My Meet-and-Greet with a Billionaire - Need your input

by O0o0O
44 replies
Hi everyone, I will be meeting with Larry Tanenbaum later this month for lunch. Larry is a Canadian billionaire who also owns Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Cornell University in 1968 and has contributed in the areas of philanthropy, business and volunteerism.

I'm coming up with a list of prepared questions I can ask him during the meet-and-greet, and I'd like your input! They could be questions like "What is your definition of success", "How would you motivate your team", "What are some ways to focus better", and so forth.

Please do not ask me the time, location, or how I got the opportunity because that information is private. Please post here by Friday July 19, 2013 with any questions you would like me to ask him and I will be sure to ask them during the lunch. I will do my best to take notes and post his responses. Please message me if you have any questions, and I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
#billionaire #input #meetandgreet
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I probably wouldn't waste such a great opportunity with questions like "What is your definition of success" or "What are some ways to focus better". What he defines as success doesn't mean much to anyone else because everyone has their own idea of success and no one is right or wrong. And focusing is easy to do when you are interested in what you are doing. So I don't think there is a whole lot of groundbreaking stuff to be learnt from those questions.

    If you get to pick a brain like that then I would use it for much more important things. What does he think is the one defining moment in his life when it all turned around? If he had to start again from zero tomorrow, what would be the first thing he did?

    What you will probably find though is that most answers are nothing out of the ordinary. Usually the guys making all the money didn't do anything special or tricky, they just followed a proven plan and wanted it more than everyone else. It's usually down to how much you want something and how hard you are prepared to work.

    It can't hurt having contacts like that though. Be sure to let us all know how it goes.

    Best of luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      I probably wouldn't waste such a great opportunity with questions like "What is your definition of success" or "What are some ways to focus better". What he defines as success doesn't mean much to anyone else because everyone has their own idea of success and no one is right or wrong. And focusing is easy to do when you are interested in what you are doing. So I don't think there is a whole lot of groundbreaking stuff to be learnt from those questions.

      If you get to pick a brain like that then I would use it for much more important things. What does he think is the one defining moment in his life when it all turned around? If he had to start again from zero tomorrow, what would be the first thing he did?

      What you will probably find though is that most answers are nothing out of the ordinary. Usually the guys making all the money didn't do anything special or tricky, they just followed a proven plan and wanted it more than everyone else. It's usually down to how much you want something and how hard you are prepared to work.

      It can't hurt having contacts like that though. Be sure to let us all know how it goes.

      Best of luck!

      Will, thanks for that input. I like those questions you posed because it goes deep into the psychology of why someone does what they do or who someone is. It also leaves room to learn lessons from the mistakes of others.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnapuna
    "Whats the hardest part about starting a business, and how do you overcome it?"

    I was making $0/Month, now i'm making $1K/month, my goal is to make $20K/Month. I want to partner with you on creating the best GPT site ever. Contact me if you are interested

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  • Profile picture of the author onlineworkers
    You can also ask him about
    1. "In his views where the current generation is lagging?" Is it the lack of focus or the present generation has too many options."
    2."What might be the future trends, any insight how he sees this world in coming days"
    3."Whats his mantra of success".
    4."Suggestions to the upcoming entrepreneur's"

    Also please don't forget to share about your experiences with him.

    Thanks and Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    Wow, you will definitely get inspired and learn lots of things from him.

    Please do share with us on the things you learn from him once the interview is over
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    • Profile picture of the author nhynes57
      That is an amazing opportunity you got, I would spend most of the time listening.

      "There is no spoon"

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  • Profile picture of the author d3communications
    Are you going to share the answers with the class later? :-)

    . What books are your reading right now?
    . What's your daily routine? Has it changed from before you "made it" and now?
    . What book or person do you credit as your mentor/inspiration?
    . What is it that has you most excited to get up in the morning right now?
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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      I would probably just ask him to tell me his life story from the beginning and then be quiet & listen for the most part. Ask "tell me more about that" type questions at any point in the story that it feels natural, so long as they don't derail his momentum. Maybe take notes & ask a few questions at the end.
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author Charanjit
    Firstly read his auto bio, if he don't have one research into his success, talk to him about things he wants to talk about, every one loves talking about them self.

    Want to learn more, read read and read more.

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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    1. Since he's into philanthropy, business, and volunteering.. which path would he like to see more people go into and why? Is that something he's currently working on and how does he think he could improve it?

    2. If he could motivate your viewers to do one thing, what would that be?

    3. What does he consider the next step for himself and how does he plan on getting there?
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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    I really like the questions you guys are posting right now, especially the ones about what books are being read and what the daily routine is. I also like the one about the role model. I will make sure to bring a pencil and paper and take lots of notes. Keep the questions coming!
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  • Profile picture of the author cpt
    Ask him about his past failures, what he learned from them, and how those failures made him what he is today.

    Good luck! And congrats on this memorable opportunity.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
    Question 1: Can I have a million dollars?

