JV giveaway events? Still exist?

18 replies
Don't see to many jv giveaway events anymore. Did they just die out? Or am I just not seeing them happen anymore? AKA I have gone blind.

Rob Whisonant
#events #exist #giveaway
  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Yes they still exist but they're much less common nowadays. On the warriorforum you can find them at this thread:

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    • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
      Originally Posted by John Atkins View Post

      Yes they still exist but they're much less common nowadays. On the warriorforum you can find them at this thread:

      Been watching that thread and it seems to be a ghost town. It's looking like they are a dieing breed.

      Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    No man I tried one about two weeks ago. got one signup. They should be dead though.
    You can search and find plenty, but the one raking it in is the one that sells the script.
    I think the one I did had like 40 something contributors with less people signing up to get gifts let me find that link.
    Here it is. The Work From Home Giveaway :: Welcome!

    and the one that sells the script here is his link but they don't do anything but take your time up.
    Learn All About Internet Marketing
    You will find his link to the giveaways on that site.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    When they were hot a few years ago I used to get 100 signups. Wasn't even worth my time this time. Took me thirty minutes to do everything and made nothing on my listings.
    You get listings for being a paid provider and they pay you each other sale. I used to make like 2 3 hundred bucks a giveaway, now nothing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
      Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

      When they were hot a few years ago I used to get 100 signups. Wasn't even worth my time this time. Took me thirty minutes to do everything and made nothing on my listings.
      You get listings for being a paid provider and they pay you each other sale. I used to make like 2 3 hundred bucks a giveaway, now nothing.
      Seems like the surfer would love them still. Free stuff!

      Maybe giveaway events need to be redesigned/reinvented to be more enticing to marketers to actually "send" surfers to the giveaway lists. hmmm...

      Rob Whisonant
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      • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
        Your right there I do search them quite often for programs and plr. I use them alot for ideas about upcoming launches. They are good for something and I do find great ideas in t here.
        Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

        Seems lie the surfer would love them still. Free stuff!

        Maybe giveaway events need to be redesigned/reinvented to be more enticing to marketers to actually "send" surfers to the giveaway lists. hmmm...

        Rob Whisonant
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        • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
          Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

          Your right there I do search them quite often for programs and plr. I use them alot for ideas about upcoming launches. They are good for something and I do find great ideas in t here.
          I'm wondering what the problem seems to be from the marketers point of view...

          Or problems...

          Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I think its the freeby seekers view. They just don't like freeby seekers any more. I still like them, my conversions arent as good but it does pay.
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  • Profile picture of the author sivricmarijan
    A lot of them exist these days but they are useless...I tried a few of them and received 0 subscribers, soooo...don't bother...get some real traffic using SEO, StumbleUpon or Facebook and convert that traffic to subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I did a recent webinar on the state of free giveaway
    events, including:
    - How they work
    - How/where to get free top quality gifts to offer
    - Setting up a great squeeze page in about 2 minutes!
    - How to advertise your for sale product to the giveaway crowd
    - HOw to grow your affiliate force via free giveaways
    - How to make your new subscribers fall in love with you, look
    forward to your emails and buy from you
    - Things many people frequently do wrong
    - How I've won solo mailings to 250,000, cash, and all kinds
    of electronic gadgets in free giveaways
    - How to profit from free giveaways evern AFTER they've closed.

    That last one involves going back and looking at the stats
    from the event. What products were downloaded the most? Who
    referred the most members and would they be ideal JV partners
    for projects that you are working on? Did you overlook freebies
    offered by others that you can download and repurpose.

    You can find my video on YouTube by searching "How To Build A
    Large Responsive List Using Free Giveaways!"

    They aren't a magic button, but I do find them worthwhile!

    You do need to deliver a great customer experience to bring
    those new subscribers solidly into your tribe


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    Just today, I had one of my beliefs about free giveaways validated. That
    belief is that you should choose which ones you participate in based upon
    how is running them... and how well managed they will be.

    Today, I watched one of the front runners in one giveaway get booted
    when the giveaway organizer noticed cheating.

