkins
    msanchez, if you think you can you are right, if you think you can't then you are right too. Everything takes time and work. A lot of people get into this business thinking all it takes is throwing up a website with some scrapped or PLR content and they will make millions. It just does not work that way. You need a strategy and then you must stick with your strategy long enough to accomplish your goals.


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  • Profile picture of the author Philarmon
    Wow, $2k in a day is serious stuff Congratulations. I am still happy when i hit a $100 day in Adsense but now i see what i need to head for
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Holy Cow, thats impressive. I have so many sites, but adsense STILL was never a big money maker for me, rather change. What traffic does this site get to get 2k/day adsense?
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  • Profile picture of the author allthesp
    I also want to know how much traffic you received to get that hot 2k. Congrats.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish
      Well done, that's great.

      If you can get a post out there at the right time when news hits or when there's a specific launch of a product, etc. then you can make a killing before other sites cover the story. Ride out those 2 or 3 days before higher ranking sites steal your SERPs and also your earnings.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
      Originally Posted by allthesp View Post

      I also want to know how much traffic you received to get that hot 2k. Congrats.
      It really isn't about the amount of traffic as much as it is about the relevancy of the traffic to the offers i.e. Targeted traffic.

      You can't expect to make money from anything unless you have quality traffic to any offer. The first step to getting quality traffic is identifying who your market is in the first place.

      Mike Hill

      PS. Congrats. bhopkins
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      • Profile picture of the author bhopkins
        Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

        It really isn't about the amount of traffic as much as it is about the relevancy of the traffic to the offers i.e. Targeted traffic.

        You can't expect to make money from anything unless you have quality traffic to any offer. The first step to getting quality traffic is identifying who your market is in the first place.

        Mike Hill

        PS. Congrats. bhopkins

        Correct Mike, Its targeted traffic that helps. Of course the value of the clicks make a difference too :-)


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      • Profile picture of the author eshannon
        Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

        It really isn't about the amount of traffic as much as it is about the relevancy of the traffic to the offers i.e. Targeted traffic.
        Not TOO targeted though. The trick to adsense is to NOT give them the info they were searching Google for. Otherwise they have no reason to click on the ads.

        Eric Shannon

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  • Profile picture of the author bhopkins
    For those asking about traffic. I normally hit about 2500 uniques a day, but that day was over 12K. Would have been more but my host shut me down for a while because there was too much at once which is why I'm now on a dedicated box


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  • Profile picture of the author Dmitry
    That's quite cool actually! Congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chuck Underwood
    Seeing post like this one is what keeps me motivated.

    Awesome job. Here is to hoping that you can continue to have days like that one.

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  • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
    congratulations! That is awesome. I love reading success stories
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon MacPherson
    What the what?

    I want to go to there.

    <edit>OK, Bruce, I've recovered enough to ask a semi-coherent question...

    Any tips you can share on how to get a buck of adsense revenue from every 6 visitors?

    Sure, high paying keywords and you don't want to share your niche, but what's your CTR and why?

    Thank for sharing. It really is a boost of adrenaline to read this.

    Best, Jon
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  • Profile picture of the author Trixxie12
    Originally Posted by bhopkins View Post

    I don't normally brag about my earnings online, but I do okay. A few days ago
    I managed to pull in over 2K in a single day with Adsense. Lots of people say Adsense is dead, but I don't think so. I still do fine with Adsense, but 2K in a single day is a record for me. It even outpaced my CPA earnings which is something that does not happen much.

    I just wanted let everyone know this is still possible.
    Nice well done

    P.S i love your WP theme
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  • Profile picture of the author rootpixel
    $2K from Adsense is possible.

    But, no one would believe that without looking into some proofs.
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