    Question 2: Do you have any single daughters?

    Question 3: Can I start over?
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  • Profile picture of the author zloveday93
    Ask him what his day consists of? And what daily rituals (good habits for business) he has? How many hours sleep he has? How many hours a day he works?
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  • Profile picture of the author David Maschke
    Ask him if he's able to pronounce your warrior forum username.

    P.S. It's still better than my last name, I've had too many English teachers I'm not allowed to have that many consonants in a row.


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  • Profile picture of the author zloveday93
    Also another one could be - who his mentors are?
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  • Profile picture of the author jamessssbond007
    welcome to this forum site, here you can find lots of

    thing, I suggest you for your question you have to

    contact any other expert right now, I am not able to

    give you answer sorry for that....

    top ten classified website
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  • Profile picture of the author zloveday93
    Thanks for the reply man, yeah I kind of guessed that - to get to that level of success, I don't care what anyone says, you have to work hard...
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  • Profile picture of the author robyne
    I would ask him how things have changed from when he first got started. Why what he did back then wouldnt work today. Does he have an online presence and what rule of thumb is best for todays IM?

    Don't forget to breath, feel the moment and pace yourself. Being with individuals as such can through one out of the zone the minute you step into their arena!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    My girlfriends dad is a billionaire, he loves to talk about business, that's why they're so good at what they do! So just ask. If he's anything similar to the guy I know he'll love talking about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxTheMarketer
    Originally Posted by O0o0O View Post

    Hi everyone, I will be meeting with Larry Tanenbaum later this month for lunch. Larry is a Canadian billionaire who also owns Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Cornell University in 1968 and has contributed in the areas of philanthropy, business and volunteerism.

    I'm coming up with a list of prepared questions I can ask him during the meet-and-greet, and I'd like your input! They could be questions like "What is your definition of success", "How would you motivate your team", "What are some ways to focus better", and so forth.

    Please do not ask me the time, location, or how I got the opportunity because that information is private. Please post here by Friday July 19, 2013 with any questions you would like me to ask him and I will be sure to ask them during the lunch. I will do my best to take notes and post his responses. Please message me if you have any questions, and I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
    Wow! That's a really cool and humble opportunity if you ask me! :-)

    Make sure you also treat him like another human being in the sense that even if he is a billionaire (or famous some other way) he still has his own challenges, fears, frustrations and day to day problems to deal with.

    In other words, although you want to ask many "deep questions" make sure you can also talk to him on a down-to-earth manner (expect if he is totally crazy about business and marketing, then go ahead with your own crazy questions and passion about it).

    A question I would love to ask him if I could would simply be:

    "What has worked for you to get where you are today with your business?"

    This question asks for specific applicable advice although it is probably more complicated than "just one thing to do", and the question is also open-ended in the sense that he can answer with only one thing that "worked" or plenty things or a whole story or whatever he chooses to.

    I'm looking forward to hear what he questions he answered! :-)

    Take Care & Have An Awesome Day, Fellow Warrior! / Max "MaxTheMarketer" K.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    I'd talk to him about the toronto maple leafs, or something else he is interested in. I wouldn't try to pick his brain about blueprints to success..
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  • Profile picture of the author LegacyInc
    I would ask him does he think his life was better before he had money or now that he's a billionaire was it everything he expected?
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  • Profile picture of the author Bit Designs
    Can you ask him if he thinks his success was because he worked smart, hard or both? And if he worked hard, what was his motivation behind that? Just money? Fame? The need to be successful? A passion for his business?

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  • Profile picture of the author bluecoyotemedia
    ask him if he could loan me a million only kidding

    first congratulations on setting this up

    if you ask him intelligent sincere questions this would be a good contact mentor to have in your corner.

    dont ask him anything specific because this will not help you

    but more his internal values and his beliefs. this is the most important questions since it is our beliefs that drives us.. and shape the way we view our world.

    his values and beliefs also guide his decision making process

    if you can replicate his internal values structure and beliefs you will get a glimpse into his world.

    this will not only get you better answers but will also impress him since 99% will be asking him stupid questions as if there were secrets of some sorts

    here is a great scene from the old movie patch adams the guy ask him how many fingers does he see

    Patch Adams (3/10) Movie CLIP - Patch Earns His Nickname (1998) HD - YouTube

    very profound

    good luck


    Skunkworks: noun. informal.

    A clandestine group operating without any external intervention or oversight. Such groups achieve significant breakthroughs rarely discussed in public because they operate "outside the box".

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  • Profile picture of the author goneebo
    1. If he was your age, today in 2013, what would be the industry he would want to get into?

    2. When was there a time in his life where he felt like giving up, what was the situation, what was the path he took, and its result

    3. Recommend his top 3 books.
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    • Profile picture of the author greg80221
      1. what drives you now that you have what most would consider enough?
      2. if you were not doing this what would you be doing/what do you want to do with your time?
      3. who do you look up to?
      4. what is the most frivolous thing you have ever done?
      5. would you talk about a failure that helped you the most?
      6. would you live your life the same way if you could do it over? what would you do different if anything?
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  • Profile picture of the author ShutupAndEarn
    What is your biggest business failure?

