Strategy for personal blog?
In the past I have made an Amazon reviewing blog, after 3 months I just flipped it and got my investment plus some extra money (Like 100$). I wanted to flip it because I felt like my blog is not going anywhere and I thought the faster I get rid of it the less money I loss. Since then I haven't touched anything in the IM world and now I want to come back with a personal blog and put in some ads. I'm close to the age group of high-school and I was thinking that I could pretty much blog about problems and important points of views and from time to time maybe make an affiliate post of some neat Amazon product. I understand that it is not mainstream and not to many people will read my posts, although I hope to get a smaller audience but a loyal one and with time make it bigger and bigger.
What do you all think? Is it a good idea? Can it work? Can I really succeed? (For me success is not money is a loyal audience)
My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month