    I've been in giveaways before where hundreds of people were signing
    up from the same IP. I've seen them where, the front runner in referrals
    had NONE of his referrals take the upgrade, where as 25% of my
    referrals took the upgrade... and the event organizer didn't really seem
    to care.

    I recommend joining events where organizers explicitly state that
    cheating will not be tolerated, and indicate that they will monitor things
    very closely... otherwise, you're also likely to end up with a lot of
    "less than useful/desirable" subscribers.


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
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  • Profile picture of the author Laura Raisanen
    I've tried quite a few giveaways recently and have got 0-2 subscribers, so it really hasn't been worth it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Awes
      Originally Posted by Laura Raisanen View Post

      I've tried quite a few giveaways recently and have got 0-2 subscribers, so it really hasn't been worth it.
      When it was new a few years ago marketers clambered on. The idea of uploading a free product and have other marketer promote the give away program seemed like a good idea.

      Results looks less attractive these days.

      I'd rather pay for traffic where conversions are more reliable and I can filter the traffic in a way to increase the chances of getting buyers rather than freebee seeker leads.

      Having said that if you haven't tried it before, give it a go. You never know you could stumble on a goldmine.

      Why was your signature file linking to a domain owned by someone else?

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      • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
        Originally Posted by Alex Awes View Post

        When it was new a few years ago marketers clambered on. The idea of uploading a free product and have other marketer promote the give away program seemed like a good idea.
        The idea today is that ALL contributors promote, and any that don't
        typically have their gift removed from the listings. What makes the
        events successful is that everyone promote. It's the cumulative effort
        that generates all of the traffic.


        Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I think I will try them again and research them as Willy says. I think they may work this time by reading his post.
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    • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
      Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

      I think I will try them again and research them as Willy says. I think they may work this time by reading his post.
      It's not a quick source of thousands of rabid buyers... but I do well with
      them without too much effort, promoting primarily via social media.

      It helps if you take a moment and view the world through your new potential
      subscribers' eyes before getting started. Offer a gift of genuine value to
      create a positive first impression, and take your time in building the

      When you offer something that they want, they'll buy it... from you!


      Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
      Click To Go BIG!

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  • Profile picture of the author Xiqual
    Not dead at all, fellow Warriors.
    Just some ongoing events, cyclic ones are in the making...

    Best regards,

    P.S. Free contribution is good, upgrading always delivers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    I hosted a monthly JV Giveaway event for about 18-20 months and nearly always had over 1,000 sign ups with some getting over 3,000...

    However, I would manually inspect and approve each gift. I blocked many sites that sent "poor" quality traffic, etc. And generally "stayed on top" of it to make sure was no cheating or gaming of the system.

    I also would do over $500 in cash prizes to the top 5 along with other contests for cash, solo ads, etc.

    What changed?

    Well, originally the main script used (Scott Case's Ultimate JV Giveaway Script) starting being "abused". People were "hacking" it to allow 8,10,15,20 "JV partners"...

    This meant that when someone opted in to the event they were automatically added to all these extra lists...

    So of course this lead to an increase in spam complaints and eventually led Aweber and GetResponse to do a little more digging into the issues and then start banning accounts that were using the script. Eventually the script was added to Aweber's "blacklist".

    Originally you could have 3 JV partners, so they were added to a max of 4 lists at once. With good branding and transparency people were cool with this and they were also "used" to it.

    So after the banning of the a/r accounts started. The complaints started to Scott - the script creator. But, unfortunately for Scott the only way to get off of Aweber's blacklist was to update the script to only allow ONE opt-in. So no partners.

    For me, this kinda put a halt on my giveaway event business as I was being paid to host the events (which also paid for the prizes). So any events I host in the future I will come out of pocket for the cash prizes.

    So - I believe this is the reason they have fizzled out some. Many organizers were doing it for a monetary gain - which like Willie pointed out is why many of them seemed to "not care".

    Hope this helps.


    P.S. If I wasn't clear - Scott's script is not on the blacklist anymore and is an amazing script. It's a shame it got the short end of the stick when it was other's doing the damage.
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