Adsense or Affiliate Programs?

by 6 replies
I have been struggling for awhile trying to make some kind of profit with my blog. I am developing a domain through blogging using the ireporter tool. My question to the forum is what is the Secret? it traffic,is it the niche I'm in,blog setup,keywords,content,adsense,affiliate programs. I would appreciate it if you guys and gals would take a look at my blog and give me some positive feedback. I look forward to hearing from you...Thanks
#main internet marketing discussion forum #adsense #affiliate #blogs #programs
  • Three words: Focus, Focus and Focus.

    What's a credit repair ad doing on a pet supply site?

    The pet niche is very competitive. The pet supply niche only slightly less so. Drill deeper and find the niche within the niche within the niche...where the competition is light.

    Maybe specialise in a specific breed like the Bichon Frise or some such. Nearly every article on your blog could be re-written using a particular breed as the primary part of a long-tail keyword.

    Perhaps you could specialise on a particular category of pet supplies...especially if it has a good affiliate program

    If you're going to concentrate on one site in one sub-sub-sub niche, Adsense is probably a poor choice. To make money with Adsense generally requires many, many sites. Stick with affiliate products if you can'ty produce a product of your own.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for your response, the credit banner is from ireporter. I could pay them $20 bucks more a month for that ad spot, but I'm not even making that. Thank you again I will start digging deeper.
      • [1] reply
  • Yaro Starak is a professional blogger and just released
    his course on blogging for big bucks.

    You can hear an interview with Yaro that Willie Crawford
    did a week or so ago at Willie's BlogTalkRadio page:

    Listen to the interview for free here

    If you want to learn to make money from blogging, this is it!

  • Banned
    Since I am not good in selling products I prefer adsense. It depends on your choice and specialty... As long as you have traffic, both are possible..
  • You want to base your blog around one niche and have several things related to your niche on there. At least 3 income streams works best for me.

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    I have been struggling for awhile trying to make some kind of profit with my blog. I am developing a domain through blogging using the ireporter tool. My question to the forum is what is the Secret? it traffic,is it the niche I'm in,blog setup,keywords,content,adsense,affiliate programs. I would appreciate it if you guys and gals would take a look at my blog and give me some positive feedback. I look forward to hearing from you...Thanks