    How did you handle it?

    What would you change about how you handled the failure if you could?

    At any point did you ever want to give up? What kept you motivated?
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    What would you say the number one factor is that determined your success? The best part is its something that anyone of us can do, im sure
    Working to achieve higher results...
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    • Profile picture of the author depp12
      Here are a few questions i would ask him :

      What type of upbringing did you have growing up ?

      Did you have a mentor ? did you have anyone that you followed/admired in the world of business while growing up ?

      How did you set up and get funding to start your business ?

      How and when does your morning start ?

      When is your bedtime ?

      What do you do with your weekends ? downtime, hobbies etc

      Do you buy shares or have you ever bought shares ?

      What has been your worst business decision ?

      What has been your best business decision ?

      What piece of advice would you give to someone starting out today in 2013 ?

      Finally, if you lost everything and ended up financially broke how would you start again to gain your wealth and what industry would you start in ?
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Ask him the this question

    "What to do if you are desperate"

    We will then put his answer on Paul Myer's Thread
    His answer will add more value to this very popular and quality thread
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  • Profile picture of the author CSUViking21
    I would ask him "If you could only give me one piece of advice today, what would it be?" that way he will have to think for a minute about the most important thing he would like to say to you lol
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Ask him if he can give us one piece of advice that he wished he'd had when he first got started or how to take the next step from millionaire to billionaire...
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    You won't be able to ask him much of anything since this is just a meet and greet. He'll just say hi, shake your hand, and tell you to follow your dreams. That's your meet and greet.

    If by chance you DO get to talk to him, it will probably be very brief and you'll only get to ask 1 figure out on your own what that 1 question will be.
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    • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
      Originally Posted by TheRealDudeman View Post

      You won't be able to ask him much of anything since this is just a meet and greet. He'll just say hi, shake your hand, and tell you to follow your dreams. That's your meet and greet.

      If by chance you DO get to talk to him, it will probably be very brief and you'll only get to ask 1 figure out on your own what that 1 question will be.
      Good point, however I will be able to ask him several questions. But just to play it safe I will put these questions in order of importance.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      I would like to know,

      "If I were your son, and you knew I was set on being an Internet entrepreneur without financial help from Dad, what counsel would you give me today if I asked for your best ideas about choosing a niche and a business model?"


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    Wow, I am getting some GREAT responses. Here is a list of questions we have so far:

    What is the one defining moment in your life when it all turned around?
    If you had to start again from zero tomorrow, what would be the first thing you did?
    Whats the hardest part about starting a business, and how do you overcome it?
    What is this generation's biggest weakness?
    What future trends do you see in business?
    What is your mantra of success?
    What is your best advice for upcoming entrepreneurs?
    What books are you reading right now?
    What's your daily routine? Has it changed from before you "made it" and now?
    What book or person do you credit as your mentor/inspiration?
    What is it that has you most excited to get up in the morning right now?
    Tell me your life story.
    Which path would you like to see more people go into and why?
    If you could motivate your viewers to do one thing, what would that be?
    What do you consider the next step for yourself and how do you plan on getting there?
    What were your biggest failures and how did you learn from them?
    How things have changed from when you first got started?
    What did you do back then that would or wouldn't work today?
    What is the best advice you can give for today's internet marketer?
    What has worked for you to get where you are today with your business?
    Is being wealthy everything you expected it to be?
    Is your success was because you worked smart, hard or both?
    What is your motivation behind all your hard work?
    If you were in my position right now, what industry would you get into?
    What are the top 3 books you recommend?
    What drives you now that you have what most would consider enough?
    If you were not doing this what would you be doing/what do you want to do with your time?
    Who do you look up to?
    What is the most frivolous thing you have ever done?
    Would you talk about a failure that helped you the most?
    Would you live your life the same way if you could do it over? what would you do different if anything?
    What type of upbringing did you have growing up ?
    Did you have a mentor ? did you have anyone that you followed/admired in the world of business while growing up ?
    How did you set up and get funding to start your business?
    How and when does your morning start?
    When is your bedtime?
    What do you do with your weekends? downtime, hobbies etc
    Do you buy shares or have you ever bought shares?
    What has been your worst business decision?
    What has been your best business decision?
    What piece of advice would you give to someone starting out today in 2013?
    If you lost everything and ended up financially broke how would you start again to gain your wealth and what industry would you start in?
    What would you do if you are totally broke and desperate for money?
    What niche and business model would you suggest for an up and coming Internet entrepreneur?

    Are there any more you can think of? I will be condensing this down a little later on.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Maschke
    I have one...

    How important is it to consider logistics in strategic, big picture decisions?

    A very off the wall question, I know. It may even put him off balance for a second.

    My question stems from the saying, "Amateurs talk tactics, but professionals study logistics."


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