GOOD products for beginners to promote?

13 replies
Hey guys,

I'm quite new to affiliate programs and looking to build up my knowledge base. I was wondering if anybody had any advice to give regarding the best products to try and promote for beginners.

I am working through clickbank currently (and there are a ton of things to promote!) but i'm not sure where to start. I have been eating my way through some of the many tutorials and 'how to' e-books out there, while they give some fantastic insight and knowledge i'm struggling to firstly look to where I can apply that.

If anybody has any suggestions or can tell me past experiences it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Chris
#beginners #good #products #promote
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Houck
    Pick a niche. Stay focused. Take action
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    • Profile picture of the author papuanac1971
      If you are searching to promote product from ClickBank than I highly suggest to buy that product, see by yourself what's all about and than start to promote it.
      Competition is very high for CB product and to beet them you need to know all inside the product.
      You can simply mail author of the product asking him to give you for free to review explaining him you want to promote it. In 75% works.
      Another think is I suggest you stay with the niche you are passionate because only in that case you will put love and efforts in your reviews and interaction with potential customers.
      Having your own landing page is always better solution than pointing directly to affiliate link.
      Money making, dating, weight lose niche will always convert but not for everyone.
      Take action, make some split test, search the market and analyze it. IM business and make money on the net is not so simple as other says just to sell you their product.
      Find what other people need, find solution, offer that solution to them and you will hit the goal.

      Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author rebel79
      Originally Posted by Ken Houck View Post

      Pick a niche. Stay focused. Take action
      That IS the best way to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mogly
    Products that you have used, enjoyed, and can recommend yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    I agree with others - choose a niche/market that you are passion about or at least have some interest in, and that you know something about.

    Do not choose a niche that you know nothing about

    Because then you just make things harder by 1) having to learn that topic itself, and 2) having to learn how to sell online.

    It's easier to focus on something you know this way you can just focus on learning how to sell. You get quicker results that way.

    Also, I highly recommend that you choose any niche other than the "How to make money online" niche.

    Alot of newbies decide they are going to sell how to makey money products either because they think that is the only place where you can make money, or they just get caught up in all the hype.

    But this is a very competitive and very saturated niche, and it would be a hell of a lot easier to start in another niche/market where there isn't so much competition.

    1) Walk around your apartment and look at any books that you own.
    What topics/subjects are they all about?
    2) When you are at the store what magazines do you usually pick up to read?
    What topics/subjects are they about?
    3) When hanging out with friends what subjects/topics do you talk about?
    4) What skills do you have or knowledge do you have that you could possibly
    make money off of?

    Create a list of all those things and choose one of those markets/niches/subjects.
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  • Profile picture of the author bookluver321
    I agree that it is important that the product you market be one that you have tried and loved. It is hard to market something otherwise.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Just Look for Products or Niche on Which you have sufficient knowledge and can tell others about its pros and cons.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author curationsoft
    think of a product that will never make you bored, you are the one who will gonna work on it so it has to be on your interest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    Anything that's NOT in the Make Money Online niche. It's a HORRIBLE way to get started online, the conversion rates are super low and your inexperience will show through in your content.

    Pick a niche you like is good advice, usually.

    Pick a niche you like and people are creating, selling, and most importantly BUYING products is even better advice.

    If you're looking to create a micro niche site, do good keyword research for different products and find keywords that have easy competition. You won't need tons of experience in a niche, or even a passion for it if you're just creating a micro niche site and ranking it for some easy keywords.

    If you're looking to build an authority site, make sure you're passionate about the niche.

    There are lots of methods you could use to promote those products, love em or hate em. Just take a step back and determine what your goals are with your first project and set up a good game plan. It makes a world of a difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
    Hi Chris,

    I can understand and relate to your confusion and frustration. I battled the same thing when I first got into marketing online.

    I've learned that it's best to FIRST figure out what you're interested in. It doesn't necessarily have to be a subject you're passionate about, just something you can tolerate creating consistent content about on a regular basis.

    Then you should go in search of a product within the niche that you're interested and purchase the product. I find it's much easier to sell a product/service when you've tried it yourself first. If you really do like/love the product, your conviction will show through your emails and other marketing messages.

    Some other things you might want to consider is the commission percentage of the product. I usually only promote products that pay 100% commissions (or my own product). If I really like the product I'll promote it even if the commission percentage is lower.

    There's some other things you should consider, but I'm sure the other warriors will chime in and cover all of the other bases.

    Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

    My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Hi Chris, and welcome to the Warrior Forum.

    I think "the best products to try and promote for beginners" do depend on how you're going to promote them, and on your own skills/knowledge/traffic-generating plans. So it isn't an easy question.

    Originally Posted by ChrisMillward View Post

    I am working through clickbank currently (and there are a ton of things to promote!) but i'm not sure where to start.
    This little list of product-selection criteria has proven useful to some people here:

    Originally Posted by ChrisMillward View Post

    If anybody has any suggestions ... ... ... it would be greatly appreciated.
    I offer the observations here, then, in case they help/interest you:
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    First off if your a beginner, then I don't suggest clickbank unless you have a good program to be able to swift through those numbers.

    Why not go to jvzoo and warriorplus and promote wso's. One they are good for the beginner to promote, 2 it is easier to search the product creator cause your here already and three they are usually low enough cost to be more of an impulse buy.
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  • Profile picture of the author katherineolga
    Pick something that you can stand behind in a niche that you will enjoy working in.

    Both of these things are lessons that I had to learn the hard way. I went back and looked through my old domains and I can't believe what I used to think would be a good niche for me to work in.

    So, in other words, the program will depend on what you are looking for